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#1 2019-09-12 07:46:41

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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69 Most Common Nephrologist Interview Questions And Answers

Medical Science :: Nephrologist Job Interview Questions and Answers

Nephrologist based Frequently Asked Questions in various Nephrologist job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting

1 What is kidney failure?
2 What is kidney disease?
3 What is acute tubular (TOO-byoo-lur) necrosis (neh-KRO-sis) (ATN)?
4 What is anemia (uh-NEE-mee-uh)?
5 What is chronic kidney disease?
6 What is congenital (kun-JEN-ih-tul) nephrotic (nef-RAH-tik) syndrome?
7 What is dialysis solution?
8 What is Glomerular (gloh-MEHR-yoo-ler) filtration rate (GFR)?
9 What is immunosuppressant (ih-MYOON-oh-suh-PRESS-unt)?
10 What is membrane?
11 What is urea (yoo-REE-uh)?
12 What is urinary (YOOR-ih-NEHR-ee) tract?
13 What is wegener’s granulomatosis (GRAN-yoo-LOH-muh-TOH-sis)?
14 What is amyloidosis?
15 What is pyelonephritis?
16 What is diuretic?
17 Tell me what is graft?
18 What is kidney?
19 What is kt/V (kay-tee over vee)?
20 What is kidney Transplant?
21 What is renal osteodystrophy (AH-stee-oh-DIS-truh-fee)?
22 What is urine (YOOR-in)?
23 What is diabetic kidney disorder?
24 What is albuminuria (AL-byoo-mih-NOO-ree-uh)?
25 What is biopsy (BY-op-see)?
26 What is cystinuria (SIS-tih-NOO-ree-uh)?
27 Who is donor?
28 What is erythropoietin (eh-RITH-roh-POY-uh-tin)?
29 What is vesicoureteral (VESS-ih-koh-yoo-REE-ter-ul) reflux?
30 What is renal insufficiency?
31 What is analgesic (AN-ul-JEE-zik)-associated kidney disease?
32 What is dialyzer (DY-uh-LY-zur)?
33 What is glomerulosclerosis (gloh-MEHR-yoo-loh-skleh-ROH-sis)?
34 What is Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)?
35 What is renal tubular (TOOB-yoo-lur) acidosis (ASS-ih-DOH-sis)?
36 What is urinalysis (yoor-in-AL-ih-sis)?
37 What is hypertension (chronic hypertension)?
38 What is alport syndrome (AL-port SIN-drome)?
39 What is blood urea (yoo-REE-uh) nitrogen (NY-truh-jen) (BUN)?
40 What is diabetes (dy-uh-BEE-teez) insipidus (in-SIP-ih-dus)?
41 What is IgA nephropathy (nef-RAHP-uh-thee)?
42 What is nuclear (NEW-klee-ur) scan?
43 What is uremia (yoo-REE-mee-uh)?
44 What is vascular (VASS-kyoo-lur) access?
45 What is amyloidosis (AM-ih-loy-DOH-sis)?
46 What is diabetes (dy-uh-BEE-teez)?
47 What is hemolytic (HEE-moh-LIT-ik) uremic (yoo-REE-mik) syndrome (SIN-drome) (HUS)?
48 What is intravenous (IN-truh-VEE-nus) pyelogram (PY-loh-gram)?
49 What is renal cysts (SISTS)?
50 What is transplant?
51 What is Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)?
52 What is electrolytes (ee-LEK-troh-lites)?
53 What is catheter (KATH-eh-ter)?
54 What is lupus (LOO-pus) nephritis (nef-RY-tis)?
55 What is ureteroscope (yoo-REE-tur-uh-scope)?
56 What is interstitial (IN-ter-STISH-ul) nephritis (nef-RY-tis)?
57 What is end-stage renal (REE-nul) disease (ESRD)?
58 Explain me what is Blood Pressure?
59 What is electrolyte disorders?
60 What is creatinine (kree-AT-ih-nin)?
61 What is nephrotic syndrome?
62 What is hormone?
63 What is glomerulonephritis?
64 What is polycystic (PAHL-ee-SIS-tik) kidney disease (PKD)?
65 What is creatinine clearance?
66 What is polycystic kidney disorder?
67 What is dry weight?
68 What is Goodpasture syndrome?
69 Do you know what is cholesterol?

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