Earth Science Interview Preparation Guide
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Earth Science Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Earth science also known as geoscience, the geosciences or the Earth sciences, is an all-embracing term for the sciences related to the planet Earth. It is arguably a special case in planetary science, the Earth being the only known life-bearing planet. So learn about the Earth Science or get preparation for the job of Earth Science with this Earth Science Interview Questions withe Answers guide

53 Earth Science Questions and Answers:

1 :: Which will most likely form when a steep mountain stream flows abruptly onto a flat plain:

1. delta
2. alluvial fan
3. braided stream
4. mid-channel bar

Answer: 2

2 :: When, in the geologic column, did dinosaurs become extinct:

1. at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
2. at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary
3. at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary
4. at the Permian-Triassic boundary

Answer: 1

3 :: When, in the geological time scale, did dinosaurs first appear:

1. Jurassic
2. Triassic
3. Cretaceous
4. Tertiary

Answer: 2

5 :: It is estimated that the temperature of the Earths core is:

1. as hot as the surface of the sun
2. much hotter than the surface of the sun
3. much cooler than the surface of the sun
4. it cannot be estimated

Answer: 1

6 :: Which of the following would give the best indication of how a rock was formed:

1. structure and color
2. mineralogy and texture
3. structure and weight
4. shape and size

Answer: 2

7 :: In determining the distance of an earthquake to its epicenter, which of the following is the most useful tool:

1. intensity of P-wave
2. intensity of S-wave
3. difference in intensity between P and S-waves
4. time interval between P-wave and S-wave arrival

Answer: 4

8 :: Which of the following is primarily involved in the movement of a glacier:

1. running water
2. ambient temperature
3. topology
4. gravity

Answer: 4

9 :: Of the following, which are clouds formed at the highest altitude:

1. altocumulus
2. altostratus
3. cirrocumulus
4. nimbostratus

Answer: 3

10 :: The Arctic Circle lies at which of the following latitudes:

1. 66 ½oNorth
2. 90oNorth
3. 66 ½oSouth
4. 90oSouth

Answer: 3