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#1 2019-01-21 06:22:06

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
Posts: 22,197

52 Most Common IR Executive Interview Questions And Answers

Human Resource (HR) :: IR Executive Job Interview Questions and Answers

IR Executive related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as IR Executive. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

1 What is Morale?
2 Explain me what Is Attribution?
3 Tell us what Is Job Enlargement?
4 Tell us what Should The Language Of Charge-sheet?
5 Explain me what Is Strategic Hrm?
6 Do you know what is CLOSURE?
7 Tell us what are FRINGE BENEFITS?
8 Tell us what is Strategic HRM?
9 Tell us why is it important to have an IR system in place?
10 Explain me the unitary perspective of IR from employee point of view?
11 Do you know what Is Industrial Relation?
12 What is Trade Unions? (which Are Registered Under The Trade Union Act 1926)
13 Do you know who Is Change Agent?
14 Explain me what Is Employee Engagement?
15 Tell us what Is Retrenchment?
16 Tell me can Alternate Terminology Be Used While Drafting Charge-sheet?
17 Tell me when An Employee Accepts A Position With Another Federal Agency During The Rating Period, Must The Employee Receives A Summary Rating?
18 Explain me the various parties involved in IR system?
19 Tell us the unitary perspective of IR from employer point of view?
20 Explain me what Is The Definition Of Worker Under The Factories Act 1948?
21 Please explain what Is Organization?
22 Tell us when Misconduct Occurs, What Is Immediate Responsibility Supervisor?
23 Tell me what are the Benefits under ESI Act, 1948?
24 Tell me what is EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT?
25 Tell me what is industrial relations system?
26 Tell us what are the main objectives of industrial relations system?
27 What is Wage Under Minimum Wages Act?
28 Explain me what Are Od Interventions?
29 Tell me what is the difference between PM and HR?
30 Explain me Wage Under Minimum Wages Act?
31 Explain me what are the benefits of having an industrial relations system in place?
32 Please explain what Is Lay-off?
33 Tell us what Is Gratuity?
34 Explain me what Is The Procedure For Retrenchment?
35 Explain me what Is A Group?
36 Explain me what is Adjudication?
37 Tell us what is Job Analysis?
38 Tell us what Is Collective Bargaining?
39 Explain me what Is Organizational Development?
40 Do you know what Is Personality?
41 Explain me who is CHANGE AGENT?
42 Explain me what Is Job Description?
43 Tell me what Is Subsistence Allowance?
44 Tell us when A Pip Should Be Issued?
45 Explain me what is Notice Period?
46 Tell me what is SPREAD-OVER?
47 Tell us what Is Charge Sheet?
48 Explain me SHIFT and RELAY?
49 Tell us what Is Adjudication?
50 Do you know what is casual leave?
51 Tell us what Is Grievance?
52 Do you know what Are The Objectives Of Ilo?

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