Logo Designer Interview Questions And Answers
Optimize your Logo Designer interview preparation with our curated set of 58 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Logo Designer. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 58 questions to help you succeed in your Logo Designer interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.
58 Logo Designer Questions and Answers:
Logo Designer Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Explain what brands do you most admire and how do they influence your work?
This is a good opportunity to see whether a designer is abreast of current design trends and a good fit for your specific business needs. They should be able to articulate what makes a brand stand out, graphically speaking, whether that brand is directly related to your business or if it shares similar attributes.
Read More2 :: Explain me how do you measure the success of your designs?
A good designer should always be looking for feedback and opportunities to iterate. They should care about metrics like conversion rates, click-throughs, and user feedback even if they aren’t measured by them.
Read More3 :: Tell us have you done freelance work before?
Why yes I have done the freelance work on many occasions maybe 150 at least.
Read More4 :: Tell us what's the difference between the gripped edge and the deckle of paper stock?
The gripped edge is the side of the paper which is held by the printing press, the deckle is the edge or side of the paper which is the "outside"
Read More5 :: Tell us who is your favorite designer?
ABC from GGL. I love her clean, fresh designs that stand out without being too overdone and in your face.
Read More6 :: Tell us how familiar are you with Adobe's product line?
Adobe Photoshop - 80%, Illustrator - 35%, Dreamweaver - 60%, Premier - 40%
Read More7 :: Tell us when designing print jobs what file format would you use for photos?
Read More8 :: Please explain something about your most challenging design project yet?
I have my portfolio here for your reference. I was asked to design an advertisement for baby clothes. It is a touchy subject which required much thought and sensitivity. I was actually quite apprehensive about offending they target audience but thankfully, it received accolades from both the company and the customers.
Read More9 :: Tell us how would your other clients describe working with you?
When a graphic designer has a page of their portfolio website dedicated to testimonials or keeps an offline copy of positive reviews they've received from past clients, it tells you their customers are happy with their results and willing to publicly vouch for them. If they don’t offer to share, just ask.
However, if they’re unable to produce a few positive testimonials, that’s might be an indication they are unable to sustain good client relationships or produce quality results. Tread lightly.
Read MoreHowever, if they’re unable to produce a few positive testimonials, that’s might be an indication they are unable to sustain good client relationships or produce quality results. Tread lightly.
10 :: Please explain what qualities and skills should a good graphic designer have?
This is a great opportunity to see how a designer thinks of their profession. “To create great designs” is not enough. A good designer will be able to articulate how their designs communicate your brand’s vision and solve practical problems.
Read More11 :: Tell us how do you meet tough deadlines? Tell us about a time you completed great work under pressure?
Good designers are thoughtful and thorough, but you also want to make sure they know how to prioritize and work well under time constraints.
Read More12 :: Suppose someone asks you to design something without any context. What do you do?
Nobody likes it, but sometimes designers are asked to create something without a lot of context. A good designer can roll with the punches and find answers to their questions whether there’s a detailed creative brief or not.
Read More13 :: Tell us about a time when you closed a deal with someone that was unsure about going forth, how did you do? What was the project for?
I was hired to create a logo and for a bow-turning company. After I completed it I was asked to create a website for them in the future. Months had passed without any word, so I created some sample pages to show the client. They were happy with the result and decided to move forward.
Read More14 :: Tell me when creating graphics, what do you think is the most important aspect, planning, design, or implementation?
All of the above. If you're missing any one of those parts of the formula it can mess up the rest of the design. You want to make sure it's consistent in all parts.
Read More15 :: Tell us how long does a typical project take you to create from sketch to finish?
It depends on the complexity of the project. A simple logo design takes about 1 week. An entire brand and website design can take up to a couple of months.
Read More16 :: Explain me your process of taking a project from initial sketch to the final product?
Research the customers webpage to understand the feeling of their products. Start brainstorming of ideas. Create various concepts and present them to the costumers. Once one of the concepts are selected, finish the design and send to the client for final approval.
Read More17 :: Tell us what motivated you to apply for this project?
This question can reveal a lot about whether the graphic designer you’re interviewing is genuinely interested in your company and what they’ll be working on. If they aren’t, it'll show in the final product -- and that's a losing situation for everyone.
Ask questions that gauge their knowledge of your business and goals, and observe how well their skills and interests align. You want a graphic designer who fundamentally understands what you are building and why it's important. Ideally, they’ll already be familiar with your company or will have interacted with you as a customer in the past.
Read MoreAsk questions that gauge their knowledge of your business and goals, and observe how well their skills and interests align. You want a graphic designer who fundamentally understands what you are building and why it's important. Ideally, they’ll already be familiar with your company or will have interacted with you as a customer in the past.
18 :: Explain me your design process like?
The graphic designer you're considering should be able to articulate a clear path to achieving your desired results. An inability to do so could mean they don’t have enough experience to suit your needs.
For example, here's how veteran graphic designer Ian Paget of Logo Geek kicks off a project with a new client: "I start my design process by creating a list of goals that can be used as a tick-list to refer to during the design phase and when selecting the best solution. We cover areas such as the brand's story, values, competition and target audience."
Having a well-defined, agreed upon design process like this is key to the success of the designer-client relationship.
Read MoreFor example, here's how veteran graphic designer Ian Paget of Logo Geek kicks off a project with a new client: "I start my design process by creating a list of goals that can be used as a tick-list to refer to during the design phase and when selecting the best solution. We cover areas such as the brand's story, values, competition and target audience."
Having a well-defined, agreed upon design process like this is key to the success of the designer-client relationship.
19 :: Tell us have you worked on a project as part of a team? How did it turn out? What parts did you contribute?
At my current job I'm in charge heading monthly meetings to track different aspects of our company. I contribute to 5 of the 6 topics in question. I always make sure my research is thorough, my presentations are laid out effectively and I give everybody as detailed a breakdown as I can. I ALWAYS make sure I'm able to meet the deadlines and I'm willing to help others if they aren't able to complete their aspects in time.
Read More20 :: Tell me what do you enjoy designing graphics for the most? Example would be, for advertisements, for websites, video games, etc.?
Advertisement and websites.
Read More21 :: Explain us what’s an example of a project where you disagreed with the client’s feedback and how did you handle it?
Good designers should be able to defend and support their work in a professional, respectful way. You want designers who believe enough in their work not to be steamrolled but also who won’t be difficult to work with or refuse to adapt.
Read More22 :: Tell us how do you work with collaborators like copywriters, developers, and project managers? Tell me about the final hand-off process?
Great graphic designers are team players who ask questions and solicit feedback. A good candidate will feel comfortable collaborating with clients on a project. They should be able to recommend specific file types for review, source files, and deliverable to make the final hand off as smooth as possible.
Read More23 :: Explain us about your experience working remotely. What do you feel is important to make sure the work gets done efficiently?
This question should give you some insight into a graphic designer’s work style. Mentioning the importance of regular communication, organization, and accountability are good signs.
Read More24 :: Tell us how do you incorporate feedback into your designs? What’s a time you received hard criticism for your work?
You want to make sure you’re selecting someone who can solve design problems, not create them. Great designers aren’t precious about their work, and mature designers appreciate and incorporate constructive feedback.
Read More25 :: Explain do you find CSS to being superior or inferior?
Superior - there are endless possibilities with it. You can even animate with it!
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