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#1 2017-03-25 06:35:34

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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Astrologist Interview Questions And Answers

Arts :: Astrologist Job Interview Questions and Answers

Astrologist related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Astrologist. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

1 Explain me what’s a horoscope?
2 Explain what’s a Moon sign?
3 Tell me what are Astrological houses?
4 Suppose Astrology is so great, then why some predictions go wrong?
5 Tell me what about twins? They are born on the same day, location and almost the same time?
6 Tell me what is Panchanga or Almanac?
7 Tell me why people are more concerned about Kuja dosha (ill effect of Mars)?
8 Tell me can Astrology predict future?
9 Explain what are Astrological aspects?
10 Tell me what’s a Sun sign?
11 Tell me why is my birth time important?
12 Tell me what are Astrological aspects?
13 Tell me why the predictions given by two Astrologers on the same event differ? Doesn’t it prove Astrology is wrong?
14 Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Tarot reading, Crystal gazing, Graphology etc… Which one is reliable?
15 I came to know that in case of a woman, her left palm should be referred and in case of a man, it is the right palm. Is it so?
16 Tell me can I change my future? If everything is destined by God, then how Astrology can help me?
17 As you know these days every body claims being an Astrologer. How can I recognize a real Astrologer?
18 Some said that my birth star is not compatible with that of my prospective partner and hence we should not marry. Can you guide us in this regard?
19 Suppose I don’t have my birth details like date, time and place of birth. How can I know my future?
20 Tell me how gem stones influence our fate? How can I know which gem stone is suited for me?
21 Explain me Vedic Astrology predicts my future in one way and Western Astrology predicts my future in a different way – why is this disparity?
22 Tell me what’s the difference between a planetary transit and an aspect/alignment?
23 Do you know what’s a birth chart?
24 Aren’t the lines on the palm just creases formed by hand movement?
25 Tell me which planets are used in Astrology?
26 Do you know what is a Rising sign?
27 Explain me is there any scientific proof for Astrology?
28 Explain me does a short Life line represent a short life?
29 Explain what does it mean if I’m “on the cusp?”?
30 Tell me what is the difference between Sun sign and Moon sign?
31 Tell me why should I believe in Astrology?
32 Please explain what is a chart wheel?
33 Explain me Is astrology about fate or free will?
34 Tell me why should I go to an Astrologer and not a Psychologist?

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