Initiative Interview Questions And Answers
Prepare comprehensively for your Initiative interview with our extensive list of 33 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Initiative expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Get the free PDF download to access all 33 questions and excel in your Initiative interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
33 Initiative Questions and Answers:
Initiative Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Tell me about a time you succeed in overcoming a major obstacle. How did it make you feel?
Candidate should show a strong sense of commitment and the tenacity to overcome obstacles. They should also have the ability to formulate imaginative steps to solve problems. Candidate should also learn and get inspired by personal success.
Read More2 :: Tell me about initiatives you have taken to improve procedures at work? Were you successful? Would you do anything different now?
Answer should show consistency in initiating positive actions. Job seeker should be able to contribute innovative thoughts and actions to improve different aspects of the company.
Read More3 :: Tell me about a time that you undertook a course of study, on your own initiative, in order to improve your work performance?
Answer should show that the applicant wants to keep updated on latest developments and has a strong belief in life-long learning.
Read More4 :: Tell me about a time when you found a better way of doing something, which proved to be an improvement on the existing system?
Job seeker should find ways of improving systems at work; be able to recognize areas that need improvements. They should also have the management skills and philosophy to improve performance.
Read More5 :: Has your supervisor ever come to you and pointed out that you had not met some of your tasks at work? How frequently does it happen?
Job seeker should show a strong sense of responsibility, that they can take actions and initiatives, and that they can act upon them without having to be told.
Read More6 :: Tell me what do you do in your spare time?
Interviewers ask this question to see if your activities and hobbies might help the company and to get an idea of what kind of person you are outside your work life. Describe any volunteer work you do and any hobbies or interests that might relate to the job in some way. Stick to active hobbies, such as playing sports, carpentry,gardening, etc. Avoid mentioning inactive and non-creative activities such as watching television.
Read More7 :: What you think of working in a group?
► The advantages of working in a group. Explain how the various individuals in a group complement one another in carrying out certain tasks.
► Give specific examples of your personal experience in a group.
Read More► Give specific examples of your personal experience in a group.
8 :: Tell me are you bondable?
This question indicates that the job involves working with money or valuable merchandise. Very likely the employer's insurance company requires that only bondable people be hired as a condition of their insurance policy.As long as you do not have a criminal record, and you have not previously been denied a bond, you should answer "yes" to this question.
Caution: If you answer yes when you are not legally bondable it is very likely that the employer will discover this.
Read MoreCaution: If you answer yes when you are not legally bondable it is very likely that the employer will discover this.
9 :: Do you think that this job would bore you?
Stress that no job is ever boring because you always learn new skills.
Read More10 :: What are your long-term career plans or goals?
► I hope to become very good at my job and perhaps take some schooling to become more skilled in my field of work.
► I intend to learn (name of area or skills) very well so that I can be promoted to a higher position in (name skill or department).
Read More► I intend to learn (name of area or skills) very well so that I can be promoted to a higher position in (name skill or department).
11 :: Which five words would be describe you?
These should be your transferable skills such as:
► Reliable,
► Punctual,
► Organized,
► Friendly,
► Honest,
► Cooperative,
► Outgoing,
► Easy to get along with,
► Hardworking,
► Energetic,
► Take pride in my work,
► Responsible,
► Respected,
► Dedicated.
Read More► Reliable,
► Punctual,
► Organized,
► Friendly,
► Honest,
► Cooperative,
► Outgoing,
► Easy to get along with,
► Hardworking,
► Energetic,
► Take pride in my work,
► Responsible,
► Respected,
► Dedicated.
12 :: What things you do outside of work?
► Travelling.
► Foreign languages.
► Football.
► Winning any competitions i.e. chess, karate.
► Running marathons.
► A member of any societies or charities.
Read More► Foreign languages.
► Football.
► Winning any competitions i.e. chess, karate.
► Running marathons.
► A member of any societies or charities.
13 :: Which type of salary are you looking for?
Do not get into this subject unless you are forced to. Even then you want to leave an impression that you are flexible in this area.
Read More14 :: How you react to instruction and criticism?
I appreciate getting instruction and criticism when it is done fairly and constructively.
Read More15 :: Which skills does this job require?
Use your fingers and count off the skills-1...2...3...
Read More16 :: Be relax and tell me a little about yourself?
Talk about your experience, qualifications, and accomplishments-Not your childhood, family and friends.
Read More17 :: Which qualifications do you have?
Using your fingers, name a skill then list your qualifications. Move to the next skill.
Read More18 :: Why you want to work for this post?
Talk about the interesting details of the job and why they fascinate you.
Read More19 :: How did you hear about us?
Friend, relative, newspaper story, advertisements-anything to show that they are not a random choice.
Read More20 :: Tell me about Company?
Call the Chamber of Commerce or Economic Development. Get the information on the company size, its key products or services, the markets where it competes and its overall reputation.
Read More22 :: How many companies have you approached?
Several for back-up, but this is where I really want to work, this is where my hopes are.
Read More24 :: What was your greatest accomplishment?
A personal touch works well here, such as your marriage, birth of child, or helping someone in need.
Read More25 :: What was your greatest failure?
Fessing up to failure shows maturity. Avoid examples that might reflect on your ability to do the job.
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