Weaknesses and Strengths Interview Questions And Answers
Sharpen your Strengths and Weaknesses interview expertise with our handpicked 41 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Strengths and Weaknesses. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Secure the free PDF to access all 41 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Strengths and Weaknesses interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.
41 Strengths and Weaknesses Questions and Answers:
Strengths and Weaknesses Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Please define strength?
Strength can be defined in many ways, few are given below:
☛ The state or quality of being strong, physical power or capacity.
☛ The capacity to resist attack, impregnability.
☛ The capacity to resist strain or stress, durability.
☛ The ability to deal with difficult situations or to maintain a moral or intellectual position.
☛ The number of people constituting a normal or ideal organization.
☛ Capability in terms of numbers or resources.
☛ An attribute or quality of particular worth or utility, an asset.
☛ One that is regarded as the embodiment of protective or supportive power, a support or mainstay
Read More☛ The state or quality of being strong, physical power or capacity.
☛ The capacity to resist attack, impregnability.
☛ The capacity to resist strain or stress, durability.
☛ The ability to deal with difficult situations or to maintain a moral or intellectual position.
☛ The number of people constituting a normal or ideal organization.
☛ Capability in terms of numbers or resources.
☛ An attribute or quality of particular worth or utility, an asset.
☛ One that is regarded as the embodiment of protective or supportive power, a support or mainstay
2 :: What are difference kinds of strengths?
Here are a few kinds of strengths:
☛ Character strengths
☛ Talents strengths
☛ Skills strengths
☛ Interests strengths
☛ Values strengths
☛ Learning styles strengths
☛ Resources strengths
Read More☛ Character strengths
☛ Talents strengths
☛ Skills strengths
☛ Interests strengths
☛ Values strengths
☛ Learning styles strengths
☛ Resources strengths
3 :: Tell me what are character strengths?
Character strengths are capacities for thinking, feeling, willing and behaving. They reflect what is best in you and can be viewed as part of your positive identity. The strengths (e.g., fairness, hope, kindness, leadership) in the classification are the best examples of this type of strength.
Read More4 :: Tell me about talents strengths?
Talents are strengths that are innate abilities, which typically have a strong biological loading and may or may not be well-developed (e.g., intelligence, musical ability, athletic ability).
Read More5 :: What are skills strengths?
Skills are strengths that are specific proficiency's developed through training (e.g. learning a particular trade, computing skills, researching skills).
Read More6 :: What are interests strengths?
Interests are strengths that are areas or topics you are passionate about and driven to pursue, such as playing sports, engaging in particular hobbies and working with arts or crafts.
Read More7 :: Can you tell me about resources strengths?
Resources strengths are the one type of strength that is external. These are your external supports, such as social and spiritual connections, living in a safe neighborhood and being part of a good family.
Read More8 :: Tell me what is a physical strength?
Physical strength is the ability of an animal or human to exert force on physical objects using muscles. Increasing physical strength is the goal of strength training.
Read More9 :: What is absolute strength?
Absolute strength is the maximum force your musculature can exert for a particular action, whether it is a press, a squat or a pull.
Usually this type of strength is measured in terms of total weight lifted. The sport of power lifting is a good example of athletes training for absolute strength. For them, everything is geared towards improving the squat, bench press and dead lift.
Read MoreUsually this type of strength is measured in terms of total weight lifted. The sport of power lifting is a good example of athletes training for absolute strength. For them, everything is geared towards improving the squat, bench press and dead lift.
10 :: Tell me what is a relative strength?
Relative strength concerns your maximum effort in relation to your body weight.
A 225-pound person that can push 250 pounds overhead is weaker in this respect than a 175-pound person who can push 210 pounds overhead, even though lifting 40 pounds more. This is often called "pound for pound" strength.
Because it is connected with your body weight, this classification favors people that are of lower body weight. Olympic weightlifting is an example here because the weight of the competitors is considered in tiebreakers. If two lifters end up lifting the same amount of weight, the winner is the one who weighs less.
Read MoreA 225-pound person that can push 250 pounds overhead is weaker in this respect than a 175-pound person who can push 210 pounds overhead, even though lifting 40 pounds more. This is often called "pound for pound" strength.
Because it is connected with your body weight, this classification favors people that are of lower body weight. Olympic weightlifting is an example here because the weight of the competitors is considered in tiebreakers. If two lifters end up lifting the same amount of weight, the winner is the one who weighs less.
