Broadcasting Director Question:
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Basic Broadcasting Director Job Interview Questions:


☛ How have you “assembled your career” up to this point? (What key decisions? Why? How did this experience shape you as a reporter?)
☛ How does this job serve as your ideal career move at this time? (What draws you to this station? To this particular position?)
☛ We use a beat system. What is your experience working in a beat system? (What beats have you covered? What is your familiarity with this beat?)
☛ Reporters work quite independently but area part of a team. How have you worked independently? And part of a team? (Give example of successful decision-making on your own? Give example of how you’ve contributed to a team or relied on a team?)
☛ Taking into your account your level of familiarity with the local community? The region and the state? What are some of the major issues we should be covering? (What story ideas might we consider?)
☛ You’ll need to divide your work between daily news AND in-depth, enterprise coverage. What are some of the challenges of that dual demand? (Have you ever had to divide your work that way? How did you manage it?)
☛ Describe your familiarity with new media. To what extent do you welcome the opportunity to report in other media? What do you think of our current efforts?
☛ Please describe the different kinds of “live, on-air” experience you have? (How much of it?)
☛ When it comes to writing, how would you describe your style? (What techniques serve you well? What kinds of stories do you enjoy? How do you take to the editing process? Examples of these points?)
☛ Give us an overview of your technical skills and abilities. (What audio programs do you work with? Field gear? Console operation? web tools? Examples of proficiency?)
☛ Is there anything you would like to add to further qualify you for this position?
☛ If you were offered this position, when could you start?
☛ Are there any functions of this position that you are unable to perform?
☛ Do you have any questions?

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