Strategic Thinking Question:

Described a situation in which you had to make a decision when you didn't have all facts available. What process do you follow for making decisions for these different circumstances and were you satisfied with the results?

Strategic Thinking Interview Question
Strategic Thinking Interview Question


☛ Using available info - Based his process on the information to hand.
☛ Analyzing - Knows how to break complex issues into components.
☛ Critical Thinking - Considers the outcomes of varying course of actions.
☛ Investigating - Can take conclusions from different sources of data.
☛ Acting - Can make decisions without complete info. Doesn't hesitate to act and able to make sound decision patiently, but in a timely manner.
☛ Responsibility - Does not put off making a decision to avoid conflict, 'getting it wrong'. Not afraid to take risks to come to a solution. Doesn't delay actions because of outcomes or reactions.
☛ Studding - Demonstrate a lesson learned ability in order to progress.

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Tell me do you always make decisions on your own without help of others? In which situations do you seek other's help for the decision-making?Tell me which occasions do you recognize that you need other's help? Do you always use established procedures to ensure that correct action is taken?