Biology Interview Questions And Answers

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Optimize your Biology interview preparation with our curated set of 198 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Biology expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Secure the free PDF to access all 198 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Biology interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

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Biology Job Interview Questions and Answers
Biology Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Which is the largest digestive gland in our body?

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2 :: Vibration of this membrane moves 3 small bones that span the cavity of the middle ear:

Tympanic Membrane
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3 :: In many arthropods, the segments of the body are grouped into 3 distinct parts. Name all three parts:

And Abdomen
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4 :: What accessory organ allows bony fish to remain at a certain depth in the water without swimming?

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5 :: What three main parts make up the carpel of a plant?

Stigma, Style, And Ovary
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6 :: What is the vector for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

The Tick
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7 :: In plants, this naturally occurring auxin has the abbreviation IAA:

indole acetic acid
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8 :: What reflex causes the extension of the big toe and fanning of the other toes when the bottom of the foot is stroked?

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9 :: Parkinsons disease is caused by a lack of this neurotransmitter in the brain:

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10 :: What is the name of the inner surface of the myocardium that is lined with a layer of endothelial cells?

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11 :: A newborn babys immunity, which is acquired from the mother, is often referred to as:

1. active immunity
2. passive immunity
3. bistander immunity
4. physical immunity

Answer: B
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12 :: Which of the following is the term for when a segment of a chromosome rotates 180 degrees and rejoins the same chromosome:

1. deletion
2. inversion
3. translocation
4. duplication

Answer: B
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13 :: An example of negative feedback control is when:

1. the end product of a metabolic pathway inhibits an earlier reaction
2. the initial enzyme of a metabolic pathway inhibits a later reaction
3. the end product of a metabolic pathway stimulates an earlier reaction
4. the initial product of a metabolic pathway inhibits the next reaction

Answer: A
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14 :: Which of the following is true about a brain cell from a normal individual human:

1. some DNA sequences are present in multiple copies
2. most of the DNA codes for protein
3. most genes are transcribed
4. most genes are arranged in operon-like clusters

Answer: A
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15 :: Transfer RNA with an amino acid attached to it is called:

1. a charged tRNA
2. an amino acyl tRNA
3. a tRNA with an amino acid attached
4. t-primed RNA

Answer: B
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16 :: Which of the following does NOT belong to the Class Arachnida:

1. spider
2. tick
3. mite
4. shrimp

Answer: D
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17 :: DNA is produced from RNA:

1. by reverse transcriptase
2. by an oligoside
3. by DNA polymerase
4. in yeast as a protective measure

Answer: A
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18 :: Growth and development are synonymous, respectively, with which of the following:

1. division and multiplication
2. multiplication and division
3. multiplication and differentiation
4. zygote and embryo

Answer: C
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19 :: In the cell cycle, DNA synthesis occurs during:

1. mitosis
2. G1
3. G2
4. interphase

Answer: D
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20 :: The exchange of gases between blood and the tissue occurs normally in:

1. venules
2. arterioles
3. veins
4. capillaries

Answer: D
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21 :: Francesco Redi is known for an experiment that refuted which of the following theories:

1. the theory of spontaneous generation
2. phlogiston theory
3. the theory of bad humors
4. the theory that disease was caused by astrological events

Answer: A
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22 :: In a typical cell, cytokinesis overlaps with:

1. S phase
2. metaphase
3. anaphase
4. telophase

Answer: D
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23 :: Stems grow longer by creating new cells at their tips, in a region known as the:

1. terminal division section
2. terminal mitotic
3. shoot apical meristem
4. apical terminus

Answer: C
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24 :: Which of the following does NOT directly function in the cytoskeleton:

1. microtubules
2. microfilaments
3. spectrin
4. actin

Answer: C
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25 :: Physicians give patients immuno-suppressing drugs after an organ transplant to prevent:

1. infection
2. a graft verses host response
3. rejection of the transplant
4. viral infections

Answer: C
Biology Interview Questions and Answers
198 Biology Interview Questions and Answers
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