Document Type Definition (DTD) Interview Questions And Answers
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43 DTD Questions and Answers:
DTD Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What is Document Type Definition (DTD)?
DTD stands for document type definition. it describes elements that appear in the XML document what are its contents and attributes Reply With Quote
Read More3 :: what are Standards for Software Test Plans?
Several standards suggest what a test plan should contain, including the IEEE. The standards are: IEEE standards: 829-1983 IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation 1008-1987 IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing 1012-1986 IEEE Standard for Software Verification & Validation Plans 1059-1993 IEEE Guide for Software Verification & Validation Plans
Read More4 :: What is test case analysis?
Test case analysis means reviewing the test case normally done by team lead or Quality Manager. In this process he / she walkthorugh the testccases and compares with the SRS or functional document and also checks whether all major scenarios were considered by test engineer while writting the test case and informs accordingly.
Read More5 :: What is the difference between GUI testing and blackbox testing?
Read More6 :: What are the main things we have to keep in mind while writing?
The main focus while writing test cases should be to cover all the documented requirements, a rudimentary form of doing this is by specifying the exact requirement number/id against every test case. A better way of doing this is by preparing a Traceability Matrix We should also try and write which cover the implicit requirements along with the expliocit stated ones, some negative test cases to cover unpredicatable scenarios. Effort should be made to test all possible inputs and to apply whatever domain knowledge the tester has. The test cases should follow a logical flow, and should include all the information required for executing the steps. The writing style should be easy to understand, all these points make it easy for the reviewer to review the test cases, and also help in easy execution of test cases as they might be executed by another person. The template for writing the test cases should also be followed preperly and all columns should be filled in with the required information.
Read More7 :: What is Test Bug?
The difference between the expected value and the actual value is called a bug .
Read More8 :: What is the difference between UseCase and TestCase?
Difference between test case and use case is use case is prepared by High Level Management team but test case is prepared by Test engineers. Use case is prepared for validating the applications in terms of Actors, actions and responses but test case is used to test a specific functionality of an application.
Read More9 :: What is installation shield in testing?
Install Shield is the software which is used to create the setup files. There is Installation testing which ensures that the user can install the software without any problem and the files are getting stored at proper place and all the register entry are getting stored properly. There is nothing called Installation Shield testing.
Read More10 :: What are the management tools we have in testing?
There is no particular bug tracking tool. It will vary from company to company. In my company they are using Bugzilla. In some comp use TD, Service Point, manita1.0.1, Test Team, etc..
Read More11 :: Can we write Functional testcase based on only BRD or only Use case?
Yes we can,but you can not have a full flow on that test case.because BRD and use cases used to prepare FRS.with help of FRS we can write our testcase.
Read More12 :: What is main difference between smoke and sanity testing? when these are performed? Explain with example?
sanity testign is also called as Build verification testing. Every Build release from developer should be followed by sanity testing. - In sanity testing we install the application, launch the application and navigate through the application. - Sanity test is implemented to make sure the application is ready for complete testing. Every Build release to the client should be preceded by smoke testing. - smoke testing is implemented to make sure the application given to the client on the final release media is working fine, - smoke testing will be a quick test phase to test installation, launching and basic functionality navigation. - smoke testing is carried out using the check lists. -smoke testing is carried out before every release to the client.
Read More13 :: What Technical Environments have you worked with?
According to me Technical environments depends on compay to company and also on the compatability of project like most of the projects supports Windows and 3 - tire application in case of Database or some s/w will work on Unix / Linux so answer for this will different for different users
Read More14 :: Have you ever converted Test Scenarios into Test Cases?
Yes I have converted Test scenarios into Test cases. From FD write Test Scenarios and Test Conditions After these two writing test case accordingly
Read More15 :: What is the ONE key element of a Test Plan?
