Microsoft Excel Question:
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I have several objects that are in my Excel spreadsheet. They are pictures, charts, text boxes; simply a variety of objects to make my spreadsheet look attractive. It is rather difficult to align many of these objects. Is there an easier way than to move objects independently?


Objects can be snapped to alignment by using the Drawing toolbar through the following steps: 1. Hold down the Ctrl key and click each object you want to align. 2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Draw button. 3. Choose Align or Distribute from the pop-up menu. 4. Select the alignment option you prefer; the diagrams next to each option illustrate the result. Excel aligns the objects. Because the objects are still selected, you can also move them together to another location without disturbing the alignment.

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While entering a series of numbers I was manually entering a comma. Excel auto-formatted the field to accommodate the comma like 1,200. I erroneously entered 12,00. Obviously the comma was placed in the incorrect position, but Excel interpreted this as text. When I wrote my sum formula, the results were not as expected. How can this be avoided in the future?How do you set Excel to automatically place a decimal point for every number you enter?