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#1 2017-11-09 15:02:15
- shakeel123
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- Registered: 2017-09-21
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Complete the following equations with arithmetical signs (+, -, x...
Army PAF Navy Police Rescue 1122 Exams Quizzes MCQ Quizzes Intelligence Test Online 1 Assigning Mathematical Signs
Complete the following equations with arithmetical signs (+, -, x, ÷):
(8 8) 4=12
Option A):
x, -
Option B):
+, -
Option C):
-, ÷
Option D):
x, ÷
Correct Answer is Option B):
+, -
Top Exams Quizzes MCQs And Interview Questions With Answers Forum:
2017-11-09 15:02:15
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Re: Complete the following equations with arithmetical signs (+, -, x...