Painter Interview Questions And Answers
Sharpen your Painter interview expertise with our handpicked 75 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Painter expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Secure the free PDF to access all 75 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Painter interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.
75 Painter Questions and Answers:
Painter Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Explain me how many coats of paint do you prefer applying to any job for perfection?
I always give 2 coats, if the walls have a feature wall or required a lot of filling I usually do 3 or 4 coats.
Read More2 :: Tell us how long have you been a painter?
If you count painting and decorating a small wall for a month, then ihve been a painter for a month.
Read More3 :: Explain me what is more important, the money or the job?
Well, one thing is connected with the other. I always like to fine the balance between bouth and feel satisfaction of a well done job.
Read More5 :: Do you know what are the major duties of a painter?
The first thing that a painter needs to do is confer with clients to determine their specific painting requirements. Discussing colors, shades and design are all part of this work. Once a color, shade and design is decided on, it is the job of a painter to acquire all the supplies and plan how to go about the painting job so that deadlines can be met.
Read More6 :: Tell me what particular skills do someone need to work as a painter?
Color vision is perhaps the most important skill that a painter needs. Great attention to detail, organization and the will to satisfy customers come close too. Knowledge of applying primers and sealers and performing buffing duties are also important.
Read More7 :: Tell me what instruments of trade are you most comfortable using?
Apart from paintbrushes, roller covers and sandpaper, I am able to use scrapers, joint knives and wire brushes.
Read More8 :: I know you are primarily a self-taught painter, do you ever regret not getting formal training?
No regrets! I’m not sure really what formal training could’ve done for me that I couldn’t achieve with practice and patience. I’ve often heard negative reviews about formal training for the simple reason that formally trained painters end up painting like their teachers want them too, not in their own way and style. I’m a big believer in that there isn’t any ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to do art. This should not be confused with ‘good’ and ‘bad’ art however.
Read More9 :: What are your favorite colors to paint with?
Generally I love bright colours, colours that stand out. However if you were to measure my favorite by the volume I use, then white would be on top, with black a distant second. Blue would probably be third.
Read More10 :: Tell me what is the use of trisodium phosphate?
Tri-sodium phosphate is like any other soap or detergent; it is used as a cleansing agent, but benefit of using tri-sodium phosphate is that it does not leave any residue behind.
Read More11 :: Explain me what all ways you can do house painting?
☛ Brush painting
☛ Spray painting
☛ Using Roller
☛ Using painting pads
Read More☛ Spray painting
☛ Using Roller
☛ Using painting pads
12 :: As you know you paint a number of different topics- animals, images from Japan, people from your life, and some spookier lonelier ones. Which ones are your favorites, and why? Which ones are hardest, which most rewarding?
Hard to say which subjects are my favorites. Generally speaking my favorite topic is usually the painting I’m working on at the moment, if that makes sense. The most rewarding and difficult painting is the one where I achieve exactly what I set out to do in the beginning. Much harder than it sounds actually.
Read More13 :: Tell me as far as pre-project customer service is concerned, what duties is a painter required to perform?
As a painter, it is important to first interview the customer to determine what they want. A painter should calculate the area to be painted, assist customers in choosing paint shades and ensure that the customer agrees on the initial costing.
Read More14 :: Tell me do you have experience patching holes? If a hole is roughly 4-6 inches in diameter, what do you do?
If a hole is roughly 4-6 inches in diameter I will fill in the hole with paint then patch the hole.
Read More15 :: Tell me have you removed wall paper before? What is your easiest and most effective method?
Yes I have removed wall paper. The best method of removed wall paper is tearing it off before painting.
Read More16 :: Tell me do you have any experience being your own boss? Handling customers and employees?
Yes I do actually not so long back when I got study leave from school I tryed setting my own little business so I could work when I wasn't revising called jm gardening services so I went and got my self some customers and then the more I worked for them the more jobs and recommendations they gave out so I had a strong business going.
Read More17 :: Tell me how important is quality to you? Give an example of something where the quality of your paint job turned out really well?
Quality and customer satisfaction are the most paramount areas relative to my success as a painter. Client wanted to only paint the shutters and trim around his house without prep. I took the time to scrape, sand and patch prior to painting which produced immaculate results.
Read More18 :: Tell me the job specs are for prime and paint and you come across some wood rot. What is your next move?
Replace the wood is 1st option treat, patch, sand, prime & paint 2nd option.
Read More19 :: Explain me what measures do you take before the start of a paint project that can have a positive effect on the end finish?
Mostly, prepared surfaces need to be further prepared by filling cracks, holes and joints with putty or plaster. This makes it easy to paint over and provides for a good finish at the end.
Read More20 :: In the past few years you’ve really geared up your artistic efforts. What brought about that change? How much time do you spend painting per week?
This is easier to remember. Back in 2006 I was walking through Shibuya, and I happened across an art store with an easel on sale. It might seem a little mundane, but I’d never owned an easel before. After that things just progressed. I had been on a painting hiatus for a few years, and after I started again I realized how much I had missed it.
It also helped that the first painting I did in Tokyo is still one of my favourites (Shiro) and I thought to myself ‘hmm, I’m pretty good!’ ha.
As for how many hours a week I paint, well it depends a lot on my work schedule and what other things are going on in my life, but generally I paint anywhere between 3 and 15 hours a week.
