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#1 2015-04-20 05:48:20

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WPF Interview Questions And Answers

Applications Programs :: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Job Interview Questions and Answers

WPF Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a graphical subsystem for rendering user interfaces in Windows-based applications. WPF, previously known as Avalon, was initially released as part of .NET Framework 3.0. Designed to remove dependencies on the aging GDI subsystem, so learn more about WPF with the help of this WPF  Interview Questions with Answers guide

1 What is WPF?
2 What is XBAP?
3 What is XAML extensible markup language?
4 How can I enumerate all the descendants of a visual object?
5 How can I create Custom Read-Only Dependency Properties?
6 How can I mark the default value of a custom dependency property to be false?
7 How can I set an attached property in code?
8 How can I use an application resource?
9 List the types of documents which are supported by WPF?
10 Define Freezable objects in WPF?
11 Is WPF has replaced DirectX?
12 Explain the difference between Silverlight and WPF browser application?
13 Which methods present in the DependencyObject?
14 How size of StatusBar increased proportionally?
15 Can we use Windows Forms in a WPF application?
16 Define CustomControl briefly?
17 List the common assemblies used in WPF?
18 Why WPF preferred over Adobe Flash?
19 Described Path animations in WPF?
20 Described the purpose of dependency properties?
21 List the types of windows in WPF?
22 How elements in a ListBox sorted?
23 Explain the difference between MVVM and MVC?
24 How System.Windows.Media.Visual dll utilized in WPF?
25 Described routed events in WPF?
26 List the various layout panels in WPF?
27 List the important subsystems in WPF?
28 Which namespace required for working with 3D?
29 Can WPF applications made without XAML?
30 What is PRISM?
31 Explain the difference between Page and Window Controls in WPF?
32 What is BAML in WPF?
33 Define the attached Properties in WPF?
34 Define INotifyPropertyChanged Interface?
35 Describe the method to force close a ToolTip, which is currently visible?
36 What is UserControl?
37 Why layout panels are needed in WPF?
38 How to determine if a Freezable object is Frozen?
39 Describe the unit of measurement in WPF?
40 What is the Serialization?
41 Does MDI supported in WPF?
42 Define adorner?
43 Define XBAP?
44 How WPF and Silverlight are similar?
45 How you can make a ToolTip appear while hovering over a disabled element?
46 From where the execution start in WPF application?
47 Why ListBox made to scroll smoothly?
48 Tell me can Windows Service be created Using WPF?
49 Is it better to wrap items in ComboBoxItem?
50 How you can get Automation IDs of items in a ItemsControl?
51 How to command-line arguments be retrieved in a WPF application?
52 Which classes contain arbitrary content?
53 Which NameSpace has 'Thumb' and 'Popup' controls?
54 List the different kinds of Routed events in WPF?
55 Explain the difference between Events and Commands in the MVVM model?
56 What is MVVM pattern?
57 Explain the difference between DynamicResource and StaticResource?

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You cannot discover the new oceans unless you have the courage to lose the sight of the shore.

2015-04-20 05:48:20

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