Unity Developers Question:

Explain why Time.deltaTime should be used to make things that depend on time operate correctly?

Unity 3D Developer Interview Question
Unity 3D Developer Interview Question


Real time applications, such as games, have a variable FPS. They sometimes run at 60FPS, or when suffering slowdowns, they will run on 40FPS or less.

If you want to change a value from A to B in 1.0 seconds you can't simply increase A by B-A between two frames because frames can run fast or slow, so one frame can have different durations.

The way to correct this is to measure the time taken from frame X to X+1 and increment A, leveraging this change with the frame duration deltaTime by doing A += (B-A) * DeltaTime.

When the accumulated DeltaTime reaches 1.0 second, A will have assumed B value.

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