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#1 2012-03-26 10:36:25
- AgentVinod12
- Agent Vinod
- From: India
- Registered: 2012-03-23
- Posts: 1,149
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Job Knowledge Interview Questions And Answers
Basic Common :: Job Knowledge Interview Questions and Answers
1 In which areas of your job do you feel capable and in which areas to you feel more comfortable utilizing other peoples experience?
2 In what specific areas do you need to expand your knowledge to become more proficient at this job?
3 In which areas do you consider yourself to be a specialist, and how do you envisage being able to utilize your expertise within our organization?
4 When did you last volunteer to take a work project simply because it allowed you to expand your personal knowledge of the internal structure within your company?
5 Describe a recent occasion when you used your knowledge of the internal structure, within your company, to answer complex questions about the organization?
6 Can you suggest methods to utilize your knowledge of the companys structure to improve relationships with our customers and clients?
2012-03-26 10:36:25
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