Dance Instructor Interview Questions And Answers
Prepare comprehensively for your Dance Instructor interview with our extensive list of 49 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Dance Instructor. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Secure the free PDF to access all 49 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Dance Instructor interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.
49 Dance Instructor Questions and Answers:
Dance Instructor Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Explain me what techniques would you employ to increase your clientele?
I would put online motivational videos on youtube and facebook the most common social sites and get noticed from there.
Read More2 :: Please explain about an experience you've had dealing with an unhappy customer?
I had to refuse sale of alcohol to a guy that was obviously intoxicated. My colleague called me over as the man was becoming hirate and uncooperative. I remained calm and controlled as I reinforced the fact that he would not be sold the alcohol today. I got security on board.
Read More3 :: Why did you decide to become a personal Dance Instructor?
I decided to be a personal trainer because some years ago I was fat then I transform my physique and slowly progress into bodybuilding and seeing other who dont have proper guidance to move on and achieve there fitness goal really pushed me to become a personal trainer.
Read More4 :: What are your personal fitness goals as Dance Instructor?
Yes I have, I am currently training for the Dublin mini marathon and my goal before starting the training was to finish it, so ill know Monday if I reached my goal.
Read More5 :: What education have you acquired as Dance Instructor?
I didnt really study sales until I was put into a situation in work where I had to sell so I learned from experience. I also learned sales in two module components in college which were finance and customer service.
Read More6 :: Tell me how do you keep an aerobics group motivated throughout the exercise?
Keeping a group exercise class motivated can be accomplished with high energy or enthusiasm when performing the exercise and walking around the classroom offering motion of good form, smiling, offering words of inspiration ("Good Job" or "Looking Strong") provide the group motivation to keep working hard.
Read More7 :: Explain me what nutrition education have you received?
Applying the principles of nutrition to a physical activity program, Nutrition for sport and exercise.
Read More8 :: Explain me how do you keep your fitness knowledge up to date?
I am constantly researching new ideas and keeping myself up to date. On social media I follow a lot of fitness gurus and food nutritionists always seeking new ideas.
Read More9 :: Suppose you saw me at gym, average build kind of guy, and you wanted to approach me to potentially sign me up for sessions, what would you say to me?
I would kindly ask would they be interested in bulking up or toning down or mainting the weight. Based on the answer they give I will talk in more detail about that area for example if they say there interested in bulking up I will talk bout the fantastic free weights and weight machines.
Read More10 :: Suppose if any client walks in and says they want to start training, what evaluations would you begin doing to determine their appropriate fitness program?
Id first run through a screening form with them to see if they have any health conditions that would affect there training program such as cardiovascular disease. Id ask bout any injuries recent surgery or pregnancy. To determine there fitness level id ask have they done any exercise recently if so what have they done.
Read More11 :: As you know this job is about getting clients with dancing, getting referrals, and making sales with dancing, how will you perform with this pressure?
I was trained with that kind of situation by my past job experience, hitting quotas every quarter or hitting a certain amount to make sure to stay on that job, I did that for the past 7 years and I know I can do it.
Read More12 :: Explain me summary of a training program you would set up for a client strictly looking for weight-loss and toning?
First I will give him a meal plan on what to eat on a daily basis, like low carbs, sugar and calories, next is to give him a work out that is more on burning calories like cross fit, cardio training and some high reps workout.
Read More13 :: Do you know how important is nutrition to you? Will you strongly suggest your clients follow a better diet to improve their fitness goals?
Nutrition is extremely important because physical activity and nutrition ultimately compliment each other. It is important to eat a well balanced diet along with counting calories to achieve weight loss, weight gain, or improve sport performance. Yes, I would absolutely suggest a well-balanced diet to achieve goals.
Read More14 :: Suppose if a client complains about an injury suffered during your last training session, how do you handle it?
Ask where it hurts, figure out when it could of occurred, aplogise, assess injury, offer a free session from you or ask if they want a different instructor.
Read More15 :: Please explain three essential exercises you would have any client do? Why are they in your top three?
First is running, using a treadmill or not is just fine, second is a full body work out divided into 2 parts per day, third is a cooling-down excercises or stretching.
Read More16 :: Tell me how do you draw a line when pushing your client to the limits during a workout?
When they are no longer able to talk or communiate in anyway is when there at there limits.
Read More17 :: Tell me what are your thoughts on a vegan lifestyle? Do you support it or think it is overrated?
I don't follow a vegan diet myself. I do believe not the protein in meat is important and is needed for a healthy lifestyle.
Read More18 :: Tell me are You Trying To Be Like One Of Those Professionals On Dancing With The Stars Or Something?
Any hobby can be enjoyed as an amateur. Whether it's learning the guitar, ballroom dancing, or pole vaulting in the Olympics.
Read More19 :: Tell me what advice would you offer someone considering this career as Dance Instructor?
Be patient and never forget that passion you have for dance. So many dancers have certain expectations, and when they don’t occur, then frustration sets in and the passion can get lost. Also, always have another vocation to help with the financial side of things. You can make a lot of money dancing, but it takes time, so set your self up so that you can be patient and not have to stop dancing because of finance problems.
Read More20 :: What is a common misconception people have about what you do as Dance Instructor?
That because we are dancing, it’s not a real job. Teaching dance alone, helps so many kids and adults with self expression, confidence and personality. And that’s not even “tapping” into the physical benefits of being fit, flexible and healthy.
Read More21 :: Tell us how do you make money/or how are you compensated?
I get paid independently from studios, conventions, etc… I also sell my own instructional DVD’s along with music. Lastly, with working professionally, you can make residuals on movies, TV shows and commercials. This is where every time it is played or sold, you make a small amount. Adds up after many jobs.
Read More22 :: Tell me how would you describe what you do?
My main profession is traveling and teaching dance to all ages. I work with private workshops along with conventions like Co. Dance and Dance Olympus. I also produce and host a summer tour of tap intensives called Tap into the Network. Other side projects include mixing music, writing for dance publications, and having my own tap company, Tap Sounds Underground.
Read More23 :: Tell me since When Do You Have Free Time To Do Anything Fun?
Everyone is busy, but people tend to find the time when they feel like the activity is worth the time. There is every kind of professional imaginable at the Studio, and they all feel recharged after a dance lesson.
Read More24 :: Are you CPR certified? Tell me about your other certifications?
Yes CPR was part of my BTEC course. I have been given a certificate but you can affirm with my old college.
Read More25 :: What do you know about our company policies?
Yes, many a time. Working within the gaa organisation I have to talk to strangers. The last time I walked up to a stranger was only a couple of days ago at a match I had organised and I had to walk up to the another team manager and we just then had a general conversation.
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