Testing Certification Interview Questions And Answers
Elevate your Testing Certification interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 10 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Testing Certification to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 10 questions to help you succeed in your Testing Certification interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.
10 Testing Certification Questions and Answers:
Testing Certification Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:
1 :: Explain Decision /Condition coverage is a part of
a.Black Box Testing
b.White Box Testing
c.Incremental Testing
d.Thread Testing
b.White Box Testing
Read More2 :: _________ is the means used by organizations to minimize risk.
a. Costing
b. Quality Assurance
c. Controls
d. None of the above
Read More3 :: Tell me What is the purpose of creating virtual users in load testing?
There are two ways to test the performance of your application. one is in the production which is very difficult to improve the performance once your application goes into production and is possible with the help of solaris DTrace kind of facilities but not applicable to all projects.
Therefore we need a virtual real time environment with expected no of real time user which are created virtually on various load testing tools.
Read MoreTherefore we need a virtual real time environment with expected no of real time user which are created virtually on various load testing tools.
4 :: Do you know INFOSEC professionals are concerned about providing due care and due diligence. With whom
should they consult, when protecting information assets?
A. Law enforcement in their region
B. Senior management, particularly business-unit owners
C. IETF enforcement officials
D. Other INFOSEC professionals
E. Their organizations legal experts
E. Their organizations' legal experts
Read More5 :: __________ is called black box testing
d.None of the above
Read More6 :: Tell me The criteria involved in Testing Policy is
a.Definition of Testing
b.Testing System
d.All the above
e.None of the above
d.All the above
Read More7 :: Explain Which of the following test approaches is not a structured test approach?
a. Load/Stress
b. Operations
c. Regression
d. None of the above
c. Regression
Read More8 :: Do you know The Pareto analysis is most effective for
a. ranking items by importance
b. Showing relationships between items
c. Measuring the impact of identified items
a. ranking items by importance
Read More9 :: Explain how to do manual testing in test director i mean where to launch
Testing is very important in software development .so testing starting at olanning to colloect specification time to begin testers involve but you want manual testing which time to do strat ? at the time of coding part complete any module we want to test text validation done are not ; at particular palce working properly to user requirements ; all functions are working properly as guide lenes of project manager specifications .........so on
Read More10 :: Explain Why is it recommended to add verification checks to your all your scenarios?
(1) Each scenario is set of transaction in LoadRunner script.
(2) Each transaction does have set of virtual user actions
(3) To make sure that the vitrul user has passed the transaction scripts need the verification checks.
(4) There are 2 types of verification checks.
Image verification check and Text verification check.
(5) It is better practice to add verification check after each action is performed.
Read More(2) Each transaction does have set of virtual user actions
(3) To make sure that the vitrul user has passed the transaction scripts need the verification checks.
(4) There are 2 types of verification checks.
Image verification check and Text verification check.
(5) It is better practice to add verification check after each action is performed.