Academic Writer Interview Questions And Answers
Sharpen your Academic Writer interview expertise with our handpicked 49 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Academic Writer. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Secure the free PDF to access all 49 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Academic Writer interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.
49 Academic Writer Questions and Answers:
Academic Writer Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What are your strengths?
I have been told that i am honest, reliable and ethical.
Your sense of urgency, if you know that a task is important, then you will work hard to get it done on time.
You are a fast learner.
Ability to communicate with people.
Flexible enough to handle changing environments.
Able to cope with setback and learn from my mistakes.
Read MoreYour sense of urgency, if you know that a task is important, then you will work hard to get it done on time.
You are a fast learner.
Ability to communicate with people.
Flexible enough to handle changing environments.
Able to cope with setback and learn from my mistakes.
2 :: What are your weaknesses?
► Occasionally I have been told that I take longer than other colleagues to complete complicated projects or tasks. But this is only because I want to make sure the work I do is to the highest standards.
► My MS PowerPoint skills are weak, so I have enrolled on a evening course to improve them.
► I am sometimes accused of being over friendly.
Read More► My MS PowerPoint skills are weak, so I have enrolled on a evening course to improve them.
► I am sometimes accused of being over friendly.
4 :: Tell me something about you and related to yourself?
They want you to tell them (in your own words) a bit more about your background, work experience, attitude and ambitions. Make your answer brief and to the point. Do not talk about your hobbies, personal likes or dislikes. Finish the answer by focusing on your Unique Selling Proposition, do this by mentioning what you are good at etc.
Read More5 :: Why you leave your last job?
► There was no real room for growing my career.
► The position you are advertising seems like a excellent match for my knowledge, abilities and qualifications.
► I am keen to use my skill sets and abilities in a different capacity than I have in the past.
► I am looking for a job that has more responsibility.
► The reason for leaving my last job was that I wanted to spend more time with my family. I am now ready to go back into full time employment.
Read More► The position you are advertising seems like a excellent match for my knowledge, abilities and qualifications.
► I am keen to use my skill sets and abilities in a different capacity than I have in the past.
► I am looking for a job that has more responsibility.
► The reason for leaving my last job was that I wanted to spend more time with my family. I am now ready to go back into full time employment.
6 :: How do you kick off a project with a new client?
What you're looking for here is listening. A good content writer will spend time with the client to get a feel for the brand's personality as well as the needs of its target audience.
Read More7 :: Tell me about the best book you've read recently?
The best writers love to read, and not just blogs and e-zines. On my list of acceptable answers would be any marketing or general business book, as well as any book that shows your writer is a well-rounded individual.
Read More8 :: Which professional organizations do you belong to?
A good writer views his or her work as a business, one that is worth investing in-and part of that investment involves joining professional organizations. They offer the opportunity to keep up with trends, sharpen skills, and benefit from interaction with other professionals. And a good writer will find a way to come up with the annual dues.
Read More9 :: Tell me about a problem that you have personally solved?
This can be a tricky question to answer, especially if you have never held a supervisory / managerial position or had any form of responsibility. In your replies you need to display resourcefulness, an ability to solve problems, your decision making skills and be able to clearly explain the approach you used. No matter how little work experience you have you should always be able to lead and come up with creative solutions. Describe situations where you came up with an idea that increased efficiency in your office or cut costs after you discovered a cheaper supplier etc.
Read More10 :: Would you like to tell us about the biggest mistake you have ever made?
► If I had a time machines I would go back to University and taken a degree in Business Studies rather than Hospitality.
► I stayed too many years in a job that was stable but didn't offer me enough challenges or opportunities for growth.
Read More► I stayed too many years in a job that was stable but didn't offer me enough challenges or opportunities for growth.
11 :: Which blogs do you read?
You're looking for a writer who's committed to keeping his or her skills sharp, and that includes reading some of the better blogs on the subject of content creation.
Read More12 :: Why you leave your last job?
Give a solution that is related to work and if possible the job you are applying for. Demonstrate something that shows how you saved a previous employer money, made them more efficient or increased revenue.
Read More13 :: Which style guide do you prefer to go by?
