Bartending Question:

Explain me about a difficult customer you had to handle and what you did to resolve the situation?

Bartending Interview Question
Bartending Interview Question


Have a story ready from your first job. For example, your first burger flipping job during high school when you were trying to save up for college. Let's say that you had a customer that came in and always wanted to special order a burger - and it was always during peak times when you were busy in the kitchen which slowed everything down. So, you talked to the customer and made him a deal. You told him that as soon as you saw him come in, you would start his special order burger with the next set of meat you put on the grill. He would simply order the same way and then step to the side and wait for his burger. This way, I was able to start his special order when I was ready and it didn't take a half hour for him to explain his order and for the cashier to find a way to punch it in.

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