Dispatcher Interview Questions And Answers
Enhance your Dispatcher interview preparation with our set of 27 carefully chosen questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Dispatcher to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Download the free PDF to have all 27 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.
27 Dispatcher Questions and Answers:
Dispatcher Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Tell us what drove you to purse a dispatch career?
A dispatch position can be difficult, heart wrenching and very stressful. The hiring manager knows that not everyone has the right temperament to succeed in this field. You should be honest, but do not mention the salary or benefits. Instead, focus on the importance of the job in an emergency situation. Dispatchers must record important information and calm upset or excited individuals. Draw upon these aspects of the position in your response.
Read More2 :: Explain me how would you describe your work ethic?
When the interviewer asks about your work ethic they are looking for specific examples or keywords they can relate to. When you read the company job posting or job description do they refer to particular company ethics? Talk about their values and how those align well with your personal work values.
Some characteristics you may want to use are:
☛ Determined/Driven
☛ Accountable
☛ Humble
☛ Respectful
☛ Dependable
Read MoreSome characteristics you may want to use are:
☛ Determined/Driven
☛ Accountable
☛ Humble
☛ Respectful
☛ Dependable
3 :: Can you please explain what Do You Know About Our Company?
When you go for any interview it is advisable to always follow these research steps:
☛ Go onto the company’s website and read up on the “careers” and “about us” sections
☛ Visit the LinkedIn page for the company and look up information on the company
☛ Or Google a keyword phrase such as “press releases” that is followed up with the companies name
Read More☛ Go onto the company’s website and read up on the “careers” and “about us” sections
☛ Visit the LinkedIn page for the company and look up information on the company
☛ Or Google a keyword phrase such as “press releases” that is followed up with the companies name
4 :: Tell me will I be required to work shifts? Weekends? Holidays?
Georgia State Patrol Communications is a 24/7-365 days per year job. As with most law enforcement dispatch, we are open nights, weekends and holidays. Schedules are made at the Communications Center level and staffing levels are set to meet the needs of the department on any given shift. Everyone is usually required to work different shifts.
Read More5 :: Tell us what is your method for dealing with a caller that is incoherent and confused?
Reveals the candidate’s interpersonal skills.
Read More6 :: Tell us do you handle stress well?
As a dispatcher, you will be responsible for contacting the appropriate agencies in emergency situations. At a moment’s notice, you must communicate with the police, fire department, hospital, EMTs and other first responders. Also, you must keep the caller calm and provide instructions when appropriate. To answer this question, you can mention what you do to relax in your free time or how you relieve stress on the clock.
Read More7 :: Tell me what kind of dispatch equipment or software have you worked with?
Highlights the candidate’s knowledge of dispatch equipment.
Read More8 :: Can you rate your communication skills from 1-10 with proper examples backing your given rating?
On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in communication? Why did you choose that particular rating for yourself?
Read More9 :: Tell us what Type Of Experience Do You Have In This Particular Dispatch Field?
It would be in your favor if you are applying for a position that you already have a lot of experience in. If this is the case it is best to mention all of this experience. However, if you happen to looking to try out a new career path, you may not have experience to speak of. This is when a bit of honest creativity is needed so that you can match up with the experience needed with the one you already possess. For example you can highlight that you have people skills or that your customer service-skills can be applied within the offered position.
Read More10 :: Tell us have You Had Conflicts With Your Last Professor Or Boss and How Was This Issue Resolved?
If you happen to answer this question with a no, the interviewer will probe deeper in order to arrive at a conflict. The important part of this interview question is how you reacted behaviorally to this conflict and what actions you followed in order to resolve the problem. The best advice when answering the question is to focus on the “behavioral” process to resolve such conflicts.
Read More11 :: Do you know is there an age requirement to become a Dispatcher?
Yes. The age requirement is 18 years.
Read More12 :: As you know the accuracy of our dispatchers is important for our company’s success. How do you ensure your call logs and records are accurate and up-to-date?
Tests the candidate’s organizational skills.
Read More13 :: Tell us a time you had to make a difficult decision without your supervisor? How did you handle it?
Highlights the candidate’s ability to work with little supervision.
Read More14 :: Basic Dispatcher Job Interview Questions:
☛ When would you like to have this position filled?
☛ How long has this role been vacant?
☛ Is this a replacement search or a newly created role?
☛ What is your favorite part about working here?
☛ What is the company's primary goal for this position in the next 12 months?
☛ Is there anything from my background and experience that I can clarify for you?
☛ What do you see as the biggest change in this industry over the past 3 years?
☛ Is there any reason why you would not hire me?
Read More☛ How long has this role been vacant?
☛ Is this a replacement search or a newly created role?
☛ What is your favorite part about working here?
☛ What is the company's primary goal for this position in the next 12 months?
☛ Is there anything from my background and experience that I can clarify for you?
☛ What do you see as the biggest change in this industry over the past 3 years?
☛ Is there any reason why you would not hire me?
15 :: Top 10 Dispatcher Job Interview Questions:
☛ 1. Tell me about yourself.
☛ 2. Do you consider yourself an organized person?
☛ 3. What kind of experience do you have in handling multiple phone lines?