11 :: Tell me about strength endurance?
Strength endurance is the ability to perform a near maximal level of strength repeatedly over a period of time.
Strength endurance is the specific form of strength displayed in activities which require a relatively long duration of muscle tension with minimal decrease in efficiency.
Exercises such as hill running or pushing/pulling a sled will work this kind of strength. The movements are difficult and require a significant amount of strength that need to be sustained over time to get the work done. Another good example in the body weight world is the gymnast performing ring strength skills one right after another in a routine.
Read MoreStrength endurance is the specific form of strength displayed in activities which require a relatively long duration of muscle tension with minimal decrease in efficiency.
Exercises such as hill running or pushing/pulling a sled will work this kind of strength. The movements are difficult and require a significant amount of strength that need to be sustained over time to get the work done. Another good example in the body weight world is the gymnast performing ring strength skills one right after another in a routine.
12 :: What are the rules for developing physical strengths?
The most efficient ways to improve strength follow certain rules:
☛ The intensity level must be sufficient
☛ Your practice must be regular
☛ There must be progressive overload
Read More☛ The intensity level must be sufficient
☛ Your practice must be regular
☛ There must be progressive overload
13 :: Why must your intensity level be sufficient for improving your physical strengths?
The first rule is that you have to hit a certain threshold of exertion. It is not enough to just move your body around for 30 minutes, rather your activity has to reach a certain level of difficulty.
Simply walking is not going to build strength unless you have been bedridden for several weeks. You have to do more than what you usually do in your daily life.
Read MoreSimply walking is not going to build strength unless you have been bedridden for several weeks. You have to do more than what you usually do in your daily life.
14 :: How can your practice be regular for improving your physical strengths?
Next you will need to be consistent so that your body adapts and increases strength in response to the stimulation.
You could workout at a sufficient intensity but that will not do you any good if those sessions are a few weeks apart.
Read MoreYou could workout at a sufficient intensity but that will not do you any good if those sessions are a few weeks apart.
15 :: Why must there be progressive overload for improving your physical strength?
Finally, as you keep training regularly, you will adapt and get stronger, so your workouts have to get progressively more difficult. That ample amount of resistance when you first started will soon become too easy and will no longer be enough to induce any improvements in strength.
If you want to keep getting stronger, then your workouts will never get easier.
There are hundreds of ways to make different programs with as many different philosophies of training but they all have to obey the above three rules if you want to build strength.
Read MoreIf you want to keep getting stronger, then your workouts will never get easier.
There are hundreds of ways to make different programs with as many different philosophies of training but they all have to obey the above three rules if you want to build strength.
16 :: How would you start building strength if you are a beginner?
In most weight training programs, beginners can progressively add weight to an exercise at nearly every session.
There is quick progress in the beginning of any weight lifting program due to simply getting used to the new movements. This neurological gain in strength is best described as learning the skill of the movement pattern and getting better at it, whether it is pushing a barbell overhead or swinging a kettle bell.
Read MoreThere is quick progress in the beginning of any weight lifting program due to simply getting used to the new movements. This neurological gain in strength is best described as learning the skill of the movement pattern and getting better at it, whether it is pushing a barbell overhead or swinging a kettle bell.
17 :: What are the basics which will help you get started for your physical strengths?
These four basic exercises can take you from scratch to a very good level of strength without needing to touch any kind of weight.
☛ For push-ups, you can do them on your knees and if that is too difficult you can push off of a table, counter top or even the wall in front of you, then work your way down to the floor as you get stronger.
☛ For pull-ups, you can use bands or a tall box to take some weight off of your arms.
☛ In the hollow body hold, you would bend your knees and bring your arms to your sides and, if necessary, even add a cushion behind your upper back for support.
☛ For squats, you can hold on to support and use your hands to help you up.
Read More☛ For push-ups, you can do them on your knees and if that is too difficult you can push off of a table, counter top or even the wall in front of you, then work your way down to the floor as you get stronger.
☛ For pull-ups, you can use bands or a tall box to take some weight off of your arms.
☛ In the hollow body hold, you would bend your knees and bring your arms to your sides and, if necessary, even add a cushion behind your upper back for support.
☛ For squats, you can hold on to support and use your hands to help you up.
18 :: Please give an overview of strength training?
