Physics Teacher Question:

Explain what do I do when I receive two equally good offers around the same time, but one is for a short-term job, such as a postdoc, and the other is for a longer-term duration, such as a permanent job in a company?

Physics Teacher Interview Question
Physics Teacher Interview Question


You will have to make a personal choice. Make sure you have all the information about each offer in order to make an informed decision. Carefully compare the offers analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) associated with each position. What strengths will you be able to leverage and expand? What are the position's weaknesses, and can they be remedied? What opportunities will come your way to improve and learn skills, gain access to new networks, and collaborate with professionals? What threats might there be to your career? That is, could you lose time away from what you really want to do? Is it in a location that for one reason or another can't work for you? These questions apply to both short-term and permanent positions.

You might also choose to tell the interviewer that you have received other offers and that you are carefully weighing your options. However, if you do this, your interviewer might think you are employing a negotiation tactic.

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