Read MoreIt also helped that the first painting I did in Tokyo is still one of my favourites (Shiro) and I thought to myself ‘hmm, I’m pretty good!’ ha.
As for how many hours a week I paint, well it depends a lot on my work schedule and what other things are going on in my life, but generally I paint anywhere between 3 and 15 hours a week.
21 :: Explain me have any famous artists influenced you? Has Japan influenced you as an artist?
Actually no. To be honest before I started painting I didn’t even know any famous artists. Now of course I do, and admire a lot of them. Currently I’m very interested in the works of Monet and Dali. I’ve definitely been influenced by Japan though, which is pretty obvious when looking at a lot of my work from the past two years.
Read More22 :: If you could pack in your job and become a painter full time, would you? Which of your painting types do you think is most likely to become commercially successful?
Of course, I’d be there in a second! Hard to say which of my painting types would be most successful though, people all seem to have different opinions, Just because person A likes painting X is no guarantee that person B will like it. However generally speaking, I’ve found that my torii painting series has been the most widely liked and successful so far.
Read More23 :: Basic Painter Job Interview Questions:
☛ What is painting?
☛ What is your favorite color?
☛ Which artist or painter has influenced you?
☛ Is there a work of art you would like to have in your home next to your own work?
☛ What is the best way to exhibit a painting?
☛ What are the limits of painting?
☛ How do you start a work — do you have any rituals?
☛ Is there a future for painting or you are one of the last survivors?
☛ If you were about to be reborn, what would you like to be — still a painter?
☛ Do you think that today painting is underappreciated?
Read More☛ What is your favorite color?
☛ Which artist or painter has influenced you?
☛ Is there a work of art you would like to have in your home next to your own work?
☛ What is the best way to exhibit a painting?
☛ What are the limits of painting?
☛ How do you start a work — do you have any rituals?
☛ Is there a future for painting or you are one of the last survivors?
☛ If you were about to be reborn, what would you like to be — still a painter?
☛ Do you think that today painting is underappreciated?
24 :: Operational and Situational Painter Job Interview Questions:
☛ What are the first things you do when you take up a painting job?
☛ How would you prepare a room for painting?
☛ When do you think it’s better to use an airless spray gun instead of a brush?
☛ How do you prevent lap marks?
☛ Imagine you’re halfway through a job and the client changes their mind about the color. How do you handle this?
☛ If you took up a project at a house that has lead paint, how should you prepare?
☛ How do you decide on the number of coats needed?
Read More☛ How would you prepare a room for painting?
☛ When do you think it’s better to use an airless spray gun instead of a brush?
☛ How do you prevent lap marks?
☛ Imagine you’re halfway through a job and the client changes their mind about the color. How do you handle this?
☛ If you took up a project at a house that has lead paint, how should you prepare?
☛ How do you decide on the number of coats needed?
25 :: Core Painter Job Interview Questions:
☛ Do you have any painting experience?
☛ What do you know about this industry?
☛ Why are you looking for a painting job?
☛ What were your primary responsibilities in your last position?
☛ If I called your last employer, what would he/she say about you?
☛ What situations typically keep you from coming to work on time? How do you handle these situations?
☛ What do you feel is an acceptable amount of days to be absent in a calendar year?
☛ Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager?
☛ Describe an issue you’ve had with a past employer or coworker. How did you deal with the problem?
☛ Tell me about a time when you successfully managed a conflict.
☛ What makes you a suitable candidate for this job?
☛ How/what could you contribute to this company?
☛ What are your strengths?
☛ What is your greatest weakness?
☛ What are your future career goals?
☛ Describe a recent unpopular decision that you made.
☛ Tell me about an obstacle you’ve experienced in your life and how you overcame it.
☛ How do you keep track of tasks you need to complete?
☛ Give me an example that best demonstrates your organizational skills.
☛ Would you rather write a report or give it verbally?
☛ What kind of personality do you work best with and why?
☛ Do you prefer to work independently or in a team?
☛ Give me an example of a time when you acted as a leader.
☛ Tell me about a situation in which you had to adapt to changes you couldn’t control.
☛ Tell me about a time when you were faced with an angry client.
☛ How do you personally define success?
Read More☛ What do you know about this industry?
☛ Why are you looking for a painting job?
☛ What were your primary responsibilities in your last position?
☛ If I called your last employer, what would he/she say about you?
☛ What situations typically keep you from coming to work on time? How do you handle these situations?
☛ What do you feel is an acceptable amount of days to be absent in a calendar year?
☛ Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager?
☛ Describe an issue you’ve had with a past employer or coworker. How did you deal with the problem?
☛ Tell me about a time when you successfully managed a conflict.
☛ What makes you a suitable candidate for this job?
☛ How/what could you contribute to this company?
☛ What are your strengths?
☛ What is your greatest weakness?
☛ What are your future career goals?
☛ Describe a recent unpopular decision that you made.
☛ Tell me about an obstacle you’ve experienced in your life and how you overcame it.
☛ How do you keep track of tasks you need to complete?
☛ Give me an example that best demonstrates your organizational skills.
☛ Would you rather write a report or give it verbally?
☛ What kind of personality do you work best with and why?
☛ Do you prefer to work independently or in a team?
☛ Give me an example of a time when you acted as a leader.
☛ Tell me about a situation in which you had to adapt to changes you couldn’t control.
☛ Tell me about a time when you were faced with an angry client.
☛ How do you personally define success?