What you're listening for here is either the Associated Press (AP) Style book or the Chicago Manual of Style. I'd even accept the Yahoo! Style Guide as a runner-up.
Read More14 :: Explain the difference between content and copy?
Copy is sales-oriented, while content is value-oriented. Copy is the stuff you'd find in a brochure, while content is what you'd find in a bona fide newsletter. A good writer should know the difference between the two.
Read More15 :: Would you like to tell us abput your current salary?
My present employer pays me well outside of the norm, however I would not like to limit my job prospects by using that salary as a comparison.
As a highly valued member of the company, I am paid on the very high end of current market rates.
Read MoreAs a highly valued member of the company, I am paid on the very high end of current market rates.
16 :: What is your proofreading process?
There's more to good proofreading than reading your content over and over again on the screen. A good writer will have a process (or several to choose from) for proofing each piece of content. Some of my tactics are reading the content out loud and reviewing a printed copy. Give bonus points if they mention my super-ninja trick for when it's gotta be perfect: reading it backwards.
Read More17 :: How do you optimize your content for search?
A good content creator will be familiar with the basics of search engine optimization (SEO). Your ideal candidate will answer this question by describing how he or she (a) determines which keywords to focus on and (b) works those keywords into the content.
Read More18 :: How you cope with a difficult colleague?
► This really depends on what my co-worker is doing, the severity of their actions and the specific problems or disruption that they may be causing. Having said that no matter what the situation is, I would always remain in control of any situation and concentrate on my work. I would not take any arguments or heated discussions personally or hold grudges against work colleagues.
► I would avoid them and only talk to them or cooperate with them when required to in the course of my daily duties.
Read More► I would avoid them and only talk to them or cooperate with them when required to in the course of my daily duties.
19 :: What operating systems and programs do you use?
On two occasions at my last corporate job, we hired writers who showed up on their first day, took one look at their computers, and said, "Oh, you use PCs." Yep, they'd only ever used Macs. Each assured us it wouldn't be a problem, but … yeah, it was. So if you're hiring a content creator to work on-site with your team, make sure he or she is hip to the program-literally.
Read More20 :: Are you comfortable with your writing skills?
This is perhaps the most important question, because if their writing skills aren't exceptional, your content writer might succeed in driving people away from your site, not to it.
While reading previous work will give you great insight into their writing level, also ask questions specific to online writing and your industry.
Read MoreWhile reading previous work will give you great insight into their writing level, also ask questions specific to online writing and your industry.
21 :: Explain the difference between "there," "their," and "they're?
Yes, it sounds asinine. But I see this mistake All. The. Time. And I know at least some of those errors are the work of allegedly professional content creators. A good writer knows that a spellcheck program can only get you so far.
Read More22 :: Explain credible sources?
Attention to detail is important in all endeavors, including content writing. While blatantly making up facts, figures or sources is an obvious no-no, a content writer should also be aware that not every source is as credible as the next.
Read More23 :: Have you a strong work ethic?
The best content writer in the world is of no use to you and your business if they never submit their work to you. Some people might worry if a writer has a full-time job in addition to freelance-writing gigs, but if the writer is skilled at time management or realistic in what he or she can accomplish, a full-time job shouldn't be an issue.
Instead, ask writers about their process in completing jobs. Do they use the entire time available to them, or do they wait until the last few days to complete jobs. Have they ever turned work in late? If they have, did they let the client know ahead of time, or not?
Read MoreInstead, ask writers about their process in completing jobs. Do they use the entire time available to them, or do they wait until the last few days to complete jobs. Have they ever turned work in late? If they have, did they let the client know ahead of time, or not?
24 :: What process you went through to create this piece?
As you look through a prospective writer's "clips" or writing samples, select one to ask about in detail during the interview. The goal is to get an idea of how they go about getting to the final product.
Read More25 :: Which of your writing samples is most heavily edited and which is most lightly edited?
This will help you get a better idea of the quality of the writer's raw work. Every writer needs some editing, but you want to find a content marketing writer whose work will need as little editing as possible. The less time and money you spend on editing, the better.
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