Problem Solving Skills Interview Questions And Answers
Enhance your Problem Solving Skills interview preparation with our set of 45 carefully chosen questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Problem Solving Skills expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Secure the free PDF to access all 45 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Problem Solving Skills interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.
45 Problem Solving Skills Questions and Answers:
Problem Solving Skills Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Tell me what is a problem?
The concise defines a problem as:
☛ A doubtful or difficult matter requiring a solution.
☛ Something hard to understand or accomplish or deal with.
Read More☛ A doubtful or difficult matter requiring a solution.
☛ Something hard to understand or accomplish or deal with.
2 :: What are the common features of all the problems?
All problems have two features in common:
☛ Goals
☛ Barriers
Read More☛ Goals
☛ Barriers
3 :: What do you mean by goals in problems?
Problems involve setting out to achieve some objective or desired state of affairs and can include avoiding a situation or event.
Goals can be anything that you wish to achieve, where you want to be. If you are hungry then your goal is probably to eat something, if you are a head of an organisation then your main goal may be to maximize profits. In the example of the CEO the main goal may need to be split into numerous sub-goals in order to fulfill the ultimate goal of increasing profits.
Read MoreGoals can be anything that you wish to achieve, where you want to be. If you are hungry then your goal is probably to eat something, if you are a head of an organisation then your main goal may be to maximize profits. In the example of the CEO the main goal may need to be split into numerous sub-goals in order to fulfill the ultimate goal of increasing profits.
4 :: What do you mean by barriers in all the problems?
If there were no barriers in the way of achieving a goal, then there would be no problem. Problem solving involves overcoming the barriers or obstacles that prevent the immediate achievement of goals.
Following our examples above, if you feel hungry then your goal is to eat. A barrier to this may be that you have no food available, you take a trip to the supermarket and buy some food, removing the barrier and thus solving the problem. Of course for the CEO wanting to increase profits there may be many more barriers preventing the goal from being reached. The CEO needs to attempt to recognize these barriers and remove them or find other ways to achieve the goals of the organisation.
Read MoreFollowing our examples above, if you feel hungry then your goal is to eat. A barrier to this may be that you have no food available, you take a trip to the supermarket and buy some food, removing the barrier and thus solving the problem. Of course for the CEO wanting to increase profits there may be many more barriers preventing the goal from being reached. The CEO needs to attempt to recognize these barriers and remove them or find other ways to achieve the goals of the organisation.
5 :: Tell me what is a problem solving?
Problem solving consists of using generic methods, in an orderly manner, for finding solutions to problems. Some of the problem-solving techniques developed and used in artificial intelligence, computer science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, etc are related to mental problem-solving techniques studied in psychology.
Read More6 :: How does a problem solving skills help you?
Having good strong problem solving skills can make a huge difference to your career. Problems are at the center of what many people do at work every day. Whether you are solving a problem for a client (internal or external), supporting those who are solving problems or discovering new problems to solve, the problems you face can be large or small, simple or complex and easy or difficult.
Read More7 :: Why is it important to be a problem solver?
A fundamental part of every manager's role is finding ways to solve problems. So, being a confident problem solver is really important to your success. Much of that confidence comes from having a good process to use when approaching a problem. With one, you can solve problems quickly and effectively. Without one, your solutions may be ineffective or you will get stuck and do nothing, with sometimes painful consequences.
Read More8 :: What does looking at the problems in terms of goals and barriers help with?
Looking at the problem in terms of goals and barriers can offer an effective way of defining many problems and splitting bigger problems into more manageable sub-problems.
Read More9 :: What is important in defining the problems?
At this stage, it is also important to ensure that you look at the issue from a variety of perspectives. If you commit yourself too early, you can end up with a problem statement that is really a solution instead.
Read More10 :: Give example of defining the problem?
Consider this problem statement:
We have to find a way of disciplining of people who do substandard work. This does not allow you the opportunity of discovering the real reasons for under-performance.
