Clerk Interview Questions And Answers
Refine your Clerk interview skills with our 28 critical questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Clerk to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Download the free PDF now to get all 28 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your Clerk interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.
28 Clerk Questions and Answers:
Clerk Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Who is clerk?
A clerk is a white-collar worker who conducts general office tasks, or a worker who performs similar sales-related tasks in a retail environment (a retail clerk). The responsibilities of clerical workers commonly include record keeping, filing, staffing service counters, screening solicitors, and other administrative tasks.
Read More2 :: What are functions and titles in clerk?
► Data Entry Clerk
► Sales Clerk (as in grocery sales)
► Deli Clerk
► Hotel Front Desk Clerk
► Service Desk Clerk
► Cash Register Clerk
► Clinical Clerk
Read More► Sales Clerk (as in grocery sales)
► Deli Clerk
► Hotel Front Desk Clerk
► Service Desk Clerk
► Cash Register Clerk
► Clinical Clerk
3 :: What is your job experience as clerk?
This is the generally the first question that is asked by an interviewer. Keep in mind that the interviewer does not have time to listen to a detailed story. Therefore, speak briefly regarding your work experience. Highlight important factors, and be concise. Share your recent and relevant career experiences and how it qualifies you for the said job.
Read More4 :: Tell me what are your educational qualifications that would support your application for the job of a clerk?
Any job that has a responsibility attached to it has several qualifications that should be held by a person that applies for the said profile. Speak with a few friends, and compile a list of your qualifications and positive attributes. See which relate to the job. List them, with a quick real-life example of that trait in action.
Make sure that you carry your academic as well as other documents that support your application for the said position. Of course, not every interviewer will have the time to go through your documents, but the very fact that you have brought them would give you some extra leverage in obtaining the job offer.
Read MoreMake sure that you carry your academic as well as other documents that support your application for the said position. Of course, not every interviewer will have the time to go through your documents, but the very fact that you have brought them would give you some extra leverage in obtaining the job offer.
5 :: Explain your typical workday - how do you prioritize assignments?
A clerk is a company resource who receives tasks from many departments and individuals within the business organization.
The straightforward answer is that you ask your immediate superior to prioritize your work. They will do so with regards to the level of seniority and the level of importance. When additional tasks are brought to you, even those marked urgent, your superior must either decide on a case-by-case basis or give you specific guidelines.
Read MoreThe straightforward answer is that you ask your immediate superior to prioritize your work. They will do so with regards to the level of seniority and the level of importance. When additional tasks are brought to you, even those marked urgent, your superior must either decide on a case-by-case basis or give you specific guidelines.
6 :: Tell me what is your 'words per minute' speed?
If you wish to know how much typing will be required of you, now is the time to inquire. Answer the question; you may wish to express your confidence that with greater time spent typing.
Read More7 :: What types of software that you are comfortable with?
The answer to this question should be factual - detail the Windows based applications and other business management applications you have used and your level of competence for each.
Read More8 :: What is the accuracy value that you have at that speed you have in typing?
You may wish to express your confidence that with greater time spent typing, your speed and accuracy will surely improve.
Read More9 :: How did you handle stressful atmosphere?
As a clerk, it goes without saying that there would be stress in the job and that your attitude of calmness can avert many a crisis. If you have had any such experiences, recount them to the interviewer when asked. Warning! Remember to be brief, and avoid arrogance.
Read More10 :: Tell me if you have experience in which you assigned to be the main person who handles an important project - the focal point?
This question is basically pitched at you to find out whether your recent employers gave you more responsibilities than a clerk would normally have. The interviewer may want to discern whether you have personal management skills or leadership abilities that would make you the perfect candidate to be promoted down the road.
Answering this question in the affirmative can make or break your application.
Therefore, highlight some of the major projects/responsibilities that where given to you. If you did not have any, but are interested in such responsibilities, mention this idea. If you had responsibilities in a volunteer position, elaborate on that.
Read MoreAnswering this question in the affirmative can make or break your application.
