Plumber Interview Questions And Answers
Strengthen your Plumber interview skills with our collection of 94 important questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Plumber. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Access the free PDF to get all 94 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Plumber interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.
94 Plumber Questions and Answers:
Plumber Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Tell us what license do you have as a plumber?
As of the moment none but I will take some proper classes for plumber to upgrade my standard.
Read More2 :: Tell me do you have your own plumbing equipment?
I have all the basic things. Hammer, pipe wrenches, screwdrivers, ruler, pencil, players, adjustable wrenches.
Read More3 :: Explain me what skills does a plumber should have?
• Problem solving
• Critical thinking
• Listening and paying attention to instruction
• Decision making
• Co-coordinating
• Technical knowledge related to pipe fitting
Read More• Critical thinking
• Listening and paying attention to instruction
• Decision making
• Co-coordinating
• Technical knowledge related to pipe fitting
4 :: Tell me what is the common reason for sump pump failure?
Sump pump is usually used in the basement area to remove the accumulated water during flood. Moreover, there are few reason it may stop working all of sudden.
• Switching problem
• Accumulation of excess debris, interfering with the switching
• The pump can move inside the basin, and that may interfere with the switching mechanism
Read More• Switching problem
• Accumulation of excess debris, interfering with the switching
• The pump can move inside the basin, and that may interfere with the switching mechanism
5 :: Do you know why is hard water considered bad?
Hard water can be damaging to the skin, clothes and even to the building. It has great corrosive powers which leads to dry skin conditions, pipe scaling, excessive soap consumption and deterioration of fixtures.
Read More6 :: Do you know what are pipe dopes?
Pipe dopes are used to create water tight seals at joints.
Read More7 :: Tell me what are your weaknesses for Plumbing supervisor position?
Try not to be too critical when answering this question. Instead, pick one of your weaknesses and try to turn it into a positive.
For example, you could be a perfectionist, which means that you sometimes take longer on tasks, but you make sure that they are completed to a high quality. It is important to make a negative into a positive as it doesn’t make you appear overly critical and shows you can reflect on your own performance.
Read MoreFor example, you could be a perfectionist, which means that you sometimes take longer on tasks, but you make sure that they are completed to a high quality. It is important to make a negative into a positive as it doesn’t make you appear overly critical and shows you can reflect on your own performance.
8 :: Explain me your salary requirements as Plumber?
Find out what the salary is for the job is that is possible ahead of time. If there is no salary posted then do some research. Find out what the market is paying and what you are worth. Make a reasonable salary offer based on this information. Do your best to avoid making a salary offer if you can. You can ask the employer if they have a salary range they plan to pay the person in this position.
Read More9 :: Suppose high Pressure Makes My Toilet Run (with new ballcock)?
If your water pressure is so high that it leaks past a Fluidmaster 400A or another new ballcock (aka: “toilet fill valve”) – then you NEED a pressure reducing valve. Other water pipes, connectors, clothes washing machine hoses and your water heater could leak or break. Best to get a pressure regulator if your pressure to the house is more than 60 pounds (80 is code throughout most of the U.S.).
Read More10 :: Tell me can Clogged Vents Stop Up Drains?
Yes and no. A toilet with no vent may not flush the contents out of the bowl, but any other drain will work without a vent. (NOTE: the code is that all fixtures shall be vented). Only twice in 15 years has the vents been the cause of a drain backup. In one case it was roofers who stuffed the old roofing material down the vents and the other was just a stray piece of wood. In both cases the material made its way down into the drain pipe and had to be removed. No amount of *vent cleaning* would have done any good.
Read More11 :: Tell me what is Claw Foot Tub Faucets?
These faucets are special to CFTs they have 2 3/8″; centers. Some units have 1/2″; and some have 3/4″; water connections at the back. The 3/4″; needs special CFT supply pipes. Most older faucets are not code and it is still easy to buy non-code faucets. The code is that the faucet spout must have a gap of at least 1″; between the top of the tub rim and the bottom of the spout – that’s so bath water in the tub cannot siphon back into the drinking water supply.
Read More12 :: Do you know what is Gas HWT Height?
Gas HWT have to be at least 18″ off the floor because combustible fumes *sink* and for air intake.
Read More13 :: Please explain a difficult situation you have overcome in the workplace?
Conflict resolution, problem solving, communication and coping under pressure are transferable skills desired by many employers.
Answering this question right can help you demonstrate all of these traits.
• Use real-life examples from your previous roles that you are comfortable explaining
• Choose an example that demonstrates the role you played in resolving the situation clearly
• Remain professional at all times – you need to demonstrate that you can keep a cool head and know how to communicate with people
Read MoreAnswering this question right can help you demonstrate all of these traits.
• Use real-life examples from your previous roles that you are comfortable explaining
• Choose an example that demonstrates the role you played in resolving the situation clearly
• Remain professional at all times – you need to demonstrate that you can keep a cool head and know how to communicate with people
14 :: Why did you leave your last job as Plumber?
Whatever the situation was from your previous job, you should always answer this question with a positive and enthusiastic response. If the reason for leaving your last job was redundancy, then you should talk about how your company had to restructure, instead of focusing on your own personal situation.
