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#1 2013-09-16 17:05:38
Action Script Interview Questions And Answers
World Wide Web :: Action Script Job Interview Questions and Answers
Action Script frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Action script. These interview questions and answers on Action Script will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the Action Script job interview
1 How to write a program use a text field and display it using the ActionScript?
2 Do you know what are the different primitive data types used in ActionScript?
3 How to write a program to show the external ActionScript?
4 Explain what are the data types supported by ActionScript?
5 Can you explain what are the complex data types used in ActionScript?
6 Tell me what are the features involved in updating a language?
7 Can you explain what does the void function and object contain in ActionScript?
8 Do you know what is the difference between an Array and Vector?
9 Explain what are the different utils libraries in ActionScript?
10 Tell me what are the functions used with flash media?
11 How to write a program that shows the usage of data types?
12 Can you explain what are the changes presented by ActionScript?
13 Tell me what are the different ways in which the variables can be assigned?
14 Do you know what does reference means in ActionScript?
15 Can you explain what are the differences between JavaScript and ActionScript?
16 Do you know how does removal of actual objects and data work in ActionScript?
17 How to write a program to create custom list in ActionScript?
18 Do you know what are the ways in which ActionScripts code can be protected?
19 Explain what are the features provided by ActionScript 3.0?
20 Tell me what is the main purpose of ActionScript?
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2013-09-16 17:05:38
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