Driving Test Interview Preparation Guide
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Driving Test Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Driving is the controlled operation of a land vehicle, such as a car, truck or bus. Although direct operation of a bicycle and a mounted animal are commonly referred to as riding, such operators are legally considered drivers and are required to obey the rules of the road. Get preparation for a job of Driving with the help of this Driving Test Interview Questions with Answers guide

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Tricky  Driving Job Interview Questions and Answers
Tricky Driving Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: You should allow an extra coushion of space when?

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2 :: What should a driver do when backing up?

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3 :: Suppose if a large animal is in your path and you cant stop in time, you should?

Immediately gair down no matter what speed then push the break asap

6 :: How far back are you required to stop from railroad tracks?

1. 6 metres from the nearest rail.
2. 5 metres from the nearest rail.
3. 10 metres from the nearest rail.
4. 3 metres from the nearest rail.

Answer: B

7 :: If you are going into a curve too quickly, you should:

1. Slam on your brakes.
2. Pump the brakes, gradually slowing down until you can stop.
3. Pull the emergency brake and steer into the curve.
4. Ease off the accelerator, then speed up slightly as you regain traction.

Answer: D

8 :: When approached by an emergency vehicle with flashing lights and siren in operation, under what circumstances is it OK not to stop?

1. When on the opposite side of a divided highway median.
2. There's room for the emergency vehicle to pass you.
3. When your emergency is more important than theirs.
4. When you are able to stay ahead of the emergency vehicle.

Answer: A

9 :: When approached by an emergency vehicle with flashing lights and siren in operation, what should you do?

1. Ensure that you stay at least 150 metres ahead of the emergency vehicle.
2. Stop wherever you are.
3. Turn up the volume on the stereo.
4. Pull over to the curb and stop.

Answer: D

10 :: When do emergency vehicles with flashing lights and sirens have the right of way?

1. In intersections.
2. While driving on the righ side of the road.
3. In all circumstances.
4. While on your side of a divided median.

Answer: C

11 :: When pulling away from the curb, you should:

1. Shoulder check, then pull out when safe.
2. Check your rear-view mirror, then pull out when safe.
3. Signal, shoulder check, then pull out when safe.
4. Signal, check your rear-view mirror, then pull out when safe.

Answer: D

12 :: If your tire blows while driving you should:

1. Slam on the brakes, hold the wheel firmly, and pull over to the side of the road.
2. Drive as fast as you can to the nearest service station.
3. Take your foot off the gas, hold the wheel firmly, gently press on the brakes and steer in the direction you want to go; pull over as soon as you can.
4. Stop immediately so that you don’t ruin your tires even more.

Answer: C

13 :: If your gas pedal sticks and you cannot pull it up with your shoe you should:

1. Slam on the brakes.
2. Pull up your emergency brake.
3. Apply the brakes, look for an escape path, put the car in neutral and follow your escape path.
4. Keep driving until you run out of gas.

Answer: C

14 :: The best reason for not using a cellphone while driving is:

1. Your ability to see and hear hazards may be reduced.
2. Your car battery may wear down.
3. The reception may not be clear.
4. It may be difficult to hold on to the phone while driving.

Answer: A

15 :: When traveling in B.C. in the winter, it is a good idea to:

1. Carry a shovel, sand or salt, and warning flares.
2. Use snow tires and carry chains.
3. Make sure that snow and frost are removed from all your windows before you start driving.
4. All of the above.

Answer: D

16 :: If you begin to skid on black ice, what is the safest thing to do?

1. Accelerate and steer in the direction you want to go.
2. Brake and steer in the direction you want to go.
3. Ease off the accelerator and steer to the side of the road.
4. Ease off the accelerator and steer in the direction you want to go.

Answer: D

17 :: On wet roads you should be prepared to deal with:

1. Hydroplaning.
2. Loss of traction.
3. Poor visibility.
4. All of the above

Answer: D

18 :: To help prevent collision with an animal you should:

1. Scan the sides of the roadway ahead for animals.
2. Watch for animal crossing signs.
3. Be extra cautious at dusk and dawn.
4. All of the above.

Answer: D

19 :: Unless signs tell you otherwise, the speed limit in cities and towns is:

1. 80 km/h
2. 30 km/h
3. 50 km/h
4. 60 km/h

Answer: C

20 :: When a school bus displays flashing red lights:

1. You can pass on the left, as long as the bus is parked.
2. You must stop if you are behind the bus, but you can continue if you are approaching from the opposite direction.
3. You cannot pass the bus in either direction.
4. You should slow down to the school zone speed limit.

Answer: C

21 :: You may pass on the right when:

1. You are on a two or more-laned roadway.
2. A driver ahead of you is turning left, and it is safe to go around.
3. There is a paved shoulder.
4. A. and B. are correct

Answer: D

22 :: You should never pass in the oncoming lane in which circumstances?

1. On a curve.
2. Near or at the crest of a hill.
3. In an intersection.
4. All of the above.

Answer: D

23 :: When are you permitted to pass in the oncoming lane?

1. When there is a yellow double solid line in the center of the road.
2. When there is a broken yellow line in the center of the road.
3. When there is a broken white line in the center of the road.
4. You should never pass in the oncoming lane.

Answer: B

24 :: If you witness a crash you can offer assistance by:

1. Making sure your vehicle is parked away from the crash.
2. Calling for emergency services if necessary.
3. Staying with injured people until help arrives.
4. All of the above.

Answer: D

25 :: If you are in an accident you must:

1. Stop to give assistance and to give your name and insurance information to others involved in the accident.
2. Stop only if the accident is serious.
3. Stop only to check whether damage has occurred.
4. Stop to give assistance and to give your name and insurance information to others involved in the accident only if someone is injured.

Answer: A
Driving Interview Questions and Answers
Driving Interview Questions and Answers