Responsibility Interview Questions And Answers
Strengthen your Responsibility interview skills with our collection of 27 important questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Responsibility. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Access the free PDF to get all 27 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Responsibility interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.
27 Responsibility Questions and Answers:
Responsibility Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Tell me about a time when you asked for extra responsibility in any of your previous job?
Applicant should show a natural desire for doing extra tasks willingly.
Read More2 :: Tell us about a specific task you undertook, which was a challenge for you?
Applicant should try to do his work with dedication, even in stressful circumstances.
Read More3 :: How do you manage your time in a project when the project has a tight deadline? Give some example to prove your point?
Job seeker should know the importance of time management in projects and be able to show this in his/her personal example. They should also show that they have the techniques and ability to manage time properly under the pressure of completing major projects.
Read More4 :: Describe to me in detail a time when you took the initiative in any major project?
Applicant should express a desire to take on more responsibility when needed. They should have enough confidence to single handedly make decisions and a desire to move up in the company.
Read More5 :: Describe me a situation in where you had a task that was quite demanding and what was the result of it?
Applicant should show strong decision making powers and a feeling of responsibility towards his/her work.
Read More6 :: Tell us about a time you got totally fed up on the job. What did you do after that?
Job seeker should be able to accept his/her mistakes gracefully and try there best to resolve it. They should also be able to determine why the situation became so stressful.
Read More7 :: Explain what is your first reaction when your senior manager assigns a task that you think is impossible?
Applicant should have the ability to analyze the situation and make every attempt to come up with a solution. They should not have a problem asking co-workers for help from and be responsible enough to make sure that the task was done right.
Read More8 :: Please tell me what is the individual shared responsibility provision?
This provision of the affordable care act requires almost everyone (young, old, employed, unemployed) to have basic health insurance called minimum essential coverage. The provision, also known as the individual mandate, outlines a person's role in both making and obtaining affordable health care. You can only ignore the mandate under certain circumstances.
Read More9 :: What will happen if you do not qualify for individual shared responsibility provision?
If you do not qualify for an exemption and refuse to buy health insurance, the government will penalize you. The penalty is known as the shared responsibility payment and you pay it when you file your taxes. The court has ruled the payment is legal because the penalty is a tax.
Read More10 :: Tell me what is meant by minimum essential coverage?
Minimum essential coverage means if you participate in an employer-sponsored health plan or have health care coverage as a retired person, you have the requisite coverage.
Read More11 :: Tell me who is to exempt for minimum essential coverage?
The individual shared responsibility provision pretty much requires everyone to have some form of health insurance. However, certain people can ask the government to exempt them from the law. In some cases, the IRS can exempt people and in other cases a person has to apply for the exemption through the health insurance marketplace.
Read More12 :: Can you please define responsibility?
Responsibility can be defined as the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone and the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.
Read More13 :: Tell me about the internal responsibility system?
The internal responsibility system puts in place an employee-employer partnership in ensuring a safe and disease free workplace. A health and safety committee is a joint forum for employers and employees working together to improve workplace health and safety.
Read More14 :: How would you answer if you are asked about your responsibilities?
When you are asked questions related to your current or previous positions, it is important to be specific and to be positive about what you did in your previous position.
The best way to respond is to describe your responsibilities in detail and to connect them to the job you are interviewing for.
Read MoreThe best way to respond is to describe your responsibilities in detail and to connect them to the job you are interviewing for.
15 :: Tell me what does count as minimum essential coverage?
Moreover, you, your kids, your spouse and any other dependents likely have minimal coverage if you purchase health insurance on your own or through the health insurance marketplace. You are also covered if you participate in medicare or medicare advantage, medicaid, the children's health insurance program or have health insurance through the department of veterans affairs.
Read More16 :: Tell me what are the general responsibilities of a government?
General responsibilities of governments for occupational health and safety include:
★ Enforcement of occupational health and safety legislation
★ Workplace inspections
★ Dissemination of information
★ Promotion of training, education and research
★ Resolution of disputes.
Read More★ Enforcement of occupational health and safety legislation
★ Workplace inspections
★ Dissemination of information
★ Promotion of training, education and research
★ Resolution of disputes.
17 :: What are the employer's rights?
Employees have the following three basic rights:
★ Right to refuse unsafe work
★ Right to participate in the workplace health and safety activities through joint health and safety committee or as a worker health and safety representative
★ Right to know or the right to be informed about, actual and potential dangers in the workplace
Read More★ Right to refuse unsafe work
★ Right to participate in the workplace health and safety activities through joint health and safety committee or as a worker health and safety representative
★ Right to know or the right to be informed about, actual and potential dangers in the workplace
18 :: Please tell me do children and the elderly have to abide by the individual shared responsibility provision?
