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#1 2018-02-13 02:34:40

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74 Most Common Ruby Developer Interview Questions And Answers

Web Development :: Ruby Developer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Ruby Developer Frequently Asked Questions in various Ruby Developer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

1 Tell us what is class libraries in Ruby?
2 Tell me can you call a private method outside a Ruby class using its object?
3 Explain me what is the function of ORM in Ruby on Rails?
4 Tell me the role of modules and mixins in Ruby?
5 What is the difference extend and include?
6 What is the syntax for Ruby collect Iterator?
7 What is the difference between put and putc statement?
8 Tell me how can we define Ruby regular expressions?
9 Tell us what is the difference between Dynamic and Static Scaffolding?
10 Do you know what is rake in Rails?
11 Tell me what is the difference between Active support’s “HashWithIndifferent” and Ruby’s “Hash” ?
12 Can you list out what can Rails Migration do?
13 Tell me how Symbol is different from variables?
14 Explain me what the difference is between false and nil in Ruby?
15 Tell me what is Ruby on Rails?
16 Tell me what is the role of sub-directory app/controllers and app/helpers?
17 Tell me what is the command to create a migration?
18 Explain how you can run Rails application without creating databases?
19 Tell me what is the difference between calling super() and super call?
20 What is the Notation used for denoting class variables in Ruby?
21 As you know ruby provides four types of variables. List them and provide a brief explanation for each?
22 Please explain what is MVC and why do we use it?
23 Tell me an array [1,2,34,5,6,7,8,9], product it using a method?
24 Please explain each of the following operators and how and when they should be used: ==, ===, eql?, equal?
25 Explain me what is the difference between Symbol and String?
26 Explain me what is the naming convention in Rails?
27 Can you explain me how Rails implements Ajax?
28 Tell me what is the difference between the Observers and Callbacks in Ruby on Rails?
29 Explain me what are the limits of Ruby on Rails?
30 Tell us in Ruby, it explains about the defined operator?
31 Please explain what are some advantages of using Ruby?
32 Tell me what are blocks and procs?
33 Tell me what is the difference between Ruby 1.9 and Ruby 2.0?
34 Tell me what does ruby name refers to?
35 Do you know what is “Yield” in Ruby on Rails?
36 Tell me how you can create a controller for subject?
37 Do you know what is sweeper in Rails?
38 Do you know what is the defined operator?
39 What is the difference in scope for these two variables: @@name and @name?
40 Tell me how would you freeze an object in Ruby? Can you provide a simple example?
41 Explain me what is the difference between concern and application_controller.rb in ruby on rails?
42 Please explain the role of thread pooling in relation to the thread lifecycle in Ruby?
43 Tell me in Ruby code, often it is observed that coder uses a short hand form of using an expression like instead of { |element| element.method_name }. How this trick actually works?
44 Tell me how you define Instance Variable, Global Variable and Class Variable in Ruby?
45 Please explain what are the positive aspects of Rails?
46 Do you know what is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and how Rails is protected against it?
47 What is a class library in Ruby?
48 Do you know how Ruby looks up a method to invoke?
49 Tell me how do you remove nil values in array using ruby?
50 Tell us how would you implement hash in Ruby internally?
51 What is the difference between Procs and Blocks?
52 Tell me what is ORM (Object-Relationship-Model) in Rails?
53 Tell us what is the difference between redirect and render in Ruby on Rails?
54 What is the difference between a gem and a plugin in Ruby?
55 Tell me what is the difference between calling super and calling super()?
56 Do you know what are the types of caching used in rails, what are they?
57 Tell me what is Polymorphic Association in Ruby on Rails?
58 Explain me what is the role of Rails Controller?
59 Can you please explain what is the difference between String and Symbol?
60 Tell me what is the function of garbage collection in Ruby on Rails?
61 Please explain the three levels of access control for Ruby methods?
62 Can you list out the few features of Ruby?
63 Tell me how you can list all routes for an application?
64 What is the difference between a single quote and double quote?
65 Explain me the log that has to be seen to report errors in Ruby Rails?
66 Tell me what is Rails Active Record in Ruby on Rails?
67 Do you know when self.up and self.down method is used?
68 Tell me what is Rails Migration?
69 Tell us the types of variables available in Ruby Class?
70 What is interpolation in Ruby?
71 Tell me what is Mixin in Rails?
72 Explain me what is the purpose of RJs in Rails?
73 Do you know about Dig, Float and Max?
74 Tell me how can you declare a block in Ruby?

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