Business Investment Question:

Explain What value is our stock trading at? Trading volume compared to bulge bracket firms?

Business Investment Interview Question
Business Investment Interview Question


Before going for an investment banking interview, go through the financial profiles of the bulge bracket firms and identify the highlights. Be aware of the rankings of the investment banking firms in various segments, such as advisory services or asset management. Stock movements are often a reaction to the latest happenings and have less to do with the company?s fundamentals. Study the recent stock price movements and be ready to answer questions related to a sharp movement in the share price or jumps in trading volume.

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Do you know What is the ATH decision, and what is it used for?Explain How might an organization sustain and win a price war?
► A) By having a lower cost structure
► B) By cross-subsidizing one business from another
► C) By having "deeper pockets" to fund short to medium term losses
► D) All of the above