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#1 2014-05-24 11:19:08
NoSQL Interview Questions And Answers
Basic and Advance databases programming :: NoSQL Job Interview Questions and Answers
NoSQL frequently Asked Questions in various NoSQL job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting
1 What is Not Only SQL (NoSQL)?
2 Can you please explain the difference between NoSql vs Relational database?
3 Do you know how Cassandra writes?
4 Please tell me what is impedance mismatch in Database terminology?
5 Do you have any idea about Aggregate-oriented databases?
6 Do you know what is the key difference between Replication and Sharding?
7 What is Cassandra?
8 What is Pros?
9 What is Cons?
10 What is Cassandra Data Model?
11 Explain Flume?
12 Explain "Polyglot Persistence" in NoSQL?
13 Tell me what are the pros and cons of Graph database?
14 Explain the modes of operation that Flume supports?
15 What is JAQL?
16 What is Apache HBase?
17 What is Hive?
18 What is BigSQL?
19 Tell me how Big SQL works?
20 What is Impala?
21 What is data wizard?
22 Explain the features of BigSQL?
23 Explain the drawbacks of Impala?
24 Explain the drawbacks and limitations associated with Hive?
25 What do you know about Impala?
26 Explain some benefits of Impala?
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2014-05-24 11:19:08
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