Sybase Certification Exam Question:
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Suppose All of the following tactics may reduce contention for cache spinlocks in an
ASE configured to support multiple online engines, except
A. Increasing the spinlock ratio
B. Creating additional named caches and binding frequently used tables to them
C. Creating partitions in heavily used caches
D. Returning to a single engine configuration


A. Increasing the spinlock ratio

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Suppose The titles table has 50,000 rows and a nonclustered index on the price
column. Which of the following queries use less logical I/Os?
A. select "Min" = min(price), "Max" = max(price) from titles
B. select "Min" = (select min(price) from titles), "Max" = (select max(price) from titles)
C. They will both use the same number of I/Os
Explain Which of the following can NOT have an assigned execution class
A. database
B. A stored procedure
C. An application
D. A login