Infosys Question:

Suppose 9 cards are there. you have to arrange them in a 3*3 matrix. cards are of 4 colors. They are red, yellow, blue and green.
Conditions for arrangement: one red card must be in first row or second row.
2 green cards should be in 3rd column.
Yellow cards must be in the 3 corners only.
Two blue cards must be in the 2nd row.
Atleast one green card in each row?

Infosys Interview Question
Infosys Interview Question


Yellow Red Green
Blue Blue Green
Yellow Green Yellow

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Can you please explain the difference between EXE and a DLL?In a soap company a soap is manufactured with 11 parts. For making one soap you will get 1 part as scrap. At the end of the day u have 251 such scraps. From that how many soaps can be manufactured?