ATL Interview Questions And Answers
Enhance your ATL interview preparation with our set of 27 carefully chosen questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in ATL. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 27 questions to help you succeed in your ATL interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.
27 ATL Questions and Answers:
ATL Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

int a[][]=[4]
int [][]a=[4]?
Yes There is diff between, both will give you error. one
will give compiler error and another will give systax error.
Read Morewill give compiler error and another will give systax error.
3 :: What is proces?
In Windows, Thread is an unit of execution.Process is the
environment in which thread executes.Scheduler, schedules
the Threads not the process.
In Unix variants,Thread is treated as light weight process.
Scheduler, schedules the process not threads.
Read Moreenvironment in which thread executes.Scheduler, schedules
the Threads not the process.
In Unix variants,Thread is treated as light weight process.
Scheduler, schedules the process not threads.
4 :: How to create SDK based ATL?
how to create SDK based COM?
Use the CAxWindow class as described below:
Make sure that AtlAxWinInit has been called.
Read MoreMake sure that AtlAxWinInit has been called.
5 :: What Is "AtlAxWin80"?
"AtlAxWin80" is the name of a window class that helps
provide ATL's control-hosting functionality. When you
create an instance of this class, the window procedure will
automatically use the control-hosting API to create a host
object associated with the window and load it with the
control that you specify as the title of the window. For
more information, see How Do I Load Controls Specified at
Run Time?.
Read Moreprovide ATL's control-hosting functionality. When you
create an instance of this class, the window procedure will
automatically use the control-hosting API to create a host
object associated with the window and load it with the
control that you specify as the title of the window. For
more information, see How Do I Load Controls Specified at
Run Time?.
6 :: What Is the ATL Control-Hosting API?
ATL's control-hosting API is the set of functions that
allows any window to act as an ActiveX control container.
These functions can be statically or dynamically linked
into your project since they are available as source code
and exposed by ATL80.dll. The control-hosting functions are
listed in the table below.
Read Moreallows any window to act as an ActiveX control container.
These functions can be statically or dynamically linked
into your project since they are available as source code
and exposed by ATL80.dll. The control-hosting functions are
listed in the table below.
7 :: Which ATL Classes Facilitate ActiveX Control Containment?
ATL's control-hosting code doesn't require you to use any
ATL classes; you can simply create an "AtlAxWin80" window
and use the control-hosting API if necessary (for more
information, see What Is the ATL Control-Hosting API?).
However, the following classes make the containment
features easier to use.
Read MoreATL classes; you can simply create an "AtlAxWin80" window
and use the control-hosting API if necessary (for more
information, see What Is the ATL Control-Hosting API?).
However, the following classes make the containment
features easier to use.
8 :: How to Implement multiple dual interfaces?
We can implement a dual interface using the IDispatchImpl
class, which provides a default implementation of the
IDispatch methods in a dual interface. For more information
To use this class:
Define your dual interface in a type library.
Derive your class from a specialization of IDispatchImpl
(pass information about the interface and type library as
the template arguments).
Add an entry (or entries) to the COM map to expose the dual
interface through QueryInterface.
Implement the vtable part of the interface in your class.
Ensure that the type library containing the interface
definition is available to your objects at run time.
Read Moreclass, which provides a default implementation of the
IDispatch methods in a dual interface. For more information
To use this class:
Define your dual interface in a type library.
Derive your class from a specialization of IDispatchImpl
(pass information about the interface and type library as
the template arguments).
Add an entry (or entries) to the COM map to expose the dual
interface through QueryInterface.
Implement the vtable part of the interface in your class.
Ensure that the type library containing the interface
definition is available to your objects at run time.
9 :: What are the known problems with the ATL 2.0 Object Wizard?
The ATL 2.0 Object Wizard might not be present in the
Component Gallery. The ATL 2.0 Object Wizard is not
installed by the main ATL 2.0 setup program (Atlinst.exe).
It requires a separate setup program. You need to download
and run the ATL 2.0 Object Wizard Technology Preview
(Objinst.exe) from the ATL Web page. There is a separate
ZIP file for Windows NT 3.51.
The ATL 2.0 Object Wizard may crash if an older version of
Oleaut32.dll is installed on the system. Make sure the
version of Oleaut32.dll is at least 2.20.4049. The latest
version is available for download at the Internet Explorer
3.x Web site. If this does not fix the problem, then
install Service Pack 2 for Windows NT 4.0.
Read MoreComponent Gallery. The ATL 2.0 Object Wizard is not
installed by the main ATL 2.0 setup program (Atlinst.exe).
It requires a separate setup program. You need to download
and run the ATL 2.0 Object Wizard Technology Preview
(Objinst.exe) from the ATL Web page. There is a separate
ZIP file for Windows NT 3.51.
The ATL 2.0 Object Wizard may crash if an older version of
Oleaut32.dll is installed on the system. Make sure the
version of Oleaut32.dll is at least 2.20.4049. The latest
version is available for download at the Internet Explorer
3.x Web site. If this does not fix the problem, then
install Service Pack 2 for Windows NT 4.0.
10 :: What problems might be encountered when using _ATL_MIN_CRT?
What causes the linker error that _main is unresolved during Release builds?
Because before calling _Main, program might be calling
other function which is needed to initialize the memebers
of the program. If that function calling fails, then it
throws so called linker error.
Read Moreother function which is needed to initialize the memebers
of the program. If that function calling fails, then it
throws so called linker error.
11 :: What are the reasons an ATL server might fail to register?