Senior citizens must have minimum coverage as do children, unless they qualify for an exemption. As we said before, medicare, medicare part and the children's health insurance program all are qualifying plans. Any single or married filer who claims a child as a dependent for income tax purposes is responsible for making sure that child is covered.
Read More19 :: Do you know what are the manager responsibilities?
As a manager or supervisor, he or she:
★ Must ensure that workers use prescribed protective equipment devices.
★ Must advise workers of potential and actual hazards.
★ Must take every reasonable precaution in the circumstances for the protection of workers.
Read More★ Must ensure that workers use prescribed protective equipment devices.
★ Must advise workers of potential and actual hazards.
★ Must take every reasonable precaution in the circumstances for the protection of workers.
20 :: Tell me what are the employer's responsibilities?
An employer must:
★ Establish and maintain a joint health and safety committee, or cause workers to select at least one health and safety representative
★ Take every reasonable precaution to ensure the workplace is safe
★ Train employees about any potential hazards and in how to safely use, handle, store and dispose of hazardous substances and how to handle emergencies
★ Supply personal protective equipment and ensure workers know how to use the equipment safely and properly
★ Immediately report all critical injuries to the government department responsible for OH&S
★ Appoint a competent supervisor who sets the standards for performance, and who ensures safe working conditions are always observed.
Read More★ Establish and maintain a joint health and safety committee, or cause workers to select at least one health and safety representative
★ Take every reasonable precaution to ensure the workplace is safe
★ Train employees about any potential hazards and in how to safely use, handle, store and dispose of hazardous substances and how to handle emergencies
★ Supply personal protective equipment and ensure workers know how to use the equipment safely and properly
★ Immediately report all critical injuries to the government department responsible for OH&S
★ Appoint a competent supervisor who sets the standards for performance, and who ensures safe working conditions are always observed.
21 :: Tell me how does an internal responsibility system work?
The internal responsibility system is the underlying philosophy of the occupational health and safety legislation in all Canadian jurisdictions. Its foundation is that everyone in the workplace both employees and employers is responsible for his or her own safety and for the safety of co-workers. Acts and regulations do not always impose or prescribe the specific steps to take for compliance. Instead, it holds employers responsible for determining such steps to ensure health and safety of all employees.
Read More22 :: Do you know whom does the provision apply to?
Most people of all ages living in the country must abide by the individual shared responsibility provision. In addition, foreigners and resident aliens who live in the country long enough during the calendar year and pay income taxes also must have minimum essential coverage.
However, people who are in the country for a short time and who are not required to pay income taxes do not have to follow the law.
Read MoreHowever, people who are in the country for a short time and who are not required to pay income taxes do not have to follow the law.
23 :: Please give some examples of job responsibilities?
Example Job Responsibilities:
★Being on time to a job - unpunctuality shows bad work ethic
★Wearing the appropriate clothing or uniform
★Organization - keeping your desk and folders in order for efficiency
★Focused - customer satisfaction is the first priority
★Work well with co-workers - team work is often a necessity with most jobs
Read More★Being on time to a job - unpunctuality shows bad work ethic
★Wearing the appropriate clothing or uniform
★Organization - keeping your desk and folders in order for efficiency
★Focused - customer satisfaction is the first priority
★Work well with co-workers - team work is often a necessity with most jobs
24 :: What are the things that internal responsibility system does?
Internal responsibility system does the following:
★ Establishes responsibility sharing systems
★ Promotes safety culture
★ Promotes best practice
★ Helps develop self reliance
★ Ensures compliance
Read More★ Establishes responsibility sharing systems
★ Promotes safety culture
★ Promotes best practice
★ Helps develop self reliance
★ Ensures compliance
25 :: Tell me what are the responsibilities of employers?
Employees responsibilities include the following:
★ Responsibility to work in compliance with OH&S acts and regulations.
★ Responsibility to use personal protective equipment and clothing as directed by the employer.
★ Responsibility to report workplace hazards and dangers.
★ Responsibility to work in a manner as required by the employer and use the prescribed safety equipment.
Read More★ Responsibility to work in compliance with OH&S acts and regulations.
★ Responsibility to use personal protective equipment and clothing as directed by the employer.
★ Responsibility to report workplace hazards and dangers.
★ Responsibility to work in a manner as required by the employer and use the prescribed safety equipment.