Earth Science Interview Questions And Answers
Refine your Earth Science interview skills with our 53 critical questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Earth Science. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 53 questions to help you succeed in your Earth Science interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.
53 Earth Science Questions and Answers:
Earth Science Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Which will most likely form when a steep mountain stream flows abruptly onto a flat plain:
1. delta
2. alluvial fan
3. braided stream
4. mid-channel bar
Answer: 2
Read More2. alluvial fan
3. braided stream
4. mid-channel bar
Answer: 2
2 :: When, in the geologic column, did dinosaurs become extinct:
1. at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
2. at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary
3. at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary
4. at the Permian-Triassic boundary
Answer: 1
Read More2. at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary
3. at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary
4. at the Permian-Triassic boundary
Answer: 1
3 :: When, in the geological time scale, did dinosaurs first appear:
1. Jurassic
2. Triassic
3. Cretaceous
4. Tertiary
Answer: 2
Read More2. Triassic
3. Cretaceous
4. Tertiary
Answer: 2
4 :: These clouds are named for their smooth, round, lens-like shape and commonly form over mountains:
1. lenticular
2. contrails
3. stratocumulus
4. mackerel
Answer: 1
Read More2. contrails
3. stratocumulus
4. mackerel
Answer: 1
5 :: It is estimated that the temperature of the Earths core is:
1. as hot as the surface of the sun
2. much hotter than the surface of the sun
3. much cooler than the surface of the sun
4. it cannot be estimated
Answer: 1
Read More2. much hotter than the surface of the sun
3. much cooler than the surface of the sun
4. it cannot be estimated
Answer: 1
6 :: Which of the following would give the best indication of how a rock was formed:
1. structure and color
2. mineralogy and texture
3. structure and weight
4. shape and size
Answer: 2
Read More2. mineralogy and texture
3. structure and weight
4. shape and size
Answer: 2
7 :: In determining the distance of an earthquake to its epicenter, which of the following is the most useful tool:
1. intensity of P-wave
2. intensity of S-wave
3. difference in intensity between P and S-waves
4. time interval between P-wave and S-wave arrival
Answer: 4
Read More2. intensity of S-wave
3. difference in intensity between P and S-waves
4. time interval between P-wave and S-wave arrival
Answer: 4
8 :: Which of the following is primarily involved in the movement of a glacier:
1. running water
2. ambient temperature
3. topology
4. gravity
Answer: 4
Read More2. ambient temperature
3. topology
4. gravity
Answer: 4
9 :: Of the following, which are clouds formed at the highest altitude:
1. altocumulus
2. altostratus
3. cirrocumulus
4. nimbostratus
Answer: 3
Read More2. altostratus
3. cirrocumulus
4. nimbostratus
Answer: 3
10 :: The Arctic Circle lies at which of the following latitudes:
1. 66 ½oNorth
2. 90oNorth
3. 66 ½oSouth
4. 90oSouth
Answer: 3
Read More2. 90oNorth
3. 66 ½oSouth
4. 90oSouth
Answer: 3
11 :: The Fujita Scale is used to classify intensities of:
1. hurricanes
2. tornadoes
3. earthquakes
4. volcanic eruptions
Answer: B
Read More2. tornadoes
3. earthquakes
4. volcanic eruptions
Answer: B
12 :: The ability of rock or soil to transmit water is called its:
1. permeability
2. porosity
3. viscosity
4. wetability
Answer: A
Read More2. porosity
3. viscosity
4. wetability
Answer: A
13 :: Which of the following is NOT likely to have been formed by glaciers:
1. arete
2. hanging valley
3. fjord
4. dike
Answer: D
Read More2. hanging valley
3. fjord
4. dike
Answer: D
14 :: A glacier that has neither advanced nor retreated for many years deposits which of the following:
1. terminal moraine
2. end moraine
3. ground moraine
4. medial moraine
Answer: B
Read More2. end moraine
3. ground moraine
4. medial moraine
Answer: B
15 :: A high pressure center is associated with what kind of weather:
1. warm and dry
2. warm and wet
3. cool and dry
4. cool and wet
Answer: C
Read More2. warm and wet
3. cool and dry
4. cool and wet
Answer: C
16 :: Which is the best reason for proposing that a boulder lying in an area that was once glaciated is an erratic:
1. it is of a different composition than the underlying rock
2. it is rounded and worn
3. it is larger than any surrounding rocks
4. it is located near a glacial lake
Answer: A
Read More2. it is rounded and worn
3. it is larger than any surrounding rocks
4. it is located near a glacial lake
Answer: A
17 :: Which of the following latitudes and dates would coincide with the longest duration of insolation:
1. 23 ½oSouth on September 21
2. 50oNorth on June 21
3. 50oSouth on March 21
4. 0oon June 21
Answer: B
Read More2. 50oNorth on June 21
3. 50oSouth on March 21
4. 0oon June 21
Answer: B
18 :: A famous downslope wind that occurs in North America on the East side of the Rocky Mountains is called a:
1. sirocco
2. mistral
3. foehn
4. chinook
Answer: D
Read More2. mistral
3. foehn
4. chinook
Answer: D
19 :: A tropical storm will be declared a hurricane when:
1. there is evidence of eye formation
2. wind speeds reach 64 mph
3. wind gusts are in excess of 74 mph
4. there is evidence of eye formation and sustained wind speeds of 74 mph
Answer: D
Read More2. wind speeds reach 64 mph
3. wind gusts are in excess of 74 mph
4. there is evidence of eye formation and sustained wind speeds of 74 mph
Answer: D
20 :: Which is NOT true about the concentration of methane gas in the atmosphere:
1. it is generated by biological activity related to rice cultivation
2. it is generated as a byproduct of the digestive processes of cattle
3. it is generated as a byproduct of refrigerants and aerosols
4. it has an atmospheric lifetime of about 10 years
Answer: C
Read More2. it is generated as a byproduct of the digestive processes of cattle
3. it is generated as a byproduct of refrigerants and aerosols
4. it has an atmospheric lifetime of about 10 years
Answer: C
21 :: What is the name for a roughly circular coral reef enclosing a shallow lagoon:
1. barrier reef
2. fringing reef
3. shallow reef
4. atoll
Answer: D
Read More2. fringing reef
3. shallow reef
4. atoll
Answer: D
22 :: The physical property used in mineral identification for the way a minerals surface reflects light is called:
1. streak
2. polish
3. refractivity
4. luster
Answer: D
Read More2. polish
3. refractivity
4. luster
Answer: D
23 :: A low-gradient stream would most likely form a:
1. V-shaped valley
2. waterfall
3. meander
4. straight channel
Answer: C
Read More2. waterfall
3. meander
4. straight channel
Answer: C
24 :: The angle of insolation on the Earth’s surface is most direct at which latitude:
1. 0o
2. 90oNorth or South
3. 66 ½oNorth or South
4. 23 ½oNorth or South
Answer: A
Read More2. 90oNorth or South
3. 66 ½oNorth or South
4. 23 ½oNorth or South
Answer: A
25 :: Ground depressions in areas of Karst topography are called:
1. kettles
2. grabens
3. sinkholes
4. cirques
Answer: C
Read More2. grabens
3. sinkholes
4. cirques
Answer: C