Technical Sales Representative Interview Questions And Answers
Sharpen your Technical Sales Representative interview expertise with our handpicked 40 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Technical Sales Representative expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF to have all 40 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.
40 Technical Sales Representative Questions and Answers:
Technical Sales Representative Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What image do you have of our company and this industry?
Should have done a thorough job of research or your industry and company.
Read More2 :: What types of products/services have you sold and how did you sell them?
See if they understand how to sell "solutions" as opposed to "products" or "services".
Read More5 :: What total compensation are you seeking?
Should be comfortable with a large share of compensation at risk (at least 50 per cent).
Read More6 :: What sales experience that demonstrates your work ethic?
If they give a positive one, ask for a negative one. e.g. a time they failed and what they learned.
Read More7 :: How do you generate leads?
Asking for referrals from current customers should be a large part of the answer.
Read More8 :: How many contacts do you make on a qualified lead?
► Average number of contacts should be 12.
► Ask for the different types of contacts they make to qualified prospects.
Read More► Ask for the different types of contacts they make to qualified prospects.
10 :: What is your qualified lead sales process?
Look for logical steps including building a relationship and asking about the prospect's needs as the first two steps.
Read More11 :: What closing techniques work best for you?
Should be able to describe three different closing techniques.
Read More12 :: What was your most significant professional accomplishment?
Keep asking for more and more detail to get insight into work ethic.
Read More13 :: How you handle price objections by customers?
They describe selling on value, not on price.
Read More14 :: What are your Most Important Sales Skills?
Not everyone can handle sales. You need to have the right attitude and abilities. At your job interview, the interviewer will be looking for your sales skills, and the aspects of the process that help close deals. An example of a good answer includes "The ability to recognize both verbal and non-verbal cues to adapt the sales strategies you implement to impress the prospective buyer.
Read More15 :: What do you see are the key skills in …?
Common sales interview questions and answers revolve around how you view the skills involved in a specific sales technique or aspect of the sales process. For example, "What do you see are the key skills in closing a sale?" Answers to these types of questions should always focus on responding to the buyer's concerns and on how the product or service will benefit the recipient.
Read More16 :: What do you dislike about sales?
Any time you are asked to provide a negative trait about the position you are applying for, you should tread carefully. An example of an answer that effectively resolves the question is, "Walking away from a sale when I know the prospect could benefit from our solution." This answer shows you know that there are times where you need to walk away and show that you understand that sales is about solutions.
Read More17 :: Are you uncomfortable making cold calls?
Any interview questions about your discomfort in sales should always be responded to with a "no" without any elaboration. If you are uncomfortable, reevaluate whether the position is right for you.
Read More18 :: How do you move on from a rejection?
Rejections are common within sales jobs, and one of the primary reasons that most personalities could not handle sales roles. Try to downplay how hard you take rejections, but feel free and be honest about a technique you use to handle rejection or answer with something like, "I simply move on to the next prospect, because a rejection is simply a sign that the individual was not yet ready for our solution."
Read More19 :: Technical Sales Representative interview questions part 1:
► Sell me this pen?
► How do you handle objections?
► How do you handle rejection?
► What do you consider the most important skills in sales?
► What do you dislike about sales?
► Is there any aspect of the sales process that you are particularly uncomfortable with?
► How comfortable are you making phone calls?
► Is there anyone you struggle to sell to?
Read More► How do you handle objections?
► How do you handle rejection?
► What do you consider the most important skills in sales?
► What do you dislike about sales?
► Is there any aspect of the sales process that you are particularly uncomfortable with?
► How comfortable are you making phone calls?
► Is there anyone you struggle to sell to?
20 :: Technical Sales Representative interview questions part 2:
► What are some examples of your sales experience?
► Describe the most difficult sales call you have made?
► Describe what your sales cycle was like in your last job?
► How often did you achieve your sales objectives?
► Describe a time that you had to change your sales approach.
► How do you handle the negotiation phase?
► When do you decide that it is time to let a potential client go?
Read More► Describe the most difficult sales call you have made?
► Describe what your sales cycle was like in your last job?
► How often did you achieve your sales objectives?
► Describe a time that you had to change your sales approach.
► How do you handle the negotiation phase?
► When do you decide that it is time to let a potential client go?
21 :: Have you consistently met your sales goals?
I have always met or exceeded my professional sales goals, and most often my personal ones too, especially in the last few years. I think with experience, I have learned to set my personal goals at an attainable level, very high, but not unreachable.
Read More22 :: What closing principles do you follow?
► Do not attempt to close until the buyer is ready.
► When you propose a close, be silent until the buyer responds.
► After the sale is made, quit selling.
Read More► When you propose a close, be silent until the buyer responds.
► After the sale is made, quit selling.
23 :: Which do you prefer a long or short sales cycle?
I prefer a longer sales cycle, because the pace can be adjusted depending on the individual client you are dealing with. Some clients like to have a lot of information about a product right up front, are knowledgeable, and have a lot of technical questions. Others are more interested in the personal benefits of a product, and with a longer cycle, I have the time to spend letting them know about the features that make this the right product for them.
Read More24 :: What are your long term career goals?
► I expect to remain in sales throughout my career, moving from direct sales, and eventually into a management role.
► I am interested in all aspects of the retail market, and see myself in the long term spending some time working in a variety of roles.
Read More► I am interested in all aspects of the retail market, and see myself in the long term spending some time working in a variety of roles.
25 :: What you find rewarding about being in sales?
I think the most rewarding thing about sales is providing customers with the best service possible. I pride myself on making sure that a customer knows about the product they are purchasing, and has the ability to use it to its fullest potential.
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