MCSD.NET - 70-300 Exam Question:

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Suppose You need to implement online interactive user assistance for the new reservation application.
What should you do?
A. Create a manual that can be downloaded from the Web site
B. Create a compiled help module and use context-sensitive help for all screen elements
C. Implement ToolTips to provide information about all screen elements
D. Use the ALT attribute to provide a short textual description for all images and audio files.

MCSD.NET - 70-300 Interview Question
MCSD.NET - 70-300 Interview Question


C. Implement ToolTips to provide information about all screen elements

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Explain The Web application used by Business Planners generates many types of reports. One type
displays billing information over specified timeframes. The other selects a lawyer and a timeframe
and the report displays the average number of minutes billed by that lawyer per day and the
average number of minutes billed to each client per day over that timeframe. You must ensure
that this report is generated with a minimum network traffic. What should you do?
A. Use Microsoft SQL Server indexes to optimize the data calculations
B. Implement the calculations in a business layer class
C. Implement the calculations in a data layer class
D. Use Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures for the data calculations
Explain Your functional specification includes the following statement: User identity and a tirnestarnp
must be captured when a driver authenticates to the IVR application or the driver Web
application. In your technical specification, you need to specify the target where logged
messages should be written. Which target should you specify?
A. The sysmessages table in the Microsoft SOL Server master database
B. The Security event log
C. A table in the applications Microsoft SOL Server database
D. A custom event log