Under no circumstances should you criticise your previous employer, as this will appear unprofessional.
Read MoreUnder no circumstances should you criticise your previous employer, as this will appear unprofessional.
15 :: Tell us what is the first thing you look at before you design a plumbing system?
The first thing that I study is the building blueprint. This gives me an idea on the type and size of pipes that I need to use and procedures that I need to follow to design and eventually implement a plumbing system.
Read More16 :: Explain me what pre-caution a plumber could take for health and safety purpose?
• Avoid awkward body positions, and take break every 30 minutes
• Learn safe lifting techniques
• Wear appropriate footwear and gloves while handling sewage plant or metal pipes
• Keep tools and equipment’s in working condition, to avoid any unexpected accident due to inoperative tools
• To avoid electric shock use only power tools that can be used in a wet environment and have GFCI (Ground fault circuit interrupter).
• Keep work area clear
Read More• Learn safe lifting techniques
• Wear appropriate footwear and gloves while handling sewage plant or metal pipes
• Keep tools and equipment’s in working condition, to avoid any unexpected accident due to inoperative tools
• To avoid electric shock use only power tools that can be used in a wet environment and have GFCI (Ground fault circuit interrupter).
• Keep work area clear
17 :: Explain me have you ever had to install a shower with multiple shower heads? If yes, how did you manage to keep the water pressure high?
Yes, I have installed showers with multiple shower heads. This does pose a problem with water pressure but it can be managed by installing a pressure pump which can cater to several showers depending on its gauge and size.
Read More18 :: Tell me have you ever dealt with a difficult customer? Explain the situation?
2 years back when I worked as a journey man, we received a call. I and the senior journeyman went to resolve the issue. There was in in-wall leakage and we had to replace the piping. The customer insisted that we repair it. It took a lot of time to explain to the customer that the old piping was irreparable and even if we managed to fix it, we wouldn’t get the pressure right. With practical demonstrations we were able to convince him but he was very pleased by the work at finish.
Read More19 :: Tell me why do you want to work as Plumbing supervisor for this organisation?
Being unfamiliar with the organisation will spoil your chances with 75% of interviewers, according to one survey, so take this chance to show you have done your preparation and know the company inside and out. You will now have the chance to demonstrate that you’ve done your research, so reply mentioning all the positive things you have found out about the organisation and its sector etc. This means you’ll have an enjoyable work environment and stability of employment etc – everything that brings out the best in you.
Read More20 :: Tell me toilet Leaks at Base in Moved Toilet Location or New Floor Install?
Is the top of the flange even (or close to even) with the finished floor? If it to low – then use two wax rings. One regular wax ring on the bottom and one (or more) with the plastic horn insert on top. ) I have seen leaks like you describe if the glued flange is not really glued in all the way. Take a look at that – if your floor and flange is flush. Sometimes you need to shim the toilet if the floor is uneven or the flange is to high.
Read More21 :: Tell me what is Delta Faucet Repair?
You can buy a Delta single handle faucet repair kit with a tool for maybe five to seven bucks. It has all the instructions and is very easy to do.
Read More22 :: Tell me what are three positive things your last boss would say about you as Plumber?
It’s time to pull out your old performance appraisals and boss’s quotes. This is a great way to brag about yourself through someone else’s words: “My boss has told me that I am the best designer he has ever had. He knows he can rely on me, and he likes my sense of humor.”
Read More23 :: Do you know how to unclog a drain?
First step is to pass hot water from the pipes, if the issue persists, we use chemical drain openers and if those don’t work then we go to manual methods and sometimes we need to scrape or even replace the whole piping or a section.
Read More24 :: Explain me one downside of a conventional water heater. Would you suggest an alternative?
While the conventional water heating system is in a league of its own, the fact that energy is being consumed constantly is a definite downside to using one. If saving energy is what a client wants, then I would suggest a tank-less water heater that uses energy only when there is a requirement for hot water.
Read More25 :: Tell me how can you avoid bathroom plumbing maintenance?
To avoid bathroom plumbing maintenance you can use the following tips
• Once a week flushes out the drainage pipes with hot water
• Apply pipe shield to drain lines once each month to keep soap scum building up and causing clogs
• To prevent further damage to the fixtures and faucets repair leaky faucets
• Showers and tubs should be fitted with strainers that can catch hair and soap chips
• Use vinegar to remove mineral deposit in your shower head, by placing a vinegar in a plastic bag and leave it over the shower head overnight. Take only 1 cup of vinegar.
• Throw the waste in wastebasket like tissue paper, cotton ball, etc.
Read More• Once a week flushes out the drainage pipes with hot water
• Apply pipe shield to drain lines once each month to keep soap scum building up and causing clogs
• To prevent further damage to the fixtures and faucets repair leaky faucets
• Showers and tubs should be fitted with strainers that can catch hair and soap chips
• Use vinegar to remove mineral deposit in your shower head, by placing a vinegar in a plastic bag and leave it over the shower head overnight. Take only 1 cup of vinegar.
• Throw the waste in wastebasket like tissue paper, cotton ball, etc.