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#1 2014-07-09 05:12:14
Personal Interview Questions And Answers
Basic Common :: Personal Job Interview Questions and Answers
Personal job Interview preparation guide. Number of Personal Interview frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in various interviews
1 Tell me why did you choose this career?
2 Tell us why should we hire you?
3 Explain how to execute 1000 test cases manually in a single day? What kind of testing methodology do I have to use?
4 Can I wear flat bottom tie in interview?
5 Excluding stopages, the speed of the bus is 54 km/hr and including stopages, it is 45 km/hr. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour?
6 If HR says your communication skills are weak, what are the sources to work on the communication skills, missing words?
7 What is TDS and VAT?
8 Suppose Mr. Shah decided to walk down the escalator of a tube station. He found that if he walks down 26 steps, he requires 30 seconds to reach the bottom. However, if he steps down 34 stairs he would only require 18 seconds to get to the bottom. If the time is measured from the moment the top step begins to descend to the time he steps off the last step at the bottom, find out the height of the stair way in steps?
9 What are the precautions taken by an interviewee when interviewer asked the Question tell me about you?
10 If you have to start working at this project tomorrow, what would you do tonight?
11 Give a specific example of a time when you used good judgement and logic to solve a problem?
12 Tell me what are your +ve and -ve qualities?
13 How prepare for Group discussion topics? Help me giving some GD topics and answers for that?
14 Suppose you are shortlisted for what reason you will leave the company in future?
15 " You will be hearing very soon from us" I did not get exactly what does it means? Is it negative or positive indication?
16 Tell us where do you want to be, in 3-5 years time?
17 What is volatile keyword in embedded C? Explain with example? What is the difference between typedef and #define?
18 Explain what are the tips for self development?
19 Tell me If you think a piece of code should work one way, and the developer says it should work another way, what would you do to resolve the conflict?
20 Explain an example of time when you developed a presentation for a challenging audience. What was the result.Describe a time when you had difficulty communicating your thoughs clearly to another person. What type of situation? What was the message you ried to convey. Did you get your point across? What was the outcome?
21 You are a systems administrator and have just arrived at work. You are told by the helpdesk that the CEO cant boot up his laptop and he has tried several times without success, the CFO cant print a report he needs for a meeting he has to go to in 15 minutes, and nobody in the company can get or send emails. Who would you help first?
22 Tell me If you are a team leader and one of your team member is not getting his target completed on daily basis. You did a lot of conversation with him, but no result. what should you do?
23 Tell us how would you describe your ideal job?
24 Explain how do you handle conflict?
25 Tell me when you have been told or discovered for yourself, a problem in your job performance, what have you typically done? Can you give me an example?
26 Do you know what is the biggest mistake that you have done? How you have overcome it?
27 Tell me what are the main phases/activities of System Development Life Cycle and if you where asked to skip a phase by your boss, what would you answer?
28 Explain what activities do you undertake on a regular basis to update yourself on the best practices in programming and software development?
29 How confident are you in programming?
30 State briefly why you have applied for this position?
31 Tell me what personal characteristics do you feel you possess that would be an asset to the position for which your applying for?
32 What is your future plan if Permanently Employed?
33 Why should we hire you over others waiting to be interviewed?
34 Tell me did you have to cooperate with someone in your previous projects? Did someone ever differ in opinion with you and how did you resolve it?
35 What is the Role of IT Support in Big Corporate Companies how do they deal with or what do they do?
36 Tell me what is the use of data warehousing in the general life?
37 Tell me can you come up with a 60 day goal plan?
38 Tell me which project are most proud of?
39 Explain how was your progress measured? How were u rated?
40 Tell me why did u join the company that you are now working for?
41 Tell us have you ever slipped any schedule?
42 Tell me why would you like to leave job at your current organization?
43 Tell me why you are asking for 100% hike in the salary?
44 Explain what is the use of taking mechanical engineer for a software company? How mechanical engineer can contribute to a software company?
45 What do you say if HR is asking why you are looking for a change?
46 Why do you want to be in software field?
47 What is the best way to answer technical question during a Interview, during a recent interview I was asked how to remove and add profiles. Does interviewer look for keywords or phase in the response?
48 Why you have low percentage in your first year, while good marks in other years?
49 What are my weaknesses. I dont really know my weaknesses. I know my strengths. Can you give me some examples of weaknesses?
50 Explain array?
51 Can you come up with an year plan?
52 Tell me If there is a fixed deadline given by manager, walk through the steps you would take?
53 Explain how to answer a question that how can u contribute to software from electrical background?
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2014-07-09 05:12:14
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