Test Plan Have these major contants:
1 Schadule
2 Resource need
3 Deadline
4 Budget
5 Feature to be tested with reason
6 feature not to be tested with reason 5 Test stratergy
6 Scope of testing
7 Tools to be used
Read More1 Schadule
2 Resource need
3 Deadline
4 Budget
5 Feature to be tested with reason
6 feature not to be tested with reason 5 Test stratergy
6 Scope of testing
7 Tools to be used
16 :: What is SQA testing? tell us steps of SQA testing?
SQA means Software Quality Assurance.It is the process of implementing and monitoring the entire SDLC process. In this we have 4 phases 1.Analysis 2.Design 3.Coding 4.Testing
Read More17 :: How do you promote the concept of phase containment and defect prevention?
Phase Containment is incorporating QA into all the phases of SDLC. It results in Defect Prevention. If Qa team performs Requirements Review, Design Review and Code Review, defects would be few when actual application is tested. That means we have prevented many defects by performing reviews at each stage of SDLC.
Read More18 :: Which Methodology u follow in ur Testcase?
Following methods are commonly used for writing test cases.
* Equavalence partitioning.
* Boundry value analysis
* Based on past experience.
Read More* Equavalence partitioning.
* Boundry value analysis
* Based on past experience.
19 :: specy the tools used by mnc companys?
All major MNCs are used the functional tools are:
Win runner, QTP and some companies are used Silk test.
For management tools , 'Test director' mostly used.
For load testing, Load Runner is using.
Read MoreWin runner, QTP and some companies are used Silk test.
For management tools , 'Test director' mostly used.
For load testing, Load Runner is using.
20 :: What are the test cases prepared by the testing team?
In my company i prepare three type of test cases they are,
1)graphical user interface testcases(gui test cases)
2)positive test cases
3)negative test cases
Read More1)graphical user interface testcases(gui test cases)
2)positive test cases
3)negative test cases
21 :: During the start of the project how will the company come to an conclusion that tool is required for testing or not?
Based on the budjet for the project; the time frame; number of members in the team and based on how huge the project is; whether it has some version control or version change; the company will decide the start of the project.
Read More22 :: Define Bug Life Cycle? What is Metrics?
When we find out the bug, we will put into the “open” status. After fixing the bug developer change the status as “fixed”. Again we will test the fixed part, if there is no bug, change the bug status as “Closed” other wise change the bug status as “Reopen”. A s/w metric defines the a standard method of measuring certain attributes of the process or the product or the service.
Read More23 :: What is a Test procedure?
Test Procedure is a part of Test Case document.It comprises of following three steps:
1. To verify the look and feel of AUT through GUI test cases.
2. To verify the positive behavior of AUT through positive test cases.
3. To veify the neative behaviour of the AUT through negative test cases.
Read More1. To verify the look and feel of AUT through GUI test cases.
2. To verify the positive behavior of AUT through positive test cases.
3. To veify the neative behaviour of the AUT through negative test cases.
24 :: What is the difference between SYSTEM TESTING and END-TO-END TESTING?
System testing is the phase of software testing in which the complete system is tested. It follows Integration testing. End to End testing is the testing of the application for all the possible scenarios. It is someway related to Exhaustive testing of the application. however, this can not be done in practise as they are more time consuming.
Read More25 :: What is Traceability Matrix? Is there any interchangeable term for Traceability Matrix?
I think it is not is Metrics.Traceability Metrics is a proof of document to ensure that all the specifications are been tested and the application is bug free.The Traceability metrics Includes The following Details:BRD#FS#TEST CASE#DESCRIPTIONTESTERTEST SETUPPASSED/FAILEDDEFFECTSTATUS OF DEFFECTETC.There are different metices are used to figure out how the QA is going about the testing.Test case execution metricsScript metricsRequirements metricsDeffects tracking metrics.The metrics are also used as Map among differe System features,Test cases,Modules and so on.ex: it is very easy to find who is responsible for deffect id
1009 in Login module for BRD
3.11.5 Etc.
Read More1009 in Login module for BRD
3.11.5 Etc.