Microsoft Consultant Interview Questions And Answers
Prepare comprehensively for your Microsoft Consultant interview with our extensive list of 61 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Microsoft Consultant to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 61 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Microsoft Consultant interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.
61 Microsoft Consultant Questions and Answers:
Microsoft Consultant Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Do you know what is plug and play?
Plug and Play is a technology wherein hardware components that are installed on PCs using Microsoft operating system are immediately recognized and made usable. This means that the drivers necessary to make it work are already available on the operating system package.
Read More2 :: Explain what is Ribbon?
Ribbon is the term used as a replacement to the menu bar and toolbars in the older Microsoft Office versions. Under the ribbon, file menu items and toolbar buttons were grouped according to their functionality. It made these functions much accessible on the main interface, with the most commonly used buttons being shown instantly.
Read More3 :: Explain me what is APM?
APM, or Advanced Power Management, was developed by Microsoft and Intel as an API. This API is mainly used for power management, and is very useful especially to those using Windows on their laptops or netbooks.
The maximum allowed number of characters is 1024 characters.
Read MoreThe maximum allowed number of characters is 1024 characters.
4 :: Please explain what is a Hotfix?
Hotfix are files that are distributed by Microsoft Customer Service. These are intended to address issues such as bugs and errors within existing software.
Read More5 :: Tell me what is registry?
Registry is a very important component of the Windows Operating System. It stores important information, such as setup and configuration, installation settings, and user settings.
Read More6 :: Differentiate linked list from arrays?
Arrays can store data in a fix allotted space. The use of linked list allows more flexibility because space is dynamically allocated as needed.
Read More7 :: Tell me what is a symbolic link?
A symbolic link does the same function when compared to a standard shortcut. However, a symbolic link works at the file system level, and therefore doe not leave any physical file name on disk.
Read More8 :: What should I expect in the technical rounds?
Have you had a phone interview yet? This is definitely a question I would ask at the phone interview or initial interview. With the job description mentioning specific programs, I would definitely be familiar with those and able to speak to them as said earlier. Hope this helps!
Read More9 :: Would you like to give any general advice to your juniors?
Just take the initiative and START. You’ll find it easy to connect the dots. People with similar interests will come up and join in.
Never underestimate yourself. Be confident.
Read MoreNever underestimate yourself. Be confident.
10 :: Tell me what files are important in a bootable Windows XP operating system?
There are four important files in order to make a bootable Windows XP operating system. These are Ntldr, Ntdetect, Boot.ini and Ntfs.sys
Read More11 :: Explain me what is IIS?
IIS, or Internet Information Server is a technology that integrates with Microsoft servers in managing internet related functions, such as web site administration and creation of web-based applications.
Read More12 :: Explain what are cookies?
Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored in a browser. It keeps track of user preference, like what sites are visited, what keywords are used, among others.
Read More13 :: What is NTFS?
NTFS is short for New Technology File System. It is the standard file system that is being used by operating systems starting from Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and even the newer versions like Vista and 7. It was originally designed to have a better performance on file storage and retrieval under the Windows NT family.
Read More14 :: Tell me what is OOP?
OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming. It is a programming model that centers on the creation of objects and classes. Unlike structural programming, OOP lets you write shorter codes by being able to reuse codes and create instances of objects.
Read More15 :: Do you know what are Microsoft security patches?
Microsoft security patches are intended to solve certain security loopholes and problems, while at the same time upgrading any existing security features. This would provide better protection by reducing vulnerabilities in security.
Read More16 :: Tell me if a bear walks one mile south, turns left and walks one mile to the east and then turns left again and walks one mile north and arrives at its original position, what is the color of the bear?
The color of the bear must be White. The reason for this is that the only place where you can end up on the original position after taking those turns and one mile travel is if you’re on one of the Earth’s pole. Incidentally, only polar bears lived on these regions, and polar bears are white colored.
Read More17 :: Explain how do you prevent a control object from getting the focus whenever the tab key is pressed?
To skip a particular control object on the form, change its tabStop property to false.
Read More18 :: Tell me what is the difference between a Windows server operating system and a workstation version?
The server version of a Windows operating system is designed to provide more optimized networking services over a network. It can manage domains better and it includes more security feature and data backup support. Workstation versions act merely as clients and therefore do not need to have as much resources when compared to the server versions.
Read More19 :: Tell me which Microsoft Certification is required for applicants whose qualification includes proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office programs?
The MOS, or Microsoft Office Specialist certifications, is required for such a case. Applicants who hold such certificates show that they meet the standards set by Microsoft in terms of applying Microsoft Office programs and Windows operating system for everyday productivity.
Read More20 :: Explain what’s an example of a time when you identified a problem and advocated on behalf of a customer?
Good customer service reps help customers solve problems, but great customer service reps are proactive about looking for ways to prevent problems from occurring in the first place.
Read More21 :: On my way to California, I saw a man with 5 wives. Each wife had 5 bag. Each bag had 5 cats. Each cat had 5 kittens. Kitten, cats, bags, wives. How many were going to California?
Only 1 was going to California, Me. It was not stated whether the man with his wives and pets were going in the same direction.
Another answer could be Minimum 1. As it was not stated where the wives, kittens and cats were headed
Read MoreAnother answer could be Minimum 1. As it was not stated where the wives, kittens and cats were headed
22 :: Tell me when you have a variable declaration like (dim variable1, variable2 as integer) , are they both of integer type?
No. Only variable2 is actually declared as of integer type. Variable1 is declared as of variant type in this case.
Read More23 :: Explain how do you correctly arrange the order by which pressing the tab key will move from one control object to another?
You do that by setting the tabIndex property. Click on one control object to another in the sequence that you want, and then each time you set the tabIndex property of each object as 0. That will automatically arrange according to the sequence that you want.
Read More24 :: Tell me what is the next number in this series? 4, 6, 12, 18, 30, 42, 60, ?
With close observation, you will note that each number in the list is in the middle of two prime numbers. Thus:
4 is in the middle of 3 and 5, 6 is in the middle of 5 and 7, 12 is in the middle of 11 and 13, 18 is in the middle of 17 and 19, 30 is in the middle of 29 and 31. 42 is in the middle of 41 and 43, 60 is in the middle of 59 and 61.
Therefore, the next number would be the one that is in the middle of the next two prime numbers, which is 72 (which is in the middle of 71 and 73).
Read More4 is in the middle of 3 and 5, 6 is in the middle of 5 and 7, 12 is in the middle of 11 and 13, 18 is in the middle of 17 and 19, 30 is in the middle of 29 and 31. 42 is in the middle of 41 and 43, 60 is in the middle of 59 and 61.
Therefore, the next number would be the one that is in the middle of the next two prime numbers, which is 72 (which is in the middle of 71 and 73).
25 :: Explain me which programming language was removed from the Visual Studio family when was released?
Visual Foxpro was part of Visual Studio 6.0. It was excluded in the .Net version and was released as an independent programming language.
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