Nutritionist Interview Questions And Answers

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Strengthen your Nutritionist interview skills with our collection of 57 important questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Nutritionist interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Download the free PDF now to get all 57 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your Nutritionist interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

57 Nutritionist Questions and Answers:

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Nutritionist Job Interview Questions and Answers
Nutritionist Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain what are dietary Antioxidants?

Dietary antioxidants comprise of Selenium, Vitamin A and related Carotenoids, Vitamin C and E.
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2 :: Explain why Anti-oxidants are important for your body?

Antioxidants are substance that may protect cells in your body from free radicals. Free radicals can damage your tissue cells; it is formed when your body or tissue cells are exposed to certain chemicals, pollution, radiation, etc.
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3 :: Explain do calcium supplements interfere with medications?

Calcium does interact with several medication in different ways like antibiotics, diuretics, laxatives, etc. It will have an effect on the absorption process of medication or vice versa. It is always advisable to take physician advice on its intake and at what duration you can have it.
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4 :: Tell me which egg is more nutritious white or brown?

Both eggs has same nutritional value; they are rich in protein, vitamin and most important nutrient choline which is responsible for brain development and function. One egg may provide half of your daily requirement of choline.
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5 :: Explain why would you be the best Dietitian for our hospital?

I am a very determined person. I strive to be the best I can possibly be in all aspects of my life and I would see my career as no exception. I am a very caring individual also and feel I have a nice manner with patients.
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6 :: Tell us how much water should an individual consumer per day?

☛ Men: 13 cups (3 liters) of water per day
☛ Women: 9 Cups ( 2.2 liters) of water per day
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7 :: Tell us what areas of medical nutrition therapy interest you the most? Why?

Diabetes. It's a growing problem and from my previous work experience, some sufferers still don't know the basic facts.
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8 :: Tell me what was your favorite teaching experience? What made it so enjoyable?

I did a conversation map group session on diabetes and covered the topics of packaging and labelling and found it quite enjoyable. I'm a natural introvert and find it difficult to speak with large groups of people but this group were very nice and were interested in what I had to say. The session was very interactive and thankfully I was able to answer any questions they had for me.
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9 :: Explain why did you choose to pursue a career as a Dietitian and Nutritionist?

I was really interested in the relationship between diet and disease. Nutrition is often overlooked as a solution (or part of the solution) to a medical issue.
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10 :: Explain what relationship do you think that the Kitchen and the Clinical Nutrition Department staffs should have?

I think it should be a very open, symbiotic relationship. I feel that dietitians should be in the kitchens more frequently and have good relationships with the staff because they would be more willing to help you if you needed something extra for a patient.
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11 :: Tell me what is the intake of protein in diabetic?

About 15- 20% of your daily calorie should come from protein. However, a diabetic patient won't have any difference in their sugar level with high intake of protein, so they can consume food rich protein unless they have CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) related to diabetes.
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12 :: Tell me how do you keep current on the changing science of nutrition?

On twitter and the internet.
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13 :: Tell me what was the most recent dietitian study you have read?

I read a paper comparing the use of low- and high-carbohydrate diets for type 2 diabetes management. Both the LC and HC diets produced comparable weight loss and improvements in HbA1c and several CVD risk markers. LC diet had more favourable effects on triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and glycaemic control as shown by lower diabetes medication requirements and greater attenuation of diurnal blood glucose fluctuation. LC diets with high unsaturated fat and low saturated fat contents may be advantageous for T2DM management long-term.
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14 :: Tell me what is the most important point to remember in nutrition?

The most important thing in nutrition is moderation and diversity. One must consume all type of foods and in moderate amount, not in excess.
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15 :: Tell me what do you think are the most important skills or traits for a Dietitian and Nutritionist to have?

Caring, empathetic, conscienctious, team player, be able to work independently.
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16 :: Tell me suppose if you don't drink milk because of lactose intolerance where you can get calcium?

If you are not consuming milk due to lactose intolerance, you can get calcium from fat-free cheese and yogurt, canned sardines, orange juice and cereals.
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17 :: Tell me what relationship do you think that the Kitchen and the Clinical Nutrition Department staffs should have?

I think it should be a very open, symbiotic relationship. I feel that dietitians should be in the kitchens more frequently and have good relationships with the staff because they would be more willing to help you if you needed something extra for a patient.
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18 :: Tell me who was the best supervisor you ever had? What made this person so good to work for and with?

Lara Craft, We got along very well and she was close to my age. She was easy to approach and didn't make me feel silly about asking stupid question.
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19 :: Tell me how type 2 diabetes can be avoided?

