Routers Question:
Explain internal routers components?

ROM:- Used to store the routers bootstrap details, operating system software.
Flash memory: - holds the operating systems images. The content is retained when the router is restarted.
RAM: - Used to store the Routing tables, configuration files, caching and buffering details. Content is lost when lost router is switched off or restarted.
NVRAM:- Stores the routers startup config files. Data is non volatile.
Network interfaces to connect router to network.
Flash memory: - holds the operating systems images. The content is retained when the router is restarted.
RAM: - Used to store the Routing tables, configuration files, caching and buffering details. Content is lost when lost router is switched off or restarted.
NVRAM:- Stores the routers startup config files. Data is non volatile.
Network interfaces to connect router to network.
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