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What will cause the size of a stored procedure to grow in Sybase?


Any of the following will result in a stored procedure to grow when it is recompiled:
1. One of the tables used in the procedure is dropped and re-created.
2. A new rule or default is bound to one of the tables or the user runs sp_recompile on one of the tables.
3. The database containing the stored procedure is re-loaded.

Other things causing a stored procedure to be re-compiled will not cause it to grow. For example, dropping an index on one of the tables used in the procedure or doing EXEC WITH RECOMPILE.

The difference is between simple recompilation and re-resolution. Re-resolution happens when one of the tables changes in such a way that the query trees stored in sysprocedures may be invalid. The datatypes, column offsets, object ids or other parts of the tree may change. In this case, the server must re-allocate some of the query tree nodes. The old nodes are not de-allocated (there is no way to do this within a single procedure header), so the procedure grows. In time, trying to execute the stored procedure will result in a 703 error about exceeding the 64 page limit for a query.

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