Type 2 diabetes can be avoided by

☛ Eat snacks and meals throughout the day, and do not go longer without eating
☛ Restrict yourself to the food rich in sodium, fat and sugar
☛ Eat more fibre containing foods like vegetables, fruit and whole grains
☛ Drink water instead of sweetened beverages
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20 :: Clinical Nutritionist Interview Questions:

☛ Are there any particular populations you are most interested in advising?
☛ What are two nutrition related medical problems associated with children under 5 in WIC?
☛ How would you create a menu for a vegetarian on a high protein high calorie diet who doesn't consume dairy products?
☛ Describe a daily diet for a patient with Type 1 Diabetes.
☛ Describe a daily diet for a patient with Type 2 Diabetes.
☛ How would you council the parents of a child recently diagnosed with diabetes?
☛ Are you comfortable working with a geriatric population?
☛ What kind of menu would you put together for a "Rainbow Foods Week" at an elementary school?
☛ What nutrition advice would you give to a middle aged man with AIDS?
☛ Describe the diet you would proscribe for a patient looking to lose weight.
☛ Describe the diet you would proscribe for a patient who needed to gain weight.
☛ Do you have experience with home care?
☛ Do you have transportation for home visits?
☛ Have you had any experience with the Department of Health or The Joint Commission surveys?
☛ How do you stay up to date on the changing science of nutrition?
☛ What kind of diet would you recommend for a client who needs to gain weight?
☛ How to teach clients to keep a food diary?
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21 :: Interpersonal Nutritionist Interview Questions:

☛ Describe a time you mentored someone outside of addressing their nutrition.
☛ Share an experience you had in dealing with a difficult client and how you handled the situation.
☛ What is your go-to method for counseling individuals and groups on good nutrition and eating habits?
☛ What type of criticism are you most receptive to?
☛ Have you ever disagreed with a physician?
☛ How do you act in a group?
☛ Do you prefer to work with others or independently?
☛ How comfortable are you coordinating dietary recommendations with a physician?
☛ Describe how you turned a negative customer experience into a more positive one.
☛ Describe your counseling style.
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22 :: Communication Skills Based Nutritionist Interview Questions:

☛ How competent are you at writing, giving presentations and handling professional conversations?
☛ How often do you work with physicians or social workers?
☛ How would you deal with an angry client?
☛ What do you do with a dissatisfied customer?
☛ Describe your strengths as an educator.
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23 :: Clinical Dietitian Nutritionist Interview Questions:

☛ Describe your nutrition counseling recommendations for a 35 year old male recently diagnosed with AIDS who lives alone and is currently unemployed.
☛ A physician prescribes a 500 mg sodium diet for a 65 year old female with congestive heart failure. How would you respond to the physician's order?
☛ A 70 year old male with acute renal failure on mechanical ventilation recently had a g-tube placed. What form of medical nutrition therapy would you recommend?
☛ Tell me about a time when you had to concede your individual objectives to what was best for the department, company or facility.
☛ Tell me about a time when you motivated your employees or peers to adopt your ideas. What did you do and what were the results.
☛ How do you go about building trust with others? Give specific examples?
☛ An 85 year old female post CVA has estimated caloric needs of 1600 calories. In your assessment you have identified a trend for weight loss. What would your nutrition recommendations be?
☛ How would you correct a menu for a vegetarian on a high protein high calorie diet who doesn't consume dairy products.
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24 :: Operational and Situational Nutritionist Interview Questions:

☛ Which populations are you most interested in advising?
☛ Do you prefer advising individuals, or groups?
☛ Describe your experience with home care.
☛ How often do you work with social workers?
☛ How often do you work with physicians?
☛ How would you advise a client to keep a food diary?
☛ What kind of diet would you prescribe to a patient who was trying to lose weight?
☛ What kind of diet would you prescribe for a patient who was trying to gain weight?
☛ Describe your experience with pre-natal nutrition.
☛ What dietary recommendations are important for geriatric populations?
☛ What dietary recommendations are important for vegetarians?
☛ What might differentiate the diet of a patient with Type 1 diabetes from the diet of a patient with Type 2 diabetes?
☛ How would you put together a diet for a 30-something male recently diagnosed with AIDS?
☛ As a nutritionist, who would you consider to be your customers?
☛ Being an educator is part of your job. What makes you a good teacher?
☛ Recall a time you resolved a problem with an unhappy customer. How did you handle it?
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25 :: General Nutritionist Interview Questions:

☛ Why do you want the job?
☛ What can the company offer you?
☛ What can you offer the company?
☛ What are your weakest and strongest points? [Identify how can you sell your weak points to the employer. For example, if you are required to have managerial experience but cannot demonstrate this, you may be able to say that you have received management training and are looking forward to developing what you have learnt.]
☛ Think of a decision that you made within the last year that you are very proud of. Describe it. We all make decisions that we wish we could take back. Describe how you handled that.
☛ Tell me about a time when you worked with others who did not work well together. How did you deal with that?
☛ Tell me about a time when you saw an opportunity to improve something when no one else thought it needed improvement. What did you do?
☛ How do you prioritize multiple and conflicting demands? Give me a recent example.
☛ When were you most satisfied/dissatisfied in your work?
☛ Why should you be considered for this position?
☛ What are your short term (1 year) and long term (5 year) career goals?
☛ Be prepared for seemingly unexpected questions too. The interviewer may want to test your ability to think on your feet when they ask, "how do you want to be remembered when you die", or "describe your perfect day".
Nutritionist Interview Questions and Answers
57 Nutritionist Interview Questions and Answers
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