Ruby on Rails Developer Question:
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Explain me what Are The Components Defined In The Model From Mvc Architecture?


The components involved in defining the model are as follows:

☛ Validations: this is one of the very essential components and it defines the validations that are being put up on the input type of stream like validate_presence_of, format_of, etc.

☛ Relationship: this is another type of component that describe the relationship between different types of components and it shows the relationship in the form of has_one, has_many, etc.

☛ Callbacks: this is essential when it comes to respond after the failure and it allows the application to have certain functionality during failure. This can be given as before_save, after_save, etc.

☛ Validation group settings: allow users to define the installed plugin settings.

☛ Active record association relationship: allows current records to be actively having the relationship between one another.

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