Read MoreConsider this problem statement:
We have to find a way of disciplining of people who do substandard work. This does not allow you the opportunity of discovering the real reasons for under-performance.
11 :: What are the stages of problem solving?
Effective problem solving usually involves working through a number of stages, such as those outlined below:
☛ Problem identification
☛ Structuring the problem
☛ Looking for possible solutions
☛ Making a decision
Read More☛ Problem identification
☛ Structuring the problem
☛ Looking for possible solutions
☛ Making a decision
12 :: What do you know about defining the problems?
The key to a good problem definition is ensuring that you deal with the real problem is not its symptoms. For example, if performance in your department is substandard, you might think the problem is with the individuals submitting work. However, if you look a bit deeper, the real issue might be a lack of training or an unreasonable workload.
Read More13 :: Described problems complexity?
When your problem is simple, the solution is usually obvious and you do not need to follow the four steps we outlined earlier. So it follows that when you are taking this more formal approach, your problem is likely to be complex and difficult to understand because there is a web of interrelated issues.
Read More14 :: Tell me what is structuring a problem?
This stage involves a period of observation, careful inspection, fact-finding and developing a clear picture of the problem.
Following on from problem identification, structuring the problem is all about gaining more information about the problem and increasing understanding. This phase is all about fact finding and analysis, building a more comprehensive picture of both the goals and the barriers. This stage may not be necessary for very simple problems but is essential for problems of a more complex nature.
Read MoreFollowing on from problem identification, structuring the problem is all about gaining more information about the problem and increasing understanding. This phase is all about fact finding and analysis, building a more comprehensive picture of both the goals and the barriers. This stage may not be necessary for very simple problems but is essential for problems of a more complex nature.
15 :: Tell me about problem identifications?
This stage involves in detecting and recognizing that there is a problem, identifying the nature of the problem, defining the problem.
The first phase of problem solving may sound obvious but often requires more thought and analysis. Identifying a problem can be a difficult task in itself, is there a problem at all? What is the nature of the problem, are there in fact numerous problems? How can the problem be best defined? this should be by spending some time defining the problem you will not only understand it more clearly yourself but be able to communicate its nature to others, this leads to the second phase.
Read MoreThe first phase of problem solving may sound obvious but often requires more thought and analysis. Identifying a problem can be a difficult task in itself, is there a problem at all? What is the nature of the problem, are there in fact numerous problems? How can the problem be best defined? this should be by spending some time defining the problem you will not only understand it more clearly yourself but be able to communicate its nature to others, this leads to the second phase.
16 :: What is problem solving implementation?
This stage involves accepting and carrying out the chosen course of action.
Implementation means acting on the chosen solution. During implementation more problems may arise especially if identification or structuring of the original problem was not carried out fully.
Read MoreImplementation means acting on the chosen solution. During implementation more problems may arise especially if identification or structuring of the original problem was not carried out fully.
17 :: Tell me what is monitoring or seeking feedback in problem solving?
The last stage is about reviewing the outcomes of problem solving over a period of time, including seeking feedback as to the success of the outcomes of the chosen solution.
The final stage of problem solving is concerned with checking that the process was successful. This can be achieved by monitoring and gaining feedback from people affected by any changes that occurred. It is good practice to keep a record of outcomes and any additional problems that occurred.
Read MoreThe final stage of problem solving is concerned with checking that the process was successful. This can be achieved by monitoring and gaining feedback from people affected by any changes that occurred. It is good practice to keep a record of outcomes and any additional problems that occurred.
18 :: What do you need to be able to do in problem solving skills?
You need to be able to:
☛ Problems can also be opportunities: they allow you to see things differently and to do things in a different way: perhaps to make a fresh start.
☛ Evaluate information or situations.
☛ Break them down into their key components.
☛ Consider various ways of approaching and resolving them.
☛ Decide on the most appropriate of these ways.
Read More☛ Problems can also be opportunities: they allow you to see things differently and to do things in a different way: perhaps to make a fresh start.