Therefore, highlight some of the major projects/responsibilities that where given to you. If you did not have any, but are interested in such responsibilities, mention this idea. If you had responsibilities in a volunteer position, elaborate on that.
11 :: Why do you want to be a Clerk?
This is a question that may be asked in the middle of the interview. It is asked to determine whether the applicant knows the ins and outs of the job and is serious.
The best way to answer this question is through giving a proper break down of the aspects of the job that you like, and how it fits your skills.
Read MoreThe best way to answer this question is through giving a proper break down of the aspects of the job that you like, and how it fits your skills.
12 :: Tell me how many languages do you speak?
With the advent of globalization and outsourcing, it is very important to know more than one language, so as to be better placed to interact with all kinds of clients.
To answer this question, provide the languages and the level of knowledge write/read/speak for each.
Read MoreTo answer this question, provide the languages and the level of knowledge write/read/speak for each.
13 :: What experience do you have with the personal computer?
Talk about what programs you've worked on and what you've done on these programs.
Read More14 :: Give us an example of your ability to work independently?
Any examples from your prior job, school, college.
Read More15 :: Suppose one of your assignments in this position will be to type letters. If your assignment included filing the letters, how would you file them?
Tell us about your experience in either working with the public or in customer service.
The more public contact or customer service the better. Improve your answer by including a situation where you provided exemplary service.
Read MoreThe more public contact or customer service the better. Improve your answer by including a situation where you provided exemplary service.
16 :: How would you deal with an irate person?
Your steps should include let the customer vent, listen, identify the problem, and follow up to resolve the problem.
Read More17 :: Do you have anything to add?
Summarize by emphasize your qualifications as they apply to this job. Also cover anything you missed from your opening.
Read More18 :: Why should we hire you as police records clerk position?
This is the part where you link your skills, experience, education and your personality to the job itself. This is why you need to be utterly familiar with the job description as well as the company culture. Remember though, it's best to back them up with actual examples of say, how you are a good team player. It is possible that you may not have as much skills, experience or qualifications as the other candidates. What then, will set you apart from the rest? Energy and passion might. People are attracted to someone who is charismatic, who show immense amount of energy when they talk, and who love what it is that they do. As you explain your compatibility with the job and company, be sure to portray yourself as that motivated, confident and energetic person, ever-ready to commit to the cause of the company.
Read More19 :: Tell me something about yourself, your past experiences and academic background?
I completed my high school in 2012. Since then, I have been working in diverse administration and clerical capacities. I had been working as a Receptionist at Global Resource Solutions for 10 months and currently I am working as an Admin Clerk with welco.
Read More20 :: Explain your qualities that would you bring to us?
Profound communication ability including grammar, punctuation, proofreading, spelling and telephone skills.
Read More21 :: Tell me what need to be careful about while performing large amount of data entry?
One must be careful about precision and high accuracy when performing data entry. This can be achieved by putting in a great attention to the detail. Data has to be compared for verification of accuracy and completeness so that any possible discrepancies are identified and eliminated with appropriate corrective measures. The data entered should be presentable.
Read More22 :: Tell me are you familiar with State and Federal requirements for mailing and receiving couriers?
I am experienced in preparing/packaging parcels and documents for mailing and sending couriers using state and private courier services following all legal requirements.
Read More23 :: Tell me what types of specialized clerical equipment can you proficiently use?
I am skilled in using a multitude of office equipment including:
► Multi-line telephone system
► Laser/dot printers
► Photocopy machines
► Fork lifters
► Large puncturing machines
► Scanners
Read More► Multi-line telephone system
► Laser/dot printers
► Photocopy machines
► Fork lifters
► Large puncturing machines
► Scanners
25 :: Tell me where you see yourself in the next ten years?
I plan to pursue my study and obtain a bachelor's degree in business administration while working with you as an Admin Clerk. It will help me excel in your company as well and by the end of ten years I might be promoted for my excellent work to the administration director position.
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