Follow Up Interview Questions And Answers
Sharpen your Follow Up interview expertise with our handpicked 23 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Follow Up interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Download the free PDF to have all 23 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.
23 Follow Up Questions and Answers:
Follow Up Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What is follow Up after a job Interview?
Following-up after a job interview is an important, yet often overlooked, part of the job search process. It allows you to thank the interviewer for his or her time while also reiterating your interest in the job and your potential to positively contribute to the company. However, following-up can be a delicate process and going about it the wrong way can actually hurt your chances. This article will address the most appropriate way to follow-up after a job interview to help you stand out from the other job applicants.
Read More2 :: What I should do at the end of the Interview?
Ask for a timeline.
If the interviewer does not offer a timeline for their decision-making process, you are perfectly entitled to ask for one. Find out when they expect to let candidates know their decision, who in the company will be contacting the candidates (interviewer, HR manager), and through what means - email, phone call or letter.
Read MoreIf the interviewer does not offer a timeline for their decision-making process, you are perfectly entitled to ask for one. Find out when they expect to let candidates know their decision, who in the company will be contacting the candidates (interviewer, HR manager), and through what means - email, phone call or letter.
3 :: How is it useful to ask for a timeline?
This is extremely useful, as it will give you some indication of how long you are expected to wait for a decision and of when it will be appropriate to follow up with the correct person.
Read More4 :: Can I ask demand for interviewer's business card?
Yes. This will give you the person's correct contact information, including name, title, mailing address and email address, which will save you time when you are sending your thank you note and letter.
Read More5 :: What I should do directly after the Interview?
Send a thank you note by email.
You should do this as soon after the interview as possible, from your smart phone on the way out of the building, as soon as you get home, or at least the same evening as the interview. This shows the interviewer that you are both enthusiastic and organized and ensures that they will not forget you as a candidate.
Read MoreYou should do this as soon after the interview as possible, from your smart phone on the way out of the building, as soon as you get home, or at least the same evening as the interview. This shows the interviewer that you are both enthusiastic and organized and ensures that they will not forget you as a candidate.
6 :: What should I include on the thank you email letter?
Include your full name, phone number, mailing address and email address on the note. Also, make sure this email doesn't go to a spam folder by writing Job interview follow up for (your name) in the subject line.
Read More7 :: What is the mean if one's leave it too long before writing thank you note?
If you leave it too long before writing your thank you note, you risk looking uninterested in the job while also giving another candidate the opportunity to get there before you.
Read More8 :: Whom I should remember to send a thank you note also?
If there was a particular person who helped you to set up the job interview, you should remember to send them a note also.
Read More9 :: Am I should writing a thank you note by hand or by an email?
Some people advise writing a thank you note by hand. While some interviewers will appreciate this, it is somewhat outdated and other interviewers may regard it as being unprofessional. As a result, an email or typed note is your safest option in this scenario.
Read More10 :: When I should make notes about the interview?
Make notes about the interview while it is still fresh in your mind. These notes will be useful during a second interview to help you recall topics of conversation and any qualifications or personality traits that your interviewer emphasized as being important for this position.
Read More11 :: Why I should make notes about the interview while it is still fresh in his mind?
They will help you to tailor your responses should you be called to a second interview, or may give you some indication of where you went wrong if you are not.
The notes will also help you to refer to more specific points in your follow-up thank you letter and give an indication that you really took on board everything that the interviewer said.
Read MoreThe notes will also help you to refer to more specific points in your follow-up thank you letter and give an indication that you really took on board everything that the interviewer said.
12 :: Can I ask the interviewer to connect on LinkedIn?
Asking your interviewer to connect on LinkedIn is a completely appropriate move, if executed correctly. You don't want it to look like your motives are purely selfish or that you're over-confident about getting the job. Instead, send a simple message which states exactly who you are and refers to some topic or point that was raised during the interview, before asking if they would like to connect.
Read More13 :: What I should do on Linkedin before applying for a paticular job?
If you are applying for a job in the fashion industry, for example, and the topic of Paris Fashion Week came up during the interview, mention an interesting article about a particular designer or fashion trend that you found online and ask if you can share it with them.
Read More14 :: What I should do on Linkedin before applying for a casual job?
If you had a casual conversation with the interviewer before or after the interview and something came up about a particular restaurant or upcoming music event, request to share a link providing additional details.
The bottom line is that you need to request to connect on LinkedIn by making it interesting or worthwhile for them - it shouldn't look like a purely self-serving move.
Read MoreThe bottom line is that you need to request to connect on LinkedIn by making it interesting or worthwhile for them - it shouldn't look like a purely self-serving move.
15 :: What I should do after Several Days of the Interview?
Mail a more formal thank you letter.
This can also be done via email, or through a typed letter, depending on the kind of company you are applying to. A social media related or tech company might appreciate the ease and efficiency of an email, whereas a company with more old-fashioned or traditional values would appreciate a letter.[3] Whatever form you use, the purpose of the letter is to remind the interviewer of what a strong candidate you are and why you are uniquely qualified for the job. If you interviewed by multiple people, you should send each of them a separate thank you letter.