☛ 4. Are you able to be friendly and accommodating on the phone for long periods of time?
☛ 5. Are you capable of reading and understanding maps, weather reports, and traffic reports?
☛ 6. In the past, have you ever had to deal with a difficult person over the phone? How did you handle the situation?
☛ 7. How do you deal with everyday stress?
☛ 8. What do you feel is the most important quality in a dispatcher?
☛ 9. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
☛ 10. What skills are you the most interested in improving upon or learning?
Read More☛ 2. Do you consider yourself an organized person?
☛ 3. What kind of experience do you have in handling multiple phone lines?
☛ 4. Are you able to be friendly and accommodating on the phone for long periods of time?
☛ 5. Are you capable of reading and understanding maps, weather reports, and traffic reports?
☛ 6. In the past, have you ever had to deal with a difficult person over the phone? How did you handle the situation?
☛ 7. How do you deal with everyday stress?
☛ 8. What do you feel is the most important quality in a dispatcher?
☛ 9. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
☛ 10. What skills are you the most interested in improving upon or learning?
16 :: Tell us what important factors do you study before determining the appropriate scheduling actions?
Demonstrates the candidate’s ability to prioritize work.
Read More17 :: Can you explain me what Type of Work Environment Do You Prefer?
Although this question may seem simple to answer, it tells your interviewer a lot about your ability to lead or work with others. It may be tempting to provide an answer that would lead your potential employer to believe that you are a natural leader and a team player, but the correct answer is “I am comfortable working within groups as well as on my own. Although I am well-versed when it comes to leading a team, I am just as capable of following any instructions that are provided to me.” This ensures your interviewer that you can work well in a wide variety of environments, but it also provides information about your preferences.
Read More18 :: Explain me why Are You the Most Qualified Candidate for the Job?
When you are asked about your qualifications, you should be sure to answer with a mix of your experience, education and personal qualities. As an example, saying something like “I am dedicated to helping individuals who are experiencing crises, so I studied emergency management at XYZ College for two years. I am certified in CPR and AED, and I worked as an EMT while I was attending college so I could become familiar with the requirements of the job. I feel that I would be an asset to the department because I have the ability to stay focused during extremely stressful situations” keeps your answer short, but it also shows your employer that you are well informed and ready to handle the job requirements.
Read More19 :: Explain me what is your preferred type of working environment?
Your answer to this inquiry will tell the interviewer a lot about how you would fit in the established working environment. From your response to these types of dispatcher interview questions and answers, the hiring manager will gauge how well you can work with and lead others. Your reply should indicate that you are capable of being efficient in a team or when working alone. Additionally, you should show that you can lead others as well as follow depending on the demands of the situation.
Read More20 :: Tell me how Well Do You Handle Stress?
There is no denying that a dispatcher’s job is a stressful one. Not only will you be responsible for ensuring that the correct agencies—police, fire, ambulance, first responders and others—are contacted and directed to the right address, but you will also be responsible for keeping the caller calm and providing instructions as necessary. You should be sure to provide an answer that details your methods for handling stress. “During my downtime, I meditate and do yoga to relieve stress. This way, I arrive for work feeling refreshed and ready to handle any situation that comes my way” is a great answer, as is “I practice deep breathing between calls to clear my head and prepare for the next call.”
Read More21 :: Tell us what Type Of Challenges Are You In Search Of With This Position?
This is a standard type of interview question to decide what you is in search of for your next career opportunity as well as if you would be an appropriate candidate for the available position. One of the better ways to answer this question would be discuss areas on how you would be able to use the experience and skills you have in an effective way if you were hired for this position. You may also want to mention how challenges motivate you and how you have the skills to meet up with challenges.
Read More22 :: Explain me is there any opportunity for advancement?
Yes, there are three levels of dispatcher. Dispatcher 1 is the entry level, Dispatcher 2 is the basic level after completion of one year as a Dispatcher 1. Dispatcher 3 is the shift supervisor (Senior) and Level 4 is the Communication Chief that oversees the communication centers operations. When a Level 3 job opens, any Level 2 dispatcher that meets the minimum qualifications may apply. The same applies to Level 4 with the exception that only a Level 3 dispatcher may apply.
Read More23 :: Tell me what makes you an ideal candidate for this position?
An ideal candidate for this position will have the right mix of experience, personal traits and education. Your answer should be short, but convey what sets you apart from the crowd. For example, “I’m dedicated to handling crisis situations with a high degree of composure and professionalism. I studied emergency management at ABC University and I spent four years working as an EMT. I feel I have the necessary traits and skills to be extremely effective in emergency situations.”
Read More24 :: Explain me what Do You Recognize As Your Greatest Weakness?
This may be a somewhat challenging question, and if you had to answer that you have no weaknesses you would probably be viewed as been dishonest. When answering be realistic and perhaps mention a work-related flaw that is minor. Other ways to answer this question in a positive way would be to mention a weakness and then go onto say what you have done to improve on or overcome this weakness.
Read More25 :: Tell me do you require any previous experience to become a Dispatcher?
No previous experience is required. However, good communications skills, computer skills and multitasking skills are essential to the job.
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