Strength training works your muscles with some form of weight or resistance. Some common examples include lifting free weights or using weight machines at a gym. But you can also use your own body weight by doing push ups and chin-ups. Or you can challenge your muscles by pulling on stretchy resistance bands. These can be anchored under your foot, to a door handle or around a bedpost, for instance.
Whatever exercise you use, there are four key techniques or types to help you build key aspects of strength. The key difference between the techniques is the number of times (repetitions) you perform each exercise. The number of times you complete a group of repetitions, known as a set, also has a bearing on your training outcomes.
Read MoreWhatever exercise you use, there are four key techniques or types to help you build key aspects of strength. The key difference between the techniques is the number of times (repetitions) you perform each exercise. The number of times you complete a group of repetitions, known as a set, also has a bearing on your training outcomes.
19 :: What is a power strength?
Power considers how quickly you can use your strength. From a technical, physics standpoint, power is the rate of doing work. Hurling a heavy ball a short distance is not as powerful as throwing a lighter ball twice as far. And lifting the same barbell weight but taking longer to do it indicates less power.
But we do not need to be this technical to think of power in our daily lives. In our style of training, increased power is usually measured by how fast we can move our body around. For instance, we can can see how powerful we are by how high or far we can jump. Another example comes from fighting sports, where power is measured by how hard you can punch and kick.
Read MoreBut we do not need to be this technical to think of power in our daily lives. In our style of training, increased power is usually measured by how fast we can move our body around. For instance, we can can see how powerful we are by how high or far we can jump. Another example comes from fighting sports, where power is measured by how hard you can punch and kick.
20 :: Tell me about the training for muscle power?
This technique aims to improve a muscle's explosive power, meaning its ability to perform a powerful movement in minimal time. Examples include launching into a fast sprint or jumping. Training for muscle power is generally used to help people improve their sporting performance. It involves doing one to six repetitions of each exercise at maximum speed. Depending on training goals, a power program can consist of one to three or three to six sets. For high-intensity exercises, a rest period of at least two to three minutes per set is recommended.
Read More21 :: Do you know about training for muscle strength?
All types of weight training will improve your strength. But this technique aims to improve absolute strength meaning the ability to lift or push heavy weights. It involves one to six repetitions of each exercise performed relatively slowly. This can be done for three to six sets with a rest interval of 1-2 or 2-3 minutes, depending on the amount of weight being lifted.
Read More22 :: Tell me about training for muscle hypertrophy?
This type of training aims to increase the amount of lean muscle in the body. It's especially useful for weight loss. It can also help with achieving a lean, toned look. For older adults, it can help counteract or reverse the age-related muscle loss that can lead to frailty. For novice and intermediate training, it involves doing 8 to 12 repetitions relatively slowly, generally for one to three sets per exercise. Rest periods of 1-2 or 2-3 minutes are advisable between sets, depending on the load.
Read More23 :: What is the training for muscular endurance?
This kind of training helps muscles to be able to keep performing a movement for a prolonged period of time such as in rowing. Training for muscular endurance involves doing 20 repetitions or more at a controlled speed, generally for one to three sets. It is recommended that short rest periods be used for muscular endurance training, 1-2 minutes between sets of 20 repetitions and even less than a minute if you are doing a more moderate number of repetitions.
Read More24 :: Please define weakness?
Few definitions of weakness are given below:
☛ The quality or state of being weak, also an instance or period of being weak backed down in a moment of weakness.
☛ Fault or defect.
☛ A special desire or fondness has a weakness for sweets.
☛ An object of special desire or fondness.
Read More☛ The quality or state of being weak, also an instance or period of being weak backed down in a moment of weakness.
☛ Fault or defect.
☛ A special desire or fondness has a weakness for sweets.
☛ An object of special desire or fondness.
25 :: List some ways to identify your weaknesses in an interview?
Here are some ways to identify your weaknesses:
☛ Throw away the weaknesses that are really just strengths in disguise.
☛ Instead, identify a real weakness.
☛ Acknowledge the bad parts of your weakness and how they could affect your performance.
☛ Show the interviewer how you strive to overcome your weakness.
☛ Talk about your strengths confidently, without being cocky.
☛ Provide examples when talking about a strength.
Read More☛ Throw away the weaknesses that are really just strengths in disguise.
☛ Instead, identify a real weakness.
☛ Acknowledge the bad parts of your weakness and how they could affect your performance.
☛ Show the interviewer how you strive to overcome your weakness.
☛ Talk about your strengths confidently, without being cocky.
☛ Provide examples when talking about a strength.