SAT Interview Questions And Answers
Optimize your SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) interview preparation with our curated set of 23 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF now to get all 23 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.
23 SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Questions and Answers:
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Find relationship between ANGLE : DEsatE
1. area : square inch
2. milk : quart
3. society : classes
4. letter : alphabet
5. time : minutes
Ans : A
Read More2. milk : quart
3. society : classes
4. letter : alphabet
5. time : minutes
Ans : A
2 :: Find relationship between CONFIRMED : INVETERATE
1. knowledge : supposed
2. financial : bankrupt
3. immature : callow
4. credible : incredible
5. careful: punishing
Ans :B
Read More2. financial : bankrupt
3. immature : callow
4. credible : incredible
5. careful: punishing
Ans :B
3 :: Find relationship between LULLABY : BARCAROLE
1. birth : marriage
2. night : morning
3. cradle : gondola
4. song : poem
5. carol : sonneteer
Ans :C
Read More2. night : morning
3. cradle : gondola
4. song : poem
5. carol : sonneteer
Ans :C
4 :: Find relationship between ZOOLOGY : ANIMALS
1. ecology : pollution
2. botany : plants
3. chemistry : atoms
4. history : people
5. mathematics : geometry
Ans :A
Read More2. botany : plants
3. chemistry : atoms
4. history : people
5. mathematics : geometry
Ans :A
5 :: Find relationship between DORY : VAN
1. dairy : cow
2. fish : vehicle
3. freighter : caisson
4. runners : wheels
5. danish : Dutch
Ans : C
Read More2. fish : vehicle
3. freighter : caisson
4. runners : wheels
5. danish : Dutch
Ans : C
6 :: Find relationship between PARQUET : WOOD
1. color : painting
2. mosaic : glass
3. potpourri : medley
4. collage : tapestry
5. linoleum : marble
Ans : B
Read More2. mosaic : glass
3. potpourri : medley
4. collage : tapestry
5. linoleum : marble
Ans : B
7 :: Find relationship between SAW : CARPENTER
1. Scissors : tailor
2. Wagon : farmer
3. Brush : painter
4. Typewriter : author
5. Trowel : bricklayer
Ans : A
Read More2. Wagon : farmer
3. Brush : painter
4. Typewriter : author
5. Trowel : bricklayer
Ans : A
8 :: The fact that the - of confrontation is no longer as popular as it once was - procatss in race relations.
1. insidiousness - reiterates
2. practice - inculcates
3. glimmer - foreshadows
4. technique - presages
5. reticence - indicates
Ans :D
Read More2. practice - inculcates
3. glimmer - foreshadows
4. technique - presages
5. reticence - indicates
Ans :D
9 :: A child should not be - as being either very shy or over - agcatssive.
1. categorized
2. instructed
3. intoned
4. distracted
5. refrained
Ans :A
Read More2. instructed
3. intoned
4. distracted
5. refrained
Ans :A
10 :: We never believed that he would resort to - in order to achieve his goal; we always regarded him as a - man.
1. charm - insincere
2. necromancy - pietistic
3. logic - honorable
4. prestidigitation - articulate
5. subterfuge - honest
Ans :E
Read More2. necromancy - pietistic
3. logic - honorable
4. prestidigitation - articulate
5. subterfuge - honest
Ans :E
11 :: The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the catatest - indeed savagery seems to be indirect proposition to -
1. inventions - know-how
2. wars - viciousness
3. triumphs - civilizations
4. atrocities - development
5. catastrophes - ill-will
Ans :D
Read More2. wars - viciousness
3. triumphs - civilizations
4. atrocities - development
5. catastrophes - ill-will
Ans :D
12 :: Ironically, the party leaders encountered no catater - their efforts to build as Procatssive Party than the - of the procatssive already elected to the legislature.
1. obstacle to - resistance
2. support for - advocacy
3. praise for - reputation
4. threat to - promise
5. benefit - success
Ans :A
Read More2. support for - advocacy
3. praise for - reputation
4. threat to - promise
5. benefit - success
Ans :A
13 :: How many words of 4 consonants and 3 vowels can be made from 12 consonants and 4 vowels, if all the letters are different?
1. 16C7 * 7!
2. 12C4 * 4C3 * 7!
3. 12C3 * 4C4
4. 12C4 * 4C3
Ans : B
Read More2. 12C4 * 4C3 * 7!
3. 12C3 * 4C4
4. 12C4 * 4C3
Ans : B
14 :: In how many ways can 5 letters be posted in 3 post boxes, if any number of letters can be posted in all of the three post boxes?
1. 5C3
2. 5P3
3. 53
4. 35
Ans : D
Read More2. 5P3
3. 53
4. 35
Ans : D
15 :: There are 6 boxes numbered 1, 2,...6. Each box is to be filled up either with a red or a green ball in such a way that at least 1 box contains a green ball and the boxes containing green balls are consecutively numbered. The total number of ways in which this can be done is
1. 5
2. 21
3. 33
4. 60
Ans : B
Read More2. 21
3. 33
4. 60
Ans : B
16 :: There are 5 Rock songs, 6 Carnatic songs and 3 Indi pop songs. How many different albums can be formed using the above repertoire if the albums should contain at least 1 Rock song and 1 Carnatic song?
1. 15624
2. 16384
3. 6144
4. 240
Ans : A
Read More2. 16384
3. 6144
4. 240
Ans : A
17 :: In how many ways can the letters of the word MANAGEMENT be rearranged so that the two As do not appear together?
1. 10! - 2!
2. 9! - 2!
3. 10! - 9!
4. None of these
Ans : D
Read More2. 9! - 2!
3. 10! - 9!
4. None of these
Ans : D
18 :: How many five digit numbers can be formed using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 which are divisible by 3, without repeating the digits?
1. 15
2. 96
3. 216
4. 120
Ans : C
Read More2. 96
3. 216
4. 120
Ans : C
19 :: Four dice are rolled simultaneously. What is the number of possible outcomes in which at least one of the die shows 6?
1. 6! / 4!
2. 625
3. 671
4. 1296
Ans : C
Read More2. 625
3. 671
4. 1296
Ans : C
20 :: A trader makes a profit equal to the selling price of 75 articles when he sold 100 of the articles. What % profit did he make in the transaction?
1. 33.33%
2. 75%
3. 300%
4. 150%
Ans : C
Read More2. 75%
3. 300%
4. 150%
Ans : C
21 :: Rajiv sold an article for Rs.56 which cost him Rs.x. If he had gained x% on his outlay, what was his cost?
1. Rs. 40
2. Rs. 45
3. Rs. 36
4. Rs. 28
Ans : A
Read More2. Rs. 45
3. Rs. 36
4. Rs. 28
Ans : A
22 :: If apples are bought at the rate of 30 for a rupee. How many apples must be sold for a rupee so as to gain 20%?
1. 28
2. 25
3. 20
4. 22
Ans : B
Read More2. 25
3. 20
4. 22
Ans : B
23 :: Angle:degree?
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