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#1 2016-02-22 04:25:42
Polio Eradication Officer Interview Questions And Answers
Education and Science :: Polio Eradication Officer Job Interview Questions and Answers
Polio Eradication Officer Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Polio Eradication Officer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts
1 What are the effects of polio?
2 Why is so much focus placed on polio, but not on other diseases?
3 How many doses of OPV does a child need before they are protected?
4 What about protection from other diseases?
5 Could polio spread to other polio-free countries?
6 Is it realistic to expect an end to the transmission of the polio virus by the end of 2013 - as it is the clearly stated objective in Pakistan's National Emergency Action Plan 2013?
7 What is the Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance?
8 Why are some industrialized countries using a different vaccine for polio than developing countries?
9 What is polio?
10 What will it take to eradicate polio?
11 How is polio transmitted?
12 Where does wild polio virus continue to circulate today?
13 What are the symptoms of polio?
14 Who is at risk of catching polio?
15 What is the Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
16 Why do polio vaccinators come directly to people's houses?
17 Why do some children get infected by polio even after having received multiple doses?
18 How does environmental surveillance help to detect polio?
19 Is OPV safe for sick children and newborns?
20 Does the oral polio vaccine have any side effects?
21 Should a child receive OPV during polio campaigns and routine immunization?
22 What is the Islamic guidance on polio vaccine?
23 Why so many vaccination campaigns?
24 Why are children given oral polio vaccines?
25 Is it safe to administer multiple doses of OPV to children?
26 Is there a cure for polio?
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2016-02-22 04:25:42
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