☛ Evaluate information or situations.
☛ Break them down into their key components.
☛ Consider various ways of approaching and resolving them.
☛ Decide on the most appropriate of these ways.
19 :: What skills are the key to problem solving?
Solving these problems involves both analytical and creative skills. Which particular skills are needed will vary, depending on the problem and your role in the organisation but the following skills are key to problem solving:
☛ Analytical Ability
☛ Lateral Thinking
☛ Initiative
☛ Logical Reasoning
☛ Persistence
Read More☛ Analytical Ability
☛ Lateral Thinking
☛ Initiative
☛ Logical Reasoning
☛ Persistence
20 :: What is literal thinking skill as a key to problem solving?
Lateral thinking, is the ability to think creatively or outside the box as it is sometimes referred to in business, to use your inspiration and imagination to solve problems by looking at them from unexpected perspectives. Lateral thinking involves discarding the obvious, leaving behind traditional modes of thought and throwing away preconceptions.
Read More21 :: How is a literal thinking skill is important in problem solving?
It is very important in careers such as advertising, marketing, the media and art and design where you may get questions in the selection process along the lines of write down one hundred ways to use a brick/paperclip, but it can also be of value in the job hunting process itself.
Read More22 :: Tell me about the initiative roles in problem solving?
Use initiative to act on opportunities. Become a leader before other people view you as one. Healthy organisations reward those who take the lead, not just those with formal management roles:
☛ Take responsibility for own objectives, set priorities.
☛ Display a can do attitude even in demanding situations. Try to solve problems, rather than to pass them on to other people.
☛ Go the extra mile when asked to do tasks. Go beyond your job description. Do work that gets you noticed.
☛ Show enthusiasm: this will be noticed and you will eventually be rewarded.
☛ Take ownership of problems: anticipate potential problems, take emotive action and act quickly to resolve problems.
☛ Introduce improvements to the way things are done.
☛ Develop innovative practices. Value innovative thinking.
☛ Learn new skills that will enhance capability.
Read More☛ Take responsibility for own objectives, set priorities.
☛ Display a can do attitude even in demanding situations. Try to solve problems, rather than to pass them on to other people.
☛ Go the extra mile when asked to do tasks. Go beyond your job description. Do work that gets you noticed.
☛ Show enthusiasm: this will be noticed and you will eventually be rewarded.
☛ Take ownership of problems: anticipate potential problems, take emotive action and act quickly to resolve problems.
☛ Introduce improvements to the way things are done.
☛ Develop innovative practices. Value innovative thinking.
☛ Learn new skills that will enhance capability.
23 :: How do analytical and critical thinking skills help you in problem solving?
Analytical and critical thinking skills help you to evaluate the problem. A logical and methodical approach is best in some circumstances.
You will need to be able to draw on your academic or subject knowledge to identify solutions of a practical or technical nature.
Read MoreExample:
You will need to be able to draw on your academic or subject knowledge to identify solutions of a practical or technical nature.
24 :: List some of the problems that are typically faced by students?
Some of the problems that are typically faced by students include:
☛ Putting together an argument for an essay.
☛ Debugging a computer program.
☛ Dealing with an awkward customer when working part-time in a shop or restaurant.
☛ Thinking about how you are going to manage your budget to keep you going until the end of term.
☛ Working out why your printer will not respond.
☛ Developing a strategy to reach the next level of a computer game.
Read More☛ Putting together an argument for an essay.
☛ Debugging a computer program.
☛ Dealing with an awkward customer when working part-time in a shop or restaurant.
☛ Thinking about how you are going to manage your budget to keep you going until the end of term.
☛ Working out why your printer will not respond.
☛ Developing a strategy to reach the next level of a computer game.
25 :: List a few ways for problem solving?
There are several ways to solving a problem:
Evaluating the problem
Managing the problem
Resolving the problem
Examining the results
Read MoreEvaluating the problem
Managing the problem
Resolving the problem
Examining the results