The following are the top three reasons an ATL server might
fail to register: 1. You built your project with
_WIN32_WINNT=0x400 (the default), and you are not running
the ATL server under Windows NT 4.0 or you do not have an
up-to-date version of Oleaut32.dll. To solve this problem,
run "DUMPBIN /EXPORTS OLEAUT32.DLL" and search for
UnregisterTypelib. If it is not there, then your server
cannot run. Remove this #define statement from Stdafx.h if
you want to run the ATL server under Windows 95 or older
versions of Windows NT. Alternatively, you can use
LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress so that you can run
optimally under both Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. The
Oleaut32.dll that ships with the Internet Explorer 3.x is
2. You built your project as MinSize and Atl.dll is not
properly installed on the system. The correct version of
Atl.dll must be copied and registered by Regsvr32. There
are Windows NT and Windows 95 versions of Atl.dll. The
Windows 95 version runs under Windows NT. However, since it
does not use the UNICODE APIs, it is slightly less
efficient. Unless you build your project as MinDependency,
you will need to install the correct version of Atl.dll and
run Regsvr32 on it before you install your server.
3. You built your project as UNICODE, and you cannot run it
under Windows 95.
The following are the steps to troubleshoot: 1. For a DLL
server, run Regsvr32 in the debugger. Open the Project
Settings dialog box and click the Debug tab. In the
Executable for debug session text box, enter the full path
to Regsvr32.exe, such as C:\Sharedide\Bin\Regsvr32.exe. In
the Program arguments text box, specify the full path to
your DLL, such as C:\Myprojects\MyFolder\Debug\MyFile.dll.
Set a breakpoint at DllRegisterServer and start stepping.
2. For an EXE server, run it in the debugger and
specify /REGSVR as its command-line argument.
Read Morefail to register: 1. You built your project with
_WIN32_WINNT=0x400 (the default), and you are not running
the ATL server under Windows NT 4.0 or you do not have an
up-to-date version of Oleaut32.dll. To solve this problem,
run "DUMPBIN /EXPORTS OLEAUT32.DLL" and search for
UnregisterTypelib. If it is not there, then your server
cannot run. Remove this #define statement from Stdafx.h if
you want to run the ATL server under Windows 95 or older
versions of Windows NT. Alternatively, you can use
LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress so that you can run
optimally under both Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. The
Oleaut32.dll that ships with the Internet Explorer 3.x is
2. You built your project as MinSize and Atl.dll is not
properly installed on the system. The correct version of
Atl.dll must be copied and registered by Regsvr32. There
are Windows NT and Windows 95 versions of Atl.dll. The
Windows 95 version runs under Windows NT. However, since it
does not use the UNICODE APIs, it is slightly less
efficient. Unless you build your project as MinDependency,
you will need to install the correct version of Atl.dll and
run Regsvr32 on it before you install your server.
3. You built your project as UNICODE, and you cannot run it
under Windows 95.
The following are the steps to troubleshoot: 1. For a DLL
server, run Regsvr32 in the debugger. Open the Project
Settings dialog box and click the Debug tab. In the
Executable for debug session text box, enter the full path
to Regsvr32.exe, such as C:\Sharedide\Bin\Regsvr32.exe. In
the Program arguments text box, specify the full path to
your DLL, such as C:\Myprojects\MyFolder\Debug\MyFile.dll.
Set a breakpoint at DllRegisterServer and start stepping.
2. For an EXE server, run it in the debugger and
specify /REGSVR as its command-line argument.
12 :: What is function description of AtlAxAttachControl?
Creates a host object, connects it to the supplied window,
then attaches an existing control.
Read Morethen attaches an existing control.
13 :: What is function description of AtlAxCreateControl?
Creates a host object, connects it to the supplied window,
then loads a control.
Read Morethen loads a control.
14 :: What is function description of AtlAxCreateControlEx?
Creates a host object, connects it to the supplied window,
then loads a control (also allows event sinks to be set up).
Read Morethen loads a control (also allows event sinks to be set up).
15 :: What is function description of AtlAxCreateControlLic?
Creates a licensed ActiveX control, initializes it, and
hosts it in the specified window, similar to
Read Morehosts it in the specified window, similar to
16 :: What is function description of AtlAxGetHost?
Returns the IUnknown interface pointer of the host object connected to a window.
Read More17 :: What is function description of AtlAxDialogBox?
Creates a modal dialog box from a dialog resource.
Read More18 :: What is function description of AtlAxCreateControlLicEx?
Creates a licensed ActiveX control, initializes it, and
hosts it in the specified window, similar to
Read Morehosts it in the specified window, similar to
19 :: What is function description of AtlAxCreateDialog?
Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog resource and
returns the window handle.
Read Morereturns the window handle.
20 :: What is function description of AtlAxGetControl?
Returns the IUnknown interface pointer of the control hosted in a window.
Read More23 :: What is class description of CAxWindow2T?
Wraps an "AtlAxWinLic80" window, providing methods for
creating the window, creating a control and/or attaching a
licensed control to the window, and retrieving interface
pointers on the host object.
Read Morecreating the window, creating a control and/or attaching a
licensed control to the window, and retrieving interface
pointers on the host object.
24 :: What is class description of CAxDialogImpl?
Acts as a base class for dialog classes based on a dialog resource. Such dialogs can contain ActiveX controls.
Read More25 :: What is class description of CComCompositeControl?
Acts as a base class for ActiveX control classes based on
a dialog resource. Such controls can contain other ActiveX
Read Morea dialog resource. Such controls can contain other ActiveX