Bus Driver Interview Questions And Answers
Enhance your Bus Driver interview preparation with our set of 67 carefully chosen questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Bus Driver. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Get the free PDF download to access all 67 questions and excel in your Bus Driver interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
67 Bus Driver Questions and Answers:
Bus Driver Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Tell me how would you rate your ability to drive a bus at night? How do you handle night shifts?
Staying awake at night is not something natural for a human being so night shifts are obviously more difficult than day shifts. However, if one gets sufficient rest and sleep during the day, night shifts are not too difficult to manage. On a scale of one to ten, I would rate my ability to drive a bus at night at 8.
Read More2 :: Tell me how would you incorporate technological gadgets in your job?
With GPS services one can easy travel in the entire world independently. Say them that by using such gadgets the only question that you would have is where to reach and not how to reach.
Read More3 :: Tell me how do you manage time well?
Time management is very important for a driver whether it is regarding delivering things at places or taking the passengers to their places. A good driver should know to manage the time well so that he can do maximum work in minimum time.
Read More4 :: Tell me do you know what type of vehicles can you drive with a class C driver license?
Class C driver license is issued for driving vehicles lesser than 26,000 pounds in weight. Examples of such vehicles are trucks, buses, vans, etc.
Read More5 :: Explain a Situation in Which You Were Required to Act Quickly?
When you drive a bus, you will be required to react to the actions of other drivers very quickly. Your interviewer will ask you this question in order to gauge your critical thinking skills which could save the lives of your passengers in harrowing situations. If you have ever been involved in such a situation as it applies to driving a bus, provide a brief but thorough explanation. Otherwise, reach outside of your bus driving skills to find a different situation in which you were able to make good snap decisions in an emergency.
Read More6 :: Tell me why are you the best candidate for us as Bus Driver?
My attention to detail and ability to assess situations and calm deminour are a great asset to your team.
Read More7 :: Are you available to work extra shifts, like sporting events and field trips?
Yes I would be very willing and enjoy the opportunity to participate in field trips.
Read More8 :: Driving a school bus requires arriving at the bus depot at 6 AM. Will this work for you?
I am use to getting up early. That would not be a problem.
Read More9 :: Tell me if a kid throws up, while in route to school, how would you handle the situation?
I would safely pull the bus over, secure the bus, remove the key and give the student that got sick a pan if available in case they get sick again. I would have the student move to the front of the bus, most likely let the school know that this student was sick, so they could contact the parent. Clean the area as best I could to get back of the road and get the students to school.
Read More10 :: Tell me have you used technology to help you in driving?
Yes, I have. I use the GPS to chart short and safe routes to my destinations.
Read More11 :: Explain if a fight breaks out while in route to school, how would you handle the situation?
I would safely pull my bus over, secure it and remind the students that riding the bus is a privilege and the expected behavior while on the bus. If it was bad enough, I would call school administrator.
Read More12 :: Explain what are some skills that make you a better school bus driver?
I am alert and aware of the responsibility I have to keep these children safe. I have a terrific driving record. I am a defensive driver. I am able to keep calm and think things through in stressful situations.
Read More13 :: Explain about your driving experience?
I would hope that everyone is trained fully, but every company is different. for myself I have 9 years of training.
Read More14 :: Do You Mind Working Nights and Weekends?
You will generally be asked this question only if you are applying for a position driving a city bus. In larger cities, buses run well into the night—sometimes even 24 hours a day. You may be given a midnight shift due to your lack of seniority, or scheduling may require that you work swing shifts. This is not the time to discuss your personal scheduling needs, however. Replying with a statement such as “I do not mind working nights or weekends and I am always available” will suffice. This is exactly what your potential employer wants to hear since your flexibility will help the bus system stay on schedule.
Read More15 :: How patient type of person are you?
A driver may have to halt at places which will be according to the passenger, or sometimes the passenger will be an irritating one who would keep on talking with the driver. So the driver has to be patient and keep focusing on his driving.
Answer them with an example of such similar situation you may have faced before.
Read MoreAnswer them with an example of such similar situation you may have faced before.
16 :: Explain me about a situation where your role as a driver was truly tested?
This is a pure behavioral question. This is your opportunity to shine and speak something good about yourself. Go prepared with some good example to answer this question.
You can give an example that you had to deliver something very urgent and how your time management skills helped you to do the task on time.
Read MoreYou can give an example that you had to deliver something very urgent and how your time management skills helped you to do the task on time.
17 :: Explain me how would you handle it if a fight broke out on the bus that you were driving?
I would have no choice but to stop the bus and intervene to stop the fight immediately. I would then make sure that the perpetrators are seated furthest away from each other for the rest of the ride.
Read More18 :: Explain how would you handle a situation on your bus in which a student attempted to or did physically harm you or another student?
The 1ra thing is try to convince the student to stop the problem. And sit the student next to the driver sit if not call my supervisor and explain the situation io n.
Read More19 :: Tell me you have entered a busy intersection and a passenger vehicle cuts in front of you. What would be your response?
Stop bus, listen to them and have them contact bus lot. Do not let child off bus.
Read More20 :: Tell me is there anything we should be aware of that may come up on your criminal background check?
No. I do not have any concerns with you taking a criminal background check on my.
Read More21 :: Are you experienced in using a CB radio to communicate with the school and other bus drivers?
Not experienced, but have used a CB before.
Read More22 :: Tell me how Much Education and Experience Do You Have?
In order to drive a bus for either the city or a school system, you must be properly licensed. You should be sure to bring this license with you to present to your interviewer. Next, be truthful about the amount of experience you have. If you have only driven a bus a few times, you should never try to bluff. Be honest about the amount of experience you have but be sure to mention your safety record, particularly if it is impeccable. Your ability to keep your passengers safe will be your interviewer’s primary concern.
Read More23 :: Explain me do you have any mechanical knowledge regarding vehicles?
This is good if you really know to deal with technical failures in cars, but I advise you to say the truth. If you lie today, they will catch you for this sometime in the future and if you fail there then you are surely going to be fired.
Read More24 :: Tell me what are your views on a responsible driver?
A responsible driver never upsets his passengers, and he knows very well about driving, traffic rules and the city. If sometime there is some accident with his car then he does not run away but take responsibilities of his car and his passengers.
In-case if you are applying for a delivery job then just say them the responsibility of the driver is to deliver the products at the given place safely before time.
Read MoreIn-case if you are applying for a delivery job then just say them the responsibility of the driver is to deliver the products at the given place safely before time.
25 :: Tell me how good is your driving record?
Don't mention about your record of being caught by traffic police every week, and don't even say that you were never caught. Both your answers will never give you the job. Just say them that you were caught once when you broke some traffic rules to urgently admit some person in a hospital. Such reasons will add a good impression.
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