Read MoreThis can also be done via email, or through a typed letter, depending on the kind of company you are applying to. A social media related or tech company might appreciate the ease and efficiency of an email, whereas a company with more old-fashioned or traditional values would appreciate a letter.[3] Whatever form you use, the purpose of the letter is to remind the interviewer of what a strong candidate you are and why you are uniquely qualified for the job. If you interviewed by multiple people, you should send each of them a separate thank you letter.
16 :: How to wrote a formal thank you letter?
☛ Use the interviewer's first name in the greeting and salutation only if you were told to do so during the interview; otherwise, address the interviewer in a formal manner.
☛ After thanking the interviewer again for the opportunity to interview with the company, affirm your interest in the position and reiterate how you would be an asset to the company.
☛ Add information that the interviewer might be interested in, or some useful information that the company could use profitably. This will help the interviewer to remember you, as most people follow up after a job interview with only information about themselves.
☛ Close the letter with the valediction "Yours sincerely" and proofread it thoroughly for grammar, spelling and punctuation. A poorly-worded or misspelled thank-you letter can be all it takes to disqualify you as a candidate.
Read More☛ After thanking the interviewer again for the opportunity to interview with the company, affirm your interest in the position and reiterate how you would be an asset to the company.
☛ Add information that the interviewer might be interested in, or some useful information that the company could use profitably. This will help the interviewer to remember you, as most people follow up after a job interview with only information about themselves.
☛ Close the letter with the valediction "Yours sincerely" and proofread it thoroughly for grammar, spelling and punctuation. A poorly-worded or misspelled thank-you letter can be all it takes to disqualify you as a candidate.
17 :: When after the indicated time period has passed, How to follow up?
After the indicated time period has passed, follow up with a single email or phone call. If the time period they specified it would take for them to reach a decision has passed - whether it has been two days or two weeks - it is now appropriate for you to follow up about the decision via email or phone call.
Read More18 :: What you say's when indicated time period has passed, And you follow up with a single email or phone call?
Keep it brief and breezy, you could say something like:
☛ I hope the hiring process is going well for the position of Marketing Assistant. I believe you mentioned that a decision would be reached by Monday and I'm eager to find out if you have any information on the status of my application? Please let me know if I can provide any further information that would help you with the decision making process.
☛ If you decide to phone, make the call from a quiet place a few days after the interview. Pick a good time of day -- not right after lunch, early in the morning or at the end of the working day. This will maximize your chances of actually speaking to the interviewer.
☛ Be as polite and brief on the phone as possible - remember that you may be talking to a stressed-out hiring manager that has a 101 things on his/her mind other than the status of your job application. Don't call a second time unless you are specifically told.
Read More☛ I hope the hiring process is going well for the position of Marketing Assistant. I believe you mentioned that a decision would be reached by Monday and I'm eager to find out if you have any information on the status of my application? Please let me know if I can provide any further information that would help you with the decision making process.
☛ If you decide to phone, make the call from a quiet place a few days after the interview. Pick a good time of day -- not right after lunch, early in the morning or at the end of the working day. This will maximize your chances of actually speaking to the interviewer.
☛ Be as polite and brief on the phone as possible - remember that you may be talking to a stressed-out hiring manager that has a 101 things on his/her mind other than the status of your job application. Don't call a second time unless you are specifically told.
19 :: How to respond promptly if you are contacted about a second interview?
Making them wait for a response is unprofessional and makes it seem like you are not enthusiastic about the job. Don't be worried about coming across as over-eager - they want candidates who are excited by the prospect of working for their company.
Read More20 :: How to reply the interviewer?
Reply using the same method as they used to contact you - if they called, ring them back as soon as possible, if they sent an email, an email reply should suffice.
Read More21 :: What one should do if he didn't get the job?
Even if you didn't get the job, thank the interviewer for their time.
Don't be angry or overly-disappointed - accept the fact that there were probably many other qualified candidates and view it as a valuable learning experience. Whether you are informed via phone or email, you should send a follow-up message to your interviewer thanking them for their time and for giving you the opportunity to interview with them.
Read MoreDon't be angry or overly-disappointed - accept the fact that there were probably many other qualified candidates and view it as a valuable learning experience. Whether you are informed via phone or email, you should send a follow-up message to your interviewer thanking them for their time and for giving you the opportunity to interview with them.
22 :: What to avoid after the follow up of interview?
☛ Don't harass the company.
☛ Don't go to the company in person, unless invited.
☛ Don't avoid the follow-up letter or phone call.
Read More☛ Don't go to the company in person, unless invited.
☛ Don't avoid the follow-up letter or phone call.
23 :: What did you forget to say?
If there's something you had wished you'd shared during the interview, do it now. Mention anything you wished you had said, but didn't, during the interview.
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