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#1 2019-02-27 05:38:44
90 Most Common Procurement Manager Interview Questions And Answers
Logistics :: Procurement Manager Job Interview Questions and Answers
Procurement Manager related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Procurement Manager. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts
1 Suppose I Would Like Special Markings On My Supplies. Is This Possible?
2 Suppose I Have A Family Member Who Is A Supplier To The University. What Should I Do?
3 Explain me what Is Value For Money?
4 Explain me why Do Evaluation Criteria Need To Be Agreed In Advance?
5 Suppose I Am Having Problems With A Supplier. What Do I Need To Do?
6 Tell me how Do I Get A Supplier Added To Oracle For Tendering?
7 Tell me why Does It Take So Long To Do An Eu Tender?
8 Tell me does It Not Cost More To Buy Something Sustainable?
9 Tell us what process do you go through when conducting a sourcing initiative?
10 Explain me have you used a vendor management software?
11 Explain me if a department wants to order equipment that’s beyond budget, what would you do?
12 Do you know what is risk management?
13 Tell us as an in procurement, what would you say is the difference between strategic sourcing and Purchase?
14 Tell us what Is The Objective Of Unicef Procurement Services?
15 Explain me how Are The Funds Transferred By A Procurement Services Partner Recorded And Managed By Unicef?
16 Tell me what Is The Difference Between Standard And Non-standard Mous And Who Must Approve And Sign A Mou?
17 Suppose My Purchase Is From Grant Funding. Do The University’s Procedures Still Apply?
18 Explain me what Happens If I Realise I Have Missed Something From The Specification After The Tender Document Has Been Issued But Before The Tender Documents Have Been Received From Suppliers?
19 Tell us why Does Financial Approval Take Place After The Sourcing In Acquire But Before On The Paper Based System?
20 Suppose I Am Out In The Field And Am Unable To Seek Approval From My Approver, What Do I Do?
21 As you know I Am Not Sure Of The Exact Spending For My Requirement, But It Is Likely To Be Close To £170k. Does This Need To Be An Eu Tender?
22 Suppose I Have Items That I Wish To Remove From My College Or Department. What Do I Need To Do?
23 Tell us how do you define cost savings in a way that will be embraced by executive management ?
24 Explain me are you familiar with UCC (Uniform Commercial Code)?
25 Do you know which are the key procurement metrics?
26 Explain me how would you implement a cost-saving, value-building initiative across the entire organization?
27 Do you know what Services Are Offered Via The Procurement Services Mechanism?
28 Tell us what Steps Does A Partner Need To Take To Order Through Procurement Services?
29 Tell us what Happens If I Realise I Have Missed Something From The Specification After The Tender Documents Have Been Received From Suppliers?
30 Suppose I Am Responsible For Requisitioning On Behalf Of A Department That Uses Acquire. How Long Will It Take For My Requisition To Be Dealt With?
31 Tell me why Can I Not Give My Card To Somebody Else To Use On My Behalf?
32 Suppose as Durham University Obtains Funding From Sources Other Than The Public Sector, Are We Still Classed As A Public Body?
33 Tell us what factors would you consider if you had to produce cost savings in a short time frame?
34 Explain me how do you keep records of supplies?
35 Tell us what is the most difficult lesson you’ve learned during your time in procurement?
36 Please explain why Does Unicef Offer Procurement Services?
37 Suppose I Have Been Offered A Gift By A Supplier, What Should I Do?
38 Suppose I Need To Buy Some Equipment That Fits In With Other Equipment. Can I Specify That?
39 Suppose I Know The Supplier I Want, How Do I Identify This To The Procurement Service?
40 Suppose if we buy a customized product from a single source, how will you know if the price is fair?
41 Tell us what is a purchase requisition and how would you process it?
42 Please explain the purchasing process step-by-step?
43 Tell us a situation in which you’ve overcome the objections of a difficult stakeholder?
44 Tell me where Can I Find Details About The Commodities Available Under Procurement Services?
45 Explain me a Supplier Has Offered To Take Me Out For Lunch, What Should I Do?
46 Tell me what Happens If I Do Not Want To Award The Contract Or Tender To The Supplier Ranked In First Position?
47 Explain me there Is Only One Supplier Able To Carry Out This Work. Why Do You Still Need To Do A Tender?
48 How to all we have is raw purchasing transaction data. What can you do to make sense of it?
49 Suppose I Have A Need To Buy Items Totaling £1,200. Can I Have My Card Limit Raised For This Transaction?
50 Explain me what’s The Process For Signing A Standard Mou?
51 Do you know how Does Unicef Ship Supplies?
52 Suppose I Have A Need To Buy Items Totaling £1,200. Can I Not Raise This As 2 Card Transactions?
53 Tell us how will you go about determining this company’s purchasing patterns?
54 Explain me how Do You Build a Sourcing Strategy?
55 Tell us how Long Will It Take To Receive The Order?
56 Do you know how Is Spend Analysis Conducted?
57 Do you know who Decides If We Do Our Own Tender Or Use A Consortia Agreement?
58 Explain me what techniques do you use to accelerate progress on your projects?
59 Explain me your top three career accomplishments?
60 Tell us how can we reduce our risk through better contract language?
61 Tell us are There Any Advantages To Still Being Classed As A Public Body?
62 Tell us can We Negotiate To Bring The Suppliers Price Down?
63 Tell us what are some appropriate remedies for a supplier’s failure to perform?
64 Tell me who Decides Which Eu Process Will Be Undertaken?
65 Do you know what Is A Contract Management Log?
66 Tell me a Supplier Has Phoned For A Discussion On A Tender, What Should I Do?
67 Explain me how Are Suppliers Selected?
68 Explain me how Will I Know What To Include In The Specification?
69 Explain me your negotiation skills and tactics?
70 Tell me how Do I Raise A Capital Equipment Requisition In Acquire?
71 Tell me can I Be Involved In Contract Management?
72 Do you know in What Languages Are Standard Mous Available?
73 Suppose I Need To Write My First Specification And I Don’t Know Where To Start?
74 Explain me how do you decide if you need a contract for a purchase or not?
75 Explain me what would make you search for a new supplier?
76 Do you know Stakeholders Influence Sourcing Strategies?
77 Tell me does Unicef Make A Profit From Procurement Services?
78 Suppose I Am A Grade 4 Administrator In A Department. Can I Have A Card?
79 Tell us what Information Is Deemed To Be Confidential?
80 Tell us what Else Do I Need To Do If I Am Buying Research Equipment?
81 Explain me why Must All Suppliers Is Given The Same Information?
82 Explain me why Do We Need To Address Social Issues Within Tenders?
83 Please explain what tools do you use to keep track of progress on your projects?
84 Suppose I Have Already Obtained Quotes. What Should I Do With Them?
85 Tell us when Can The Partner Expect A Statement Of Account?
86 Explain me a Supplier Has Not Sent Me A Receipt For A Transaction. What Do I Do?
87 Suppose I Have An Urgent Requirement, What Do I Need To Do?
88 Tell us how do you negotiate with a difficult supplier?
89 Explain me who Conducts The Market Research?
90 Tell me why Do I Need To Complete A Grn?
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