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#1 2012-03-28 06:56:55
- AgentVinod12
- Agent Vinod
- From: India
- Registered: 2012-03-23
- Posts: 1,149
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WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Interview Questions And Answers
Microsoft .Net Technologies :: WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Job Interview Questions and Answers
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) frequently Asked Questions in various WCF job Interviews by interviewer. Get preparation of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) job interview
1 What is Fault Contract in WCF?
2 We have already 2 hostings IIS and self hosting. There is another hosting ie WAS Hosting. What is the use of the WAS(Windows activation Service) compared to other hosting?
3 What is the main advantage of WAS? (Windows activation service) When it is used?
4 What is overloading in WCF? How to do authentication in WCF.?
5 Explain Different ways to host WCF service?
6 Explain What is DataContract and ServiceContract?
7 Could the IIS-hosted WCF service make use of HTTP transport security if the IIS virtual derectory that contains the service does not support it?
8 Do we have to use the relative addresses when hosting in the IIS or the absolute addresses? Why?
9 What hosting functionality is unique for the Vista OS?
10 Is the MsmqIntegrationBinding used the msmq.formatname scheme or the net.msmq scheme?
11 Explain Can we use the public queues without the Windows domain? If cannot then why?
12 Tell me Is there an error in the Msmq address the "net.msmq://MyHost/private$/MyQueue"?
13 When is the MsmqIntegrationBinding or the NetMsmqBinding used?
2012-03